Papers on English
The Catcher In The Rye 5
Words: 1389 - Pages: 6.... allow people to express themselves as they are. He automatically assumes that they are "phony" because of their first impression towards him. He won't give them a chance to express themselves unless he decides that their first impression towards them makes them "likeable".
Although Phoebe Caulfield may be Holden's younger sister, she is someone whom Holden looks up to for support and advice. She is one of the few people he feels great affection for and he talks about her with obvious happiness. Everything that he says of Phoebe is something that brings contentment to him and he becomes gentle and avoids the jokes that usually fill .....
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The Birthmark
Words: 406 - Pages: 2.... by having these procedures done to them. These procedures enable society to achieve "perfection", much like Georgiana in the "Birthmark".
In the "Birthmark", a story that is more than a century old Georgiana and her husband Alymar are searching for physical perfection, much like we do today. In addition they manifested their obsession with physical perfection much like we do today. Georgiana was born with a crimson birthmark in the shape of a hand. This birthmark was on her cheek. One day Georgiana discovers that this birthmark "shocks" her husband and he is deeply bothered by it. Georgiana .....
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Sirens Of Titen
Words: 873 - Pages: 4.... and concern with larger, abstract questions,
transmits a greater sense of direction and
concreteness. Rather surprising, too, is the fact that
the novel with its science fiction orientation, with
its robots and near-robot humans, and with its several
central characters who are intentionally presented as
being rather cold-hearted, generates more human warmth
than Player Piano which is directly concerned with the
agonies of exploring and following conscience, emotion
and love. Three possible explanations for this
fenomenon present themselves: first, Vonnegut's skill
has grown in .....
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Our Town
Words: 965 - Pages: 4.... Emily Webb. After her death Emily chooses to return to her past, selecting her 12th birthday. Emily is soon returns to the cemetery, finding the whole experience saddening, as she realises the waste her life has been, taking everything for granted, not cherishing the smallest of treasures. Emily accepts death.
Throughout this seemingly simple plot Wilder illustrates the relationship of the individual to the vastness of the universe, in fact, it is the simplicity of the plot that allows this topic to be addressed.
I have been offered the position of a director of this play, and will further discuss my methods, adhering carefully to th .....
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The Story Of An Hour
Words: 759 - Pages: 3.... Mallard’s husband’s death was made apparent, Richards, a family friend and Mrs. Mallard’s sister were very delicate in the way they broke the news to her. Once the news was broken to her, it seemed as if Mrs. Mallard would act to her husband’s death in the traditional way “ she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sisters arm” (Chopin 11). However, Ms. Mallard defies the traditional role of the women by overcoming the feeling of sadness and instead replacing it with the feeling of joy. Mrs. Mallard realizes that her husband’s death should not be seen as an atrocity but instead as .....
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1984 Orwell 2
Words: 738 - Pages: 3.... he did not go on with it, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same." This thought and many others like it justified Winston's insanity in O'Brien's mind. Winston was defying a power which he knew was undefeatable. O'Brien saw Winston as a madman struggling with the a straight jacket, fighting something which they both knew could not be undone. The idea of insanity as fighting a unwinnable cause is not original to Oceania, but instead a reflection of societies' beliefs.
Many people are labelled insane by society because they believe what seems impossible. The struggle in one's mind between what they think is true .....
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Euripides Medea
Words: 621 - Pages: 3.... Creon chose to travel. Antigone feels that Creon is disregarding the laws of the heavens by ordering it unlawful for anyone to provide a proper burial for her brother Polyneices. Antigone’s opinion is one that supports the Gods and the laws of the heavens. Her reasoning is set by her belief that if someone were not given a proper burial, that person would not be accepted into heaven. Antigone was a very religious person and the acceptance of her brother by the Gods was very important to her. Creons order was personal to Antigone and his edict invaded her family life as well as the Gods. An important ideal in Ancient Greece was .....
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Poem Bushed
Words: 548 - Pages: 2.... faced him in stride. He uses those situations to his advantage and takes pride in the way he handles them thus the reference to keeping the quills in his hat.
In the third stanza Birney shows us through a series of metaphorical actions the characters evolution in his attitude towards the entire situation. At first our character is still unsure and alert at all that is happening around him, “ At first he was out with the dawn.” Yet he becomes more and more sure of himself and feels very secure, “ A guard of goat before falling asleep on its feet at sundown.” Earle Birney uses the goat as a metaphor for security because a goat does n .....
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Words: 742 - Pages: 3.... says the word "justice", but he does say "Great Man cherishes excellence; Petty Man, his own comfort. Great Man cherishes the rules and regulations; Petty Man special favors." To me, that mean "Great Man is fair, Petty man is unfair."
The second of these three values is responsibility and respect to one's family and elders, and responsibility and respect to others families and elders. This is most evident in ' writings. He is constantly stressing family values and responsibility. One quote that shows this is "Let the sole sorry of your parents be that you might become ill."This stresses personal responsibility and respect to your pare .....
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Don Giovanni 2
Words: 1396 - Pages: 6.... man who tries to sleep with as many women as he possibly can. He sees women as majestic, charming, but will show love to them only if they fall for his intensive courting abilities. While trying to seduce Donna Anna, she summons her father, the Commendatore, who rushes to her defense. The two begin in a duel in which Don Giovanni slays the old man. Upon seeing her dead father, Donna Anna and her fiancé, Don Ottavio vows death as the only revenge. The next morning Leporello and Giovanni run into a celebration a young couple that is going to be married. The couple, Masetto and Zerlina, along with their friends are invited to Don Giova .....
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