Papers on English
She Works Hard For Her Money
Words: 949 - Pages: 4.... for seven years. She is also a full-time college student, and will earn her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education this December.
Delores Dante has been waiting tables in the same restaurant for twenty-three years (Terkel 279). After her marriage broke up, she started waiting tables because she needed fast money and didn't want to work an office job (Terkel 294). She feels that she learns a lot about people in her line of work, and enjoys talking to her customers. She invents ways to keep her job interesting, and likes to converse with her customers about a great number of topics. Dante says that giving service and being servile a .....
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Outline On Edgar Allen Poe
Words: 278 - Pages: 2.... Amontillado”.
1. Montresor has a deep hatred for Fortunato.
2. Fortunato plans to kills Montresor.
B. The setting of “The Cask of Amontillado” leads to feeling of Goth in the story.
1. The catacombs of Fortunato’s home lead to the place of death.
2. Death is a major component of Gothicism.
II . “The Masque of Red Death”
A. Death is the theme of this short story.
1. Everyone at the party dies.
2. The Prince planned the deaths before hand.
B. The palace shows the signs of death.
1. The rooms of the palace are laid out in this cycle of death.
a. The rooms go from east to west, just as the sunrises and sets in the sky.
b. They sta .....
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Macbeth 2
Words: 836 - Pages: 4.... influenced by the supernatural forces of the witches. ‘ All hail, Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter!’ These witches led him to believe that he could be a King over all of Scotland if he would just do a few dishonest things to get what he wanted. ‘If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me, without my stir.’ Macbeth was gullible enough to believe the witches and thus led to his very own deception and demise. He brought himself to an even greater status than he began with but only through a gigantic web of lies which could not be untangled. He then felt lost and alone with nobody left to turn to. ̵ .....
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Macbeth - Characters In The First Three Acts
Words: 1106 - Pages: 5.... Macbeth, whilst appearing patronising and manipulative, is in essence, a good wife who loves her husband. She is also ambitious but lacks the morals and integrity her husband posesses. To achieve her ambition, she rids of herself of any kindness that might stand in the way. However, she runs out of energy to supress her conscience and commits suicide.
A foundation reputation for Macbeth is fashioned before he comes on to the stage. The Sergeant who has fought on his side harps about Macbeth’s valour in war, "But all’s too weak | For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name"(Act I, scene II). We then hear from Ross, who con .....
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The Transformation Of Nora
Words: 1280 - Pages: 5.... on Torvald for everything, from movements to thoughts, much like a puppet that is dependent on its puppet master for all of its actions. Her carefree spirit and somewhat childish manners are shown throughout the play with statements such as, \"Is that my little lark twittering out there?\" (1). \"Is it my little squirrel bustling about?\" (2). A lark is a happy, carefree bird, and a squirrel is quite the opposite. If you are to squirrel away something, you were hiding or storing it, kind of like what Nora was doing with her bag of macaroons. It seems childish that Nora must hide things such as macaroons from her husband, but .....
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Great Gatsby - Comparison Of N
Words: 311 - Pages: 2.... lives an outgoing life. Having parties at his west egg house daily. Jay had many people he didn’t know attending the party, those people were though very prominent people. Those people Gatz wanted to be around, he used to just look down at East egg and admire it. Little did nick know that all the time Gatz was throwing the parties for Daisy. Gatsby wanted to turn back the clocks and maybe get back together with Daisy at the parties he was throwing. She was his dream golden girl he always wanted but couldn’t get.
Nick sees Gatsby at the end as a romantic dreamer who seeks his ideal by amassing wealth as a racketeer. Gatz was a symbol fo .....
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Beowulf And Gilgamesh Comparis
Words: 699 - Pages: 3.... his people" and "demanded the privilege of sleeping with their brides". At times he could be even crueler that that by "pushing his people half to death with work". This type of strength derives from his reign. The author used words such as 'demanding' and 'pushing' to bring on a negative, basically condescending tone. Although Gilgamesh portrayed strength in a powerful way, Beowulf used it in the literal sense of the word. Beowulf is a very strong and noble character. He is a member of the Geat tribe and is described by the poet as "greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in the world". A Danish soldier, a character in the story, h .....
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Wuthering Heights
Words: 1031 - Pages: 4.... both touch on the topic of Catherine and Heathcliff’s passionate nature. To this, McKibben recalls the scene in the book when Catherine is "in the throes of her self-induced illness" (p38). When asking for her husband, she is told by Nelly Dean that Edgar is "among his books," and she cries, "What in the name of all that feels has he to do with books when I am dying." McKibben shows that while Catherine is making a scene and crying, Edgar is in the library handling Catherine’s death in the only way he knows how, in a mild mannered approach. He lacks the passionate ways in which Catherine and Heathcliff handle ordeals. During th .....
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Words: 1112 - Pages: 5.... control over Baskerville Hall. "Though Sir Charles resided at Baskerville Hall for a camparatively short period his amiability of character and extreme generosity had won the affection and respect of all who had been brought into contact with him." (Doyle 19) The noble Baskerville family is very likely a reflection of what Doyle thought, or knew, about his own family. Another thing that is evident in the book is Arthur Conan Doyle's chivalrous side. The characters of Sir Henry Baskerville and Sir Charles Baskerville continually show that they are honorable men. "Being himself [Sir Charles] childless, it was his openly expressed desire that .....
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Crime In The Great Gatsby
Words: 347 - Pages: 2.... say it whenever
I want to! Daisy! Dai---
Making a short deft movement Tom Buchanan broke her nose with
is open hand. (41)
Tom was a spoiled brat who is used to getting everything he wants. This could have been a factor when he told Nick:
That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust into your
eyes just like he did Daisy's but he was a tough one. He ran
over Myrtle just like you'd a dog and never ever stopped his
car. (187)
Tom only wanted Daisy back because she wasn't interested in him any more. So in the end he threw Gatsby to the lions, Gatsby's death was Tom's fault, he told George Wilson that the car that hit .....
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