Papers on English
Literary Essay - Dead Poets So
Words: 763 - Pages: 3.... to memorize the important facts and regurgitate the same facts during exams. Latin class involves recitation, while chemistry involves memorization, and as long as the students can deliver what they have been told, they are successful in life.
The new English teacher, Mr. Keating, challenges his students to think for themselves and to resist conformity. He most memorably illustrates how easily conformity affects people during his lesson involving a stroll in the courtyard. He instructs three of his pupils to walk around the courtyard. The three boys march in unison, and the remainder of the pupils begin to clap in time with the marchin .....
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Shakespeare 2
Words: 918 - Pages: 4.... To show his appreciation, the servant asks for Romeo’s presence at the ball. Romeo should have considered the servant’s warning; if Romeo occupies the name of Montague, he shall not be permitted. Once at the ball, Romeo is searching for a maiden to substitute the unrequited love of Rosaline. Romeo happens to gaze upon Juliet, who charms Romeo. Romeo proclaims, " Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For ne’er saw true beauty till this night." (I, v, l 52-53) Since Romeo declares his love for Juliet, she feels the attraction also. They believe that they are in love and must marry. However, it is a genuine coincid .....
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Personal Conflicts In Am I Blu
Words: 999 - Pages: 4.... a cheap bar so he can stay drunk. Ashbe says she has a bottle of rum and invites John to her apartment. While at Ashbe’s apartment, she entertains John with a blue rum drink, her voodoo doll, and making him a paper hat. Ashbe asks John about his aspirations in life. John is unsure what he wants to do with his life, but his father is pushing him to help manage the soybean farm. As the conversation continues, Ashbe accuses John of being normal. She says he only acts the way he does because it’s expected and makes everyone happy. She wants him to be himself and not try to fit in with everyone else. John soon after realizes Ashbe is right, .....
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The Crucible By Arthur Miller
Words: 2529 - Pages: 10.... magic stories and pretending that other villagers were bewitching them. The Crucible starts after the girls in the village have been caught dancing in the woods. As one of them falls sick, rumors start to fly that there is witchcraft going on in the woods, and that the sick girl is bewitched. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened of being accused as witches, so Abigail starts accusing others of practicing witchcraft. The other girls all join in so that the blame will not be placed on them. In The Crucible, Abigail starts the accusations by saying, "I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with .....
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Review Of 1984
Words: 845 - Pages: 4.... rule the world using censorship and pure
Mr. Charrington's rented room - Winston and Julia's secret hideaway where they come to make
love and hide from the telescreens and constant watch of the Party.
Ministry of Love - A rehabilitation center which uses torture and brainwashing technique in order to
completely conform its prisoners into the thinking and beliefs of the party only to be later killed, sent
to forced labor camps, or even released back into society.
In 1984, Winston Smith lives in London which is part of the country Oceania. The world is divided
into three countries that include the entire gl .....
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Brave New World 5
Words: 900 - Pages: 4.... (John) to be who they become
The whole concept of Brave New World contradicts to everything John ever believed in. John came from a world where art and expression of variation from the society existed. People must face their problems and overcome them, and love requires commitment and is greatly appreciated. John was rather a Renaissance man trapped in a world where none of his necessities in life existed. He was disgusted at their orgy-porgies, their belief of take, take, take not give, give, give. Total happiness did not exist to John in a world which lacked expression of the arts. It was rather total torment. Throughout the .....
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A Fantasy
Words: 432 - Pages: 2.... other horses he could talk, like Mr. Ed on Nick at Night. Lighting was as real to me as the next door neighbor's dogs.
Lighting was like my source of salvation when I was in trouble. When I got into trouble and was sent to my room he always came and rescued me. He would take me to places like Disney World and Six Flags and of course he got to ride the rides to. He would even go with me to school some times. Thank goodness he was just in my imagination or I might have gotten into trouble by the teachers.
He was my bestfriend, up until about third grade. He was always there to play with me, he never had to go home and he always shared. Lig .....
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The Diary Of Anne Frank - Book
Words: 1051 - Pages: 4.... was probably the first work that
people actually got too see what the Holocaust was all
about. Certainly it must be the best book for the subject.
The diary brings together her childhood and then only known
surviving footage of Anne Frank. This is a great way to
describe a portrait of Anne’s life, character flaws, and
everything else. In order to enjoy this piece of literary
work, you must first learn the importance on Jewish culture.
This work is like no other of any Holocaust books. This is
actually a way to experience the painful experience the
Jewish people had to endure during this awful and evil
period of time. This story take .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities
Words: 250 - Pages: 1.... on. Madame
Defarge is a commoner and she doesn't like the aristocrats.
In seeking vengeance, Madame Defarge has acquired the very
traits of those who wronged her. She sees no focused blame
and is willing to exploit an entire class to satisfy her
need. Her vengeance emerges through her knitting, which
represents both her cold patience and her impassioned urge
to retaliate, as she knits the names of her intended
A large cask of wine had been dropped and broken in the
street. Some men kneeled down, made scoops with their two
hands joined, and sipped. Others, men and women, dipped in
the puddles with little mugs of mut .....
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Drinking Hemlock And Other Nutritional Matters
Words: 1086 - Pages: 4.... on this commercial. She condemns it as an “unnatural food” and decribes it as “evil” (2). This sugar-hating crusader is quite convincing. Morowitz even goes as far as stating, “The mental image evoked was that of a solemn judge sentencing someone in perpetuity for an “unnatural act”(2)
As the “…veil of sleep had lifted and the uncertainty of reason replaced the assuredness of emotion,” Morowitz begins to question the validity of the past movie star’s accusations (2). After taking time to ponder her barrage against sugar that had him all fired up in emotion, Morowitz contemplates where this actress “had acquired such .....
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