Papers on English
Hamlet 12
Words: 286 - Pages: 2.... he does. Therefore, thinking led him to doubt, which led to inaction. "Thus conscience does make cowards of us all." Hamlet's "tragic flaw" is his inability to act on impulse.
Stopping to think before acting cost Hamlet numerous opportunities to get revenge. He ironically passed up his most obvious opportunity when Claudius was praying in the church. He wanted to wait until Claudius was doing something that had "no relish of salvation in 't."
We are like Hamlet, at times. the more we think of doing something, the more we find wrong with it. Hamlet decided to stay with his troubles in life rather than commit suicide and "fly to others .....
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Imagery In Macbeth
Words: 614 - Pages: 3.... by his sword covered in the hot blood of the enemy.
After at first symbolizing bravery, blood soon becomes an image representing treachery and treason. When Lady Macbeth is trying to summon enough courage to have the king killed, she cries out to spirits to "make thick my blood," (1.5.50) meaning that she wants to try and be as remorseless as possible so that she can perform this treacherous deed. Macbeth also calls the act of treason the “...bloody business...” (2.1.60) In addition, Lady Macbeth knows that blood is evidence of treason, and so she shifts the blame onto others by telling Macbeth to "smear the sleepy grooms with .....
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Huck Finn Recognize Racism
Words: 312 - Pages: 2.... is drudge up the past. English classes can survive withou such controversy being reintroduced year after year. All the same we can not let ourselves shy away from the uncomfortable just because it hurts to face it. Ignoring the problem of racism will not make it go away. It needs to be confronted and dealt with in a responsible and well informed manner. Without historical and literary backround it would be simply impossible to find a solution. For authors the bigger the market the harder it is to handle controversy. The solution is not to bury our head in the sand or close our eyes and pretend that prejudice,slavery and racism never e .....
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Like Water For Chocolate Movie
Words: 1341 - Pages: 5.... this is included in the film with tremendous accuracy, the movie begins with a different scene. The movie opens with Tita’s father going to a bar to celebrate the birth of his daughter. On the way a friend informs him of his wife’s, Mama Elena, affair with a man having Negro blood in his veins. The terrible news brings on a heart attack killing him instantly. In the book, this information is not given until the middle chapters. As the novel continues, another character is introduced, Gertrudis. Gertrudis, the older sister of Tita, is the first to rebel against her mother’s wishes. Wanting to escape the securities of home, Gertru .....
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F. Scott Fitzgerald
Words: 788 - Pages: 3.... literary themes such as disillusionment, coming of age, and the corruption of the American Dream. The life of is marked by as much, if not more, romanticism and tragedy than his novels. Throughout Fitzgerald’s life, he unsuccessfully battled alcoholism, depression, and himself, in a quest for both personal and literary identity. At the age of twenty-three, Fitzgerald published his first novel, This Side of Paradise, to critical raves and unimaginable economic success. Shortly after the publishing of this novel, Fitzgerald was able to coerce Zelda Sayre into marriage. This marriage is manifestly the most significant event of his life .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Words: 514 - Pages: 2.... a man who is supported by that amount of money would seem to be quite a catch, to someone with less money. However, after listening to him talk, it is quickly revealed that he is utterly ignorant. On the other hand, Charlotte is his complete opposite. Charlotte is an extremely sensible and intelligent girl, but she has little money. Although Mr. Collins could obviously never satisfy Charlotte as a husband, Charllote agrees to marry him for his money. Hence the original understanding of the quotation at the start of the novel seems to be justified. Mr. Darcy also seems to follow this quotation. He believes that woman would marry him for his w .....
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Ethan Frome Book By Edith Whar
Words: 1007 - Pages: 4.... "When they married they agreed as soon as he could straighten out the difficulties, he would sell the farm and saw mill and try their luck in a large town" (pg 71). It was believed that her sickness was derived from the "effect of life on the farm, or perhaps, as she sometimes said, it was because Ethan "never listened" " (pg 72). Due to this Ethan felt it was his responsibility to take care of his wife. Zeena had been trying hard to get help as she occasionally left town to seek medical assistance. Ethan had "grown to dread these situations because of their cost" (pg. 62). Zeena had always returned with expensive remedies that were promi .....
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Going From Child To Woman The
Words: 1494 - Pages: 6.... now…piles of money” (1506). Torvald follows up with, “But then it is three full months till the raise comes through” (, 1506).
Nora at this point in the play is nothing more than a child, careless in her action and not thinking ahead of possible consequences. Nora sees nothing wrong in spending big on Christmas. Granted this is a righteous cause, since the holidays are about giving to others, but still a parent should know the limit of happiness they should bring.
At this point Torvald begins to act as “society” and unknowingly begins to use condescending terms towards Nora. “Are you scatterbrains off again?” (1506), .....
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Midsummer Night Dream
Words: 452 - Pages: 2.... be her.
The choices she was forced upon were choices that could not be toggled with. She could not have her way and marry the one she loves most, that being Lysander. A choice that included Lysander was the choice to forget that he even existed. It is funny how it all ends up to work out though, because her parents saw how well the were together, and approved their love for each other.
I had a decision making point in my life also, that also resulted as Hermia's did. I had the choices that I need to make at one point, and I didn't really have much time to think about it either. If I smoked the drug, I would've been doing something wrong an .....
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Negro Essay
Words: 1383 - Pages: 6.... from a resident of Mississippi.
It was late dusk when the bus pulled into some little
outside of Hatteisburg for a stop. "We get about ten minutes here,"
Bill said "let's get off here and stretch our legs" The driver stood up
and announced "Ten minute rest stop,". The whites rose and ambled off.
Bill and I led the Negroes toward the door. As soon as he saw us, the
driver blocked our way. Bill slipped under his arm and walked away.
"Hey boy where are you going?" the driver shouted at Bill while he
stretched his arms across the opening to prevent myself from stepping
down. I stood waiting. " .....
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