Papers on English
The Mystery Of Edwin Drood By
Words: 1622 - Pages: 6.... Attending school at a nunnery, Rosa’s female friends rarely have any contact with men. Through her betrothal to Edwin Drood, Rosa is the only woman within the nunnery that has a man to court her. She is the only woman mentioned, in the nunnery, that is going to be married off to a man, not God. Rosa capitalizes on this situation by leading the other girls in the nunnery to be her “poor pets”(118). She realizes that the girls as well as the head of the school, Miss Twinkleton, who describes Rosa as her “pet pupil”(14), look at her to be the embodiment of romance because of her prospective marriage. Miss Twinkleton and the girls .....
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The Stranger By Albert Camus
Words: 673 - Pages: 3.... wants friendship. He seems content to be indifferent, possibly protected from pain by his indifference. Meursault rarely shows any feeling when in situations which would, for most people, elicit strong emotions. Throughout the vigil, watching over his mother's dead body, and at her funeral, he never cries. He is, further, depicted enjoying a cup of coffee with milk during the vigil, and having a smoke with a caretaker at the nursing home in which his mother died. The following day, after his mother's funeral, he goes to the beach and meets a former colleague named Marie Cardona. They swim, go to a movie, and then spend the night together. .....
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Four Weddings And A Polaroid
Words: 1588 - Pages: 6.... her job, always complaining about everything and everyone there. But that was just Elaine's nature, never satisfied.
"Well I better get going, I still have to get my dress from the tailor's, for the big event," started Ruby as she gathered her coat and purse.
"I would hardly call your sister's wedding a big event," commented Elaine. "If I recall this is her third big event in two years."
"Fourth!" Ruby called out over her shoulder on her way out the door.
The days of the week seemed to fly by and before she knew it, Ruby was in her apartment dressing for her sister, Jillian’s wedding. The mysterious man from the diner had almost comple .....
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Grapes Of Wrath 8
Words: 3193 - Pages: 12.... can be shown between human beings. The story opens with Tom Joad, recently released on parole after killing a guy, heading to the family farm. He meets Jim Casy, a preacher, and they set off for the Joad farm only to find out the Joad family has been forced out of their home in Oklahoma and must migrate west to California, with the other sharecroppers, in the hopes of finding work and land. The trip is filled with hardships. Grampa Joad, who had not wanted to leave the family farm, dies of a stroke the first night of the trip. This foreshadows how their trip is going to go the entire way. They borrow a quilt from the Wilsons, anothe .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Words: 1078 - Pages: 4.... by the illness and mental disruption which undermined his health for the remaining years of his life. Marlow's journey into the Congo, like Conrad's journey, was also meaningful. Marlow experienced the violent threat of nature, the insensibility of reality, and the moral darkness.
We have noticed that important motives in connect the white men with the Africans. Conrad knew that the white men who come to Africa professing to bring progress and light to "darkest Africa" have themselves been deprived of the sanctions of their European social orders; they also have been alienated from the old tribal ways.
"Thrown upon their own inner spir .....
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The Iliad
Words: 703 - Pages: 3.... Up until his outrage in Book XXII all of Achilleus rituals have been consistent. When his temper overcame his natural inveterate intuition Achilleus immediately invoked all ordain and involvement in the Greek Heroic Code. One of Achilleus’ major omissions can be found where he defies the corpse of Hektor. This motion surprised and befuddled the Greek Gods, and had them viewing a plan on a sleuth method of manipulation of the body of Hektor. This probationary period of time that the Gods created gave Achilleus enough time to debate and redirect his rituals, in which he will.
Achilleus first migration in his journey to retrial .....
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Voices Of Women Writers Lesson
Words: 1913 - Pages: 7.... Girl; Hong Kingston’s novel, Woman Warrior; and Davenport’s short story, The Lipstick Tree, various themes are presented in contrasting views and contexts, including the influence of mothers upon daughters.
It is said that a girl can often develop some of her mother’s characteristics. Although, in their works, Kincaid, Hong Kingston and Davenport depict their protagonists searching for their own identities, yet being influenced in different ways by their mothers. Jamaica Kincaid’s poem Girl, is about a young woman coming-of-age receiving helpful advice from her mother. In this poem, Kincaid addresses several issue .....
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Langston Hughes
Words: 480 - Pages: 2.... a sad, non-confident, scared life as we can see on the lines 1 to 3. We experience first hand the lack of control, the terrorizing feelings this door holds for this child:
The simple silly terror of a doorknob
on a door that turns to let in life
From lines 4 to 10, we can assume that we are reading of a child who is terrorized of the grownups that live with him; perhaps he is an abused child:
on two feet standing,
walking, talking,
wearing dress or trousers,
maybe drunk or maybe sober,
maybe smiling, laughing, happy,
maybe tangled in the terror
of a yesterday past grandpa
Lines 11 to 15 reinforce the terror this chil .....
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Romeo And Juliet Quote Essay
Words: 776 - Pages: 3.... goes back to the original conflict that Romeo and Juliet are from feuding houses, the Capulets and the Montagues. It shows that Juliet does not want her family to fight the Montagues, and that she believes it is ridiculous because it is not the people they hate and fight it is their name, Montague. The section I chose reveals that the kids, Romeo and Juliet, feel that they can not have what they want because of the parents’ feuds. It makes you feel as helpless as they are, because you know that with their parents’ permission to get married, they would be happy.
William Shakespeare uses an analogy in the line “It is nor .....
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The Harrowing Of Hell - Dialec
Words: 4438 - Pages: 17.... the means of producing that performance which, in turn, necessarily produces the audience.
The implications of the spectacle could sensibly be applied to the complete texts of the cycle plays, and perhaps more appropriately to the full range of the pageant and its concomitant festivities. The direction of pseudo-historical criticism, especially of the Elizabethan stage, certainly provides a well-plowed ground for advancing the festive and carnivalesque inherently present in the establishment and event of theater. Nevertheless, my discussion here is both more limited and more expansive: its limits are constructed by the choice of an indiv .....
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