Papers on English
Words: 1220 - Pages: 5.... to teach Naomi to be more outspoken and to form strong moral values. Due to this Naomi is tossed between the guidance of her two aunts, and Emily, through their differing forms of communication, lifestyle traits and Nisei and Sansei traditions, as a result she forms her own lifestyle path and discovers her complete identity.
The differing forms of communication by the two aunts play a role in Naomi's lifestyle choice: with her use of Japanese silence and Emily through her straight forwardness. lives her life through a shell that traps her thoughts and feelings inside. She expresses her feelings in her actions and with occasiona .....
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Dulce Et Decorum Est 2
Words: 1739 - Pages: 7.... vivid image that got to me was that of the lone soldier who doesn't fasten his mask fast enough and suffers from the full effects of deadly gas:
'In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.'
And then:
'If you could hear at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues.'
Owen generates two powerful images aimed at discouraging the mere thought of war by its emotionally distressing descriptions. The way in which Owen moved the images from a general concept to personal illu .....
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Imagery Is An Important Element In Writing
Words: 422 - Pages: 2.... them, unlike in television.
H.D. was one of the first writers to use imagery. Inspired by Ezra
Pound, H.D. once wrote in her poem titled "Heat":
Cut the heat-
Plow through it,
turning it on either side
of your path.
The reader can clearly see the heat being pushed out of the way by an
opposing force. The reader can also imagine the turbulence created by this
force. The heat becomes thick, as if it is a solid object. William Carlos
Williams used simple language in his poetry. In "The Red Wheelbarrow,"
Williams uses lively colors such as "a red wheel barrow" and .....
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Broken Chain
Words: 417 - Pages: 2.... to fight against Indians in Delaware. On the other side, there is Sir William Johnson. He is a man that will do anything to satisfy his interest and at the same time accomplishes the British king’s plans. As we can see, he even married an Indian woman because of the convenience to form a tie with the six nations. As the movie goes along, there are intensions between the Indians and the British constantly. The British always demand the Indians to give help on their problems, but never keep on their promises, such as new settlers were looting Indians’ land throughout the time even when the “chain” was still existed.
This fragment .....
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The Power Of One By Ernest Hem
Words: 1844 - Pages: 7.... Many times in literature you can tell where the setting is or where the author is from by the way the community or society in the literature view sports. If you look at the literature that authors produce and where they are from, you will notice a common trend in all of their work. The cultural heritage of the writer affects the perspective in which they write from or about. The cultural heritage affects the writers perspective in many different ways, among them are stereotypes and the setting of the story and the everyday activities that the character go through. Two prime examples of how an authors cultural heritage affects the pers .....
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A Midsummer Nights Dream For T
Words: 683 - Pages: 3.... and Oberon apply the juice of the pansy to the eyes of the Athenians and to the eyes of Titania, the fairy queen, they are quickly enveloped by a magical love spell. This spell causes them to fall deeply in love with the first living creature that they set eyes on. "The next thing then she waking looks upon, (Be it lion, bear, or wolf, or bull, On meddling monkey, or on busy ape) She shall pursue it, with the soul of love". The spell can only be reversed by applying yet another herb to the eyes of the victims. Titania serves as a good example of the power of the spell when she falls in love with Nick Bottom, a character who, at the time .....
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Anne Stevenson
Words: 705 - Pages: 3.... a "blind thing" (9) with "blank insect eyes"(10). The
mother portrays her baby as a bug, not even human. In the last section
of the poem, two questions are asked, attesting to the mother's
internal conflict. "Why do I have to love you?/ How have you won?"
(15-16). These unanswerable queries are some of the fundamental
questions of our human existence.
Below the topmost layer of meaning in The Victory, is an
underlying theme that any parent or guardian will easily relate to.
Children are born out of the great pain their mothers endure. They are
helpless in one sense, yet they command the care of their parents.
Stevens .....
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Political, Social And Moral Me
Words: 1175 - Pages: 5.... on either side of a stone wall. One side eats their bread butter side up, while the other side eats their bread butter side down. Because of each group’s odd ways, neither side trusts the other. Each side sets up a border patrol with mild protection. Over the course of the book, the weapons get more complicated and powerful until each side invents "the bitsy big-boy boomeroo," a very powerful bomb. Each side is ready to destroy the other when the books ends. These groups could represent the nuclear opponents of the time, mainly the United States and Russia. "In this book Dr. Seuss turns didactic and calls up many moral argume .....
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Macbeth - Imagery In Macbeth
Words: 556 - Pages: 3.... wearing an "undeserved dignity." A crucial point in describing the purpose of clothing in 'Macbeth' is the fact that these are not his garments. Therefore, Macbeth is uncomfortable in them because he is continually conscious of the fact that they do not belong to him. In the following passage, the idea constantly recurs that Macbeth's new honours sit ill upon him, like a loose and badly fitting garment, belonging to someone else:
New honours come upon him,
Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mould,
But with the aid of use.
The second, most important chain of imagery used to add to the atmosphere is that of the imag .....
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