Papers on English
A Comparison Of Two Poems About Soldiers Leaving Britain To
Words: 1693 - Pages: 7.... how dangerous the war was because of what so many people had experienced since "Joining The Colours" was written in 1914. There was no celebration for them because most of the people knew what was going to happen. The structure and the style of each poem varies in different ways. "Joining The Colours" is more positive. The structure of this poem is simple. Even though there are some words which convey an image that war is bad, most of the style of writing is positive and even happy. "The Send Off" is a more serious and frightening poem. The style of writing throughout the poem is sad and conveys an image that war is completely bad. The st .....
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The Tapestry
Words: 702 - Pages: 3.... showered with a sound of extreme organization of musical tones.
Moving a little closer reveals a visual and technical organization within the group. To the right, eyes and ears are blessed by the ivory keys of the large hi-tech keyboard, and with the beauty of a precious female voice. On the left, sounds of two male voices mixing with the strings of a few guitars. At the feet of the guitarists, two small monitors reproduce their sound to maintain synchronization and the right key. Behind the three vocalists, soft, yet driving percussive tones provide a foundation for the beautiful sounds created by the use of their talents. Behind al .....
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The Chosen, By Chaim Potok
Words: 1151 - Pages: 5.... has glasses, brown hair and eyes, and dresses in the typical orthodox manner. A plain boy, he has a bright mind and a very caring soul.
The other protagonist in the novel is Danny Saunders. Danny is the son of a very devoted Hasidic Jewish tzaddik. However, Danny is not a very enthusiastic Hasid. He has earlocks, grows a beard, and wears the traditional Hasidic outfit, but he doesn't have the reverence for it that he should. Danny is a genius. His religion forbids him to read literature from the outside world, so he struggles with his thirst for knowledge and the restraints that have been put on him by both his father and his religion. .....
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The Taming Of The Shrew - Anal
Words: 1032 - Pages: 4.... the blatant sexist attitude it has toward women but closer examination of the play and the intricacies of its structure reveal that it is not merely a story of how men should 'put women in their place'. The play is, in fact, a comedy about an assertive woman coping with how she is expected to act in the society of the late sixteenth century and of how one must obey the unwritten rules of a society to be accepted in it. Although the play ends with her outwardly conforming to the norms of society, this is in action only, not in mind. Although she assumes the role of the obedient wife, inwardly she still retains her assertiveness. Most of the .....
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Antony Has Been Described As "
Words: 1837 - Pages: 7.... Antony is loyal, and obedient to Caesars will.
After Caesar's death Antony again shows his loyalty, and asks if he is to be killed, he would like to be killed by the side of the noble Caesar. "If I myself, there is no hour so fit As Caesar's death's hour" "No place will please me so, no mean of death, As here by Caesar" this shows that he holds Caesar as a very noble man, and that he loved him.
However, Antony then appears to make friends with the conspirators when he addresses them after Caesars death "Friends I am with you all, and love you all". Here Antony shows true deceit, for Antony is not their friend, but rather their enemy. "Woe to .....
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Patterns - Symbolism
Words: 1093 - Pages: 4.... throughout the work, the speaker describes daffodils and other types of flowers moving freely in the wind. Using imagery to appeal to the reader’s sense of sight, these flowers are given motion, and they are described as, "…blowing," (3) and "Flutter[ing] in the breeze," (23). This creates a sense of freedom and flexibility. The woman in the poem, presumably Amy, wishes to be like the moving flowers, carefree and jaunty. In the second stanza of the poem, the woman begins to describe the water in the marble fountain. The, "…plashing of waterdrops," (28) and, "…plopping of the waterdrops," (54) .....
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The Color Purple
Words: 1629 - Pages: 6.... to increase an individual's self-awareness, and help them to identify their own beliefs, skills, potentials, and talents. But when an individual is forced or destined to grow up in an atmosphere in which there doesn't exist a stable and firm family or environment, it will generally be hard for the individual to self-discover himself and succeeded in life. These kinds of individuals that grow up under these circumstances mainly suffer from depressions, sadness, and most importantly from low self-esteem. They suffer from low self-esteem because they were raised in low standard environments. Their personalities are excessively .....
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Comedy In Shakespeare
Words: 2325 - Pages: 9.... is a bewitched time. In the spring the custom is to celebrate the return of fertility to the earth. During this time the young people spend the night in the woods to celebrate. Shakespeare uses the greenworld pattern in this play. The play begins in the city, moves out to the country and then back to the city. Being in the country makes things better because there is tranquility, freedom and people can become uncivilized versus when they are in the city and have to follow customs and laws and behave rationally.
Comedies contain blocking figures and in this play it is Egeus. If he was not in the way, Hermia could marry Lysander. Since he is .....
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Words: 638 - Pages: 3.... to accomplish this when he encountered the De Lacey family. The monster hoped to gain friendship from the old man and eventually his children. He knew that it could have been possible because the old man was blind, he could not see the monster's repulsive characteristics. But fate was against him and the "wretched" had barely conversed with the old man before his children returned from their journey and saw a monstrous creature at the feet of their father attempting to do harm to the helpless elder. "Felix darted forward, and with supernatural force tore [the creature] from his father, to whose knees [he] clung..." Felix's action caused gr .....
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Words: 639 - Pages: 3.... dagger floating in the air before him. Do his eyes deceive him? Is it real? He is unnerved but it does not take away his resolve to kill the king. His desire for the crown is stronger than knowing what is right. kills Duncan and is wracked with regret, fear, guilt, sorrow. This time he hears voices saying he has murdered sleep. He comes into his own chamber to his wife, bloodied and wailing and falling apart. He cannot believe what he has done. He obviously is not truly evil at heart but this 'milk of human kindness' he is able to push away to achieve his evilly-motivated goal to be king. After this first murder the idea of killing to be a .....
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