Papers on English
Prometheus 2
Words: 1170 - Pages: 5.... had a Greek name, we can only guess.
His father, Iapetus was also a mighty Titan, one of the first Titans. His mother, Clymene, was a beautiful nymph from the deep trenches of the oceans of the world. (Hodge, 352) The story of his birth is rather sketchy, most books just outline the story of Iapetus and Clymene being madly in love with each other, and having a son, and naming him Prometheus. He had a brother who was named Atlas. (Encyclopedia Americana, 576) (Picture taken from Microsoft Encarta, 1998)
Prometheus isn’t really in charge of anything, except bringing fire to mankind and creation on man. When responsibilities were hand .....
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Glass Menagerie
Words: 776 - Pages: 3.... Tom's personality. Since Amanda and Laura have their illusionary worlds inside, Tom can easily escape these worlds by going out on the firescape. He does not desire to be part of an imaginary world, which only proves to be the downfall of Amanda and Laura. He realizes that the world is not what Amanda has made it seem inside the house. Also, during his reflections on the firescape he is not really separating himself from the imaginary world because that metal frame is still anchored to the apartment wall. This shows that no matter how hard Tom tries to escape he will always be 'bounded' to the apartment. His emotional attachments to L .....
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Human Comedy Pain
Words: 565 - Pages: 3.... Mr. Spangler, the telegraph office owner, was alone, John
Strickman tried to rob the telegraph office because he was down
on his luck and there was a war going on so he thought it didn’t
matter if he or Mr. Spangler died in the holdup. He believed
that stealing the money and causing Mr. Spangler pain would
relieve the pain of all his mistakes, but all it would really do is
cause more pain in himself and others. Mr. Strickman’s actions
are that of an evil man but “I really don’t believe that the evil
know they are evil.”(p.131)
People who can recognize pain but only in themselves are
selfish and se .....
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Poem #640: Interpretation
Words: 1094 - Pages: 4.... not—
That self—were Hell to Me—
So We must meet apart—
You there—I—here—
With just the Door ajar
That Oceans are—and Prayer—
And that White Sustenance—
"I cannot live with You", by Emily Dickinson, is an emotional poem in which she shares her experiences and thoughts on death and love. Some critics believe that she has written about her struggle with death and her desire to have a relationship with a man whose vocation was ministerial, Reverend Charles Wadsworth. She considers suicide as an option for relieving the pain she endures, but decides against it. The narrator, more than likely Emily herself, realize .....
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Macbeth- Triumph Of Good Over
Words: 3181 - Pages: 12.... a major role in this theme, they must be recognised and reflected on to help understand the role in the theme. Finally all of the singular human clashes must be examined as they are also good versus evil (for example Macbeth versus Macduff).
Good versus evil, commonly it is known as the good team, out smarting, out muscling or generally out-doing the evil forces and winning. In ‘Macbeth’, as with most stories, it goes further than this. A more complicated story form is developed in Macbeth, but it goes along a similar line to this description. Often good and evil will start off as close friends, acquaintances or members of a s .....
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Scarlet Letter:bewilderment At
Words: 1374 - Pages: 5.... she was forced to wear the face of an evil doer. For both Hester and Arthur, it was true that they could not live their lives concealing their true emotions. Arthur literally could not live with it, while Hester changed the way she felt on the inside to correspond to her guilty image.
At the court house, when Arthur Dimmesdale was pleading for Hester to reveal the name of the man with whom she had an affair, it was clear that a part of him actually wanted everyone to know that it was he who was the guilty one. "Be not silent from any mistaken pity and tenderness for him; for, believe me, Hester, though he were to step down from a high p .....
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My Antonia
Words: 1217 - Pages: 5.... are that of a successful businessman that had always provided well for his family.
I noticed how white and well-shaped his own hands were. They looked calm, somehow, and skilled. His eyes were melancholy, and were set back deep under his brow. His face was ruggedly formed, but it looked like ashes – like something from which all the warmth and light had dried out. Everything about this old man was in keeping with his dignified manner (24)
Mr. Shimerda was indeed a prosperous man in Bohemia, but had made his living in the business world, not by running a farm to provide for his family’s needs. His hands show that he rarely perfo .....
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A Man For All Seasons
Words: 1047 - Pages: 4.... before it goes to Italy, this response sparks Wolsey
to reply:
Would you tell the council? Yes, I believe you would. You're
a constant regret to me, Thomas. If you could just see facts
flat on, without that moral squint; with just a little common
sense, you could have been a statesman. (Bolt 10)
More's non-committal response to Wolsey's question is also characteristic of
his desire to be silent for the remainder of the play and, despite Wolsey's
continuing plea that he should ignore his "own, private, conscience" (Bolt 12)
for state reasons, More is unable to approve of the .....
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The Downfall Of Macbeth In Mac
Words: 1568 - Pages: 6.... witches are responsible for the downfall of Macbeth because they are the ones which reveal the prophecies to Macbeth.
1. Witch. All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of
2. Witch. All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of
3. Witch. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King here-
If Macbeth had never encountered the witches, they would never have revealed the prophecies to him. He would have become the Thane of Cawdor, and he would never have even considered the idea of making himself the King of Scotland. It would have remained a fantasy that would probably never have come true in the way that it did.
The witches are the .....
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Autobiographical Assignment: My Grandfather
Words: 661 - Pages: 3.... in the Air Force and my grandmother assumed the life of a military wife with multiple moves (Massachusetts, Hawaii, Wisconsin), and she stayed at home to raise their family. Once again, my grandfather went over seas in the Korean War (in the area of Persian Gulf) and left behind now two children with my grandmother. When he came back from the War, he and his family were stationed in Illinois then relocated to Ohio. In Ohio, my grandfather soon decided to retire.
They diagnosed my grandfather with cancer in July 1960, and in November of that year he died at the age of 48 and my grandmother was left widowed with her two children (twelve .....
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