Papers on English
Romeo And Juliet-violence
Words: 537 - Pages: 2.... Romeo to fight and Romeo kills
him. Which lead to prejudice between the families.
In Verona, a public place, is where the prejudice
starts between the two families. In Act one Scene one, Sampson and
Gregory servants for the Capulets, insulted the Montagues servants
Balthasar and Abraham by biting his thumb at him. This leads to a
fight, which involves the Lord’s of both families and the Prince. No
death occurred, but the families attitudes against each other were
worse then before. Which caused a lot of prejudice against the
families that lead to violence.
In like manners, another duel between the two feuding fami .....
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Creation Of Reality In 1984
Words: 491 - Pages: 2.... party has created many rules and laws, that dictate what is right and wrong. Most of these lays make it illegal to question the authority of the party, or its actions. One of the good things that come from the creation of reality, in 1984 is that there is no bad news, and that makes the general population happier.
Reality is also created in today's society. It is done in a more indirect and subtle way. The media in the world today, uses its power to present its opinion, or view the way it wants. People will believe that what the media tells them is the truth, because the media is always thought of as an unbiased source for information. .....
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The Crucible
Words: 1724 - Pages: 7.... mystical forces were present. The other reason was radicals like Abby Williams wanted to change the status quo. The people in power like Danforth were afraid to admit their own mistakes when controlling their power. Puppets like Mary Warren were used to persuade the leading figures. With the absence of one of these crucial characters the Salem Witch Trials would be altered immensely.
Abby Williams was the radical in society. Abby wanted to change how religion controlled society. Since she believed the society she lived in was hypocritical. Abby gives a short insight of her radical beliefs in Act 2 Scene 2. In this small scene Abby shows wha .....
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Contrast Of Mark Antony And Ma
Words: 925 - Pages: 4.... a quick glance it would appear that Mark Antony was definitely better than Marcus Brutus. He avenged the death of Caesar, thwarting Brutus's plans, and in the end of the battle, he emerged as the new leader of Rome. Antony had the ability to speak well and take charge when in danger, he was also very strong physically as well as athletic. " I am not gamesome : I do lack some part of that quick spirit that is Antony. ( Act 1 , Scene 2 lines 28 -29 ) . However , further interpretation proved that Antony was not an all together better person . In order to avenge Caesar"s death he lied to the conspirators and to the citizens of .....
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Explication On Fire And Ice
Words: 826 - Pages: 4.... a tremendous amount of destruction to virtually anything within seconds. It could also represent just a violent ending. Either way, it would be nice to have things over with fast, but the intense pain might not make it worth it. For the world to end in ice, seems to present the image of a slower, numbing effect. I feel he uses ice to represent a slow, almost unnoticeable change that eventually causes the destruction of mankind.
Fire, instantaneous combustion of an object. Frost uses fire to represent an ending with incredible speed and unimaginable pain. The quote, “From what I’ve tasted of desire” seems to repres .....
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Philistinism In England And America
Words: 651 - Pages: 3.... attain a certain level of righteousness. This may have been a good idea 2300 years ago, but today, I see it as very limiting and impractical. In his time, only the rich aristocrats went to school. It’s purpose was not for the students to learn skills or ideas that would help them later in life, but to expand their minds, thus making them into ‘better people.’ There was no need for them to learn any job skills. Back then, if you came from a rich family, you were rich. Working at simple jobs was for the peasants and slaves. Today, life is different. Our society is completely unlike that of the ancient Greeks. We have no caste .....
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Influence Of Realism On Litera
Words: 2142 - Pages: 8.... of the late 19th century saw authors
accurately depict life and it's problems. Realists attempted to "give
a comprehensive picture of modern life" (Elliott 502) by presenting
the entire picture. They did not try to give one view of life but
instead attempted to show the different classes, manners, and
stratification of life in America. Realists created this picture of
America by combining a wide variety of "details derived from
observation and documentation..." to "approach the norm of
experience..." (3). Along with this technique, realists compared the
"objective or absolute existence" in America to that of .....
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Words: 1157 - Pages: 5.... destroyed and killed but also caused the reappraisal of the values in the society. Literature, in Ancient Greece, used to be a main reflection of what the society thinks what values and rules it has and what impact the war had on people’s minds. Obviously, the Peloponesian War has brought a lot of stress and chaos into the society, so during this time some poets have foreseen the intellectual revolution. Euripides, however, was the first one who created the play where he opposed a barbarian to someone "civilized"; he has his Medea confront Jason. The civilized Jason is more barbaric in his emotional callousness than the barbaria .....
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Utopia, 1984 Comparison
Words: 2232 - Pages: 9.... novel 1984, many examples are provided as to how the Inner Party manages to manipulate the public into scorning emotions, love and loyalty. Suspicion and hatred are the main two feelings that replace love and loyalty, in the society of 1984. ¡§The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, a look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself¡¨ (Orwell, 65). This example shows the unfortunate replacement of loyalty with fear and suspicion of everyone in 1984. ¡§It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place, or near a telescreen¡¨ (65). Suspicion is a dominant feeling felt by almost al .....
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The Fish (poem)
Words: 262 - Pages: 1.... it be? With the great details and phenomenal imagery she uses. "The Fish" leaves you moved and warmhearted toward the fish as well as toward life.
"Shapes like full-blown roses...speckled with barnacles, fine rosettes of lime,..." is how Elizabeth Bishop describes the fish's skin. She is able to portray the fish's skin so elegantly that what you might have feared before is what leaves you "calmly beautiful."
"I saw that from his lower lip...hung five old pieces of fish-line...with all their five big hooks grown firmly in his mouth...Like medals...a five-haired beard of wisdom trailing from his aching jaw." Elizabeth Bishop is able to .....
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