Papers on English
The Innocent Adventure
Words: 1165 - Pages: 5.... same order; examples of these are symbolic death and motifs. The Cosmogonic Cycle is an interesting way to interpret literature because it is Universal and it correlates with any time period and any situation.
The Call to Adventure is the first of the Cosmogonic Cycle. It is the actual "call to adventure" that one receives to begin the cycle. In The Adventures of Huck Finn, Huck is forced with the dilemma of whether to stay with his father and continue to be abused or to leave. Huck goes because he desires to begin his journey. In The Catcher In The Rye, Holden mentally is torn between experience and innocence, it would seem to him that an .....
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The Cause And Effect In A Very
Words: 750 - Pages: 3.... the angel in the chicken coop. Later in the day, Father Gonzaga attempted to speak to the angel. However, to his surprise, the angel did not speak Latin, the language of God, in the Father's view. Father Gonzaga thought that the old man was an angel, not one sent by God but the angel of death. Therefore, Father Gonzaga warned the townspeople, "The devil had the bad habit of making use of carnival tricks in order to confuse the unwary." Although the angel seemed to pose a threat to the townspeople, the spider woman posed no threat and could speak their language. Both the angel and the spider women intrigued the minds of the people, but affe .....
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William Shakespeare’s Sonnet,
Words: 1097 - Pages: 4.... the changes of autumn leaves, bordering on the aging process and his hair turning gray. The boughs which shake are the tremors his body is having reminding himself once more that he is not as young as he use to be and ageing has left him feeling like he has lost the power to write. By focusing on the fact that ageing is a slow and discouraging process he is building on the hopes that someone will feel sorry for him and acknowledge the fact that he may die soon.
In me thou see’st the twilight of such day As after sunset fadeth in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away, Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest. The .....
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Words: 917 - Pages: 4.... is not a foreign idea to Erdrich's writing either.
Both "Pomegranate Seed" and "The Red Convertible" begin with lonely characters. Charlotte begins the story remembering her friends sometimes stopped by, but "Sometimes--oftener--she was alone"(Wharton 317). Charlotte rarely had anybody around other then her husband, and he was becoming more distant. Erdrich begins the story at the end, and Lyman is looking back on the past. Erdrich writes, "Now Henry owns the whole car, and his younger brother Lyman (that's myself), Lyman walks everywhere he goes" (143). When Henry died, Lyman's spirit and happiness went with him. Lyman walking every pl .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Words: 1188 - Pages: 5.... went to sea, and from there sailed on and off for the next twenty years. These twenty years were the basis if not the absolute pure nautical theme that flows throughout many of his novels. Stories such as Lord Jim and are based upon true to life experiences that Joseph had while at sea. Another unique aspect of Conrad’s writing, would be the lack of simple romance within all of his novels. This lack of emotional passion is most likely due to a drastic love affair when he was 17 that ended with an attempt to end his own life. Of Conrad’s many works some include Nostromo, Typhoon, The Secret Agent, and perhaps his most famous work Cha .....
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Lord Of The Flies Personality
Words: 768 - Pages: 3.... join Jack's group who just want to have fun. The day after the death of Simon when Piggy ! and Ralph are bathing, Piggy points beyond the platform and says, "That's where
they're gone. Jack's party. Just for some meat. And for hunting and for pretending to be a tribe and putting on war-paint."(163). Piggy realizes exactly why the boys have gone to Jack's, which would be for fun and excitement. The need to play and have fun in Jack's group, even though the boys risk the tribe's brutality and the chance of not being rescued, outweighs doing work with Ralph's group which increase their chances of being rescued. Young children need to sat .....
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A Critique Of Inside The Brain
Words: 871 - Pages: 4.... are crucial. Armed with this information, any parent would be likely to spend more time with their children in an effort to ensure their ultimate success in life. It is a parent's responsibility and obligation to provide their children with the strongest mental armament available in order to enter the intellectual battlefield that will be their future. Those who are not properly intellectually prepared for life will fall to the bottom of the socioeconomic strata. They will live a life of strife including substandard education, substandard health, substandard wealth, and substandard children. This will perpetuate a cycle of this type of .....
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Comparing The First 2 Chapters
Words: 894 - Pages: 4.... The word 'young lad' here refers to the narrator. From this we know that the narrator must me a young boy, but still we don't know a specific age. In "An Encounter", we found that the narrator is attending a school. When the teacher was yelling at the narrator and his friends after finding that they have been reading something inappropriate, he refers to the students as "boys like you." An another similarity between the boy in chapter one and two is that he seems to have no parents. In both chapters, the mother and father of the narrator have never been mentioned. Only his aunt and uncle were spoken of.
The narrator in chapter .....
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The Red Badge Of Courage -x
Words: 1081 - Pages: 4.... him hundreds of reasons why he was
needed on the farm and not in the war. Henry knew his mother would not
want him to enlist, but it was his decision to make. He dreamed of the
battles of war, and of what it would be like to fight in those glorious
battles. He didn^t want to stay on the farm with nothing to do, so he
made his final decision to enlist.
After enlisting he finds himself in a similar situation, with
nothing to do. While there he becomes friends with two other
soldiers, John Wilson, ^the loud soldier / ^the friend^ and Jim
Conklin, ^the tall soldier^. Wilson was a loud spoken and obnoxious
soldier who becomes o .....
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T.S Eliot's View On Aesthetic Values
Words: 1151 - Pages: 5.... Eliot also predetermines that we know
the great writers of his time at that were are familiar with English
literary tradition. In the essay Tradition and the Individual Talent,
Eliot says, " … the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with
his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the
literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a
simultaneous order." He mostly talks to the educated male and beauty for
him is found in these great writers of his time. He also say's, " In a
peculiar sense he will be aware also that he must inevitably be judged by
the standards of .....
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