Papers on English
Oedipus Rex - Compared To Hamlet
Words: 615 - Pages: 3.... to a royal couple, this king and queen want to know how their child will be in the future. So they ask an oracle to tell them the future and it tells them he will kill his father and marry his mother. They have the child taken away to be killed, so they save themselves, but instead the child ends up in a new castle and is raised by another couple as their own child. They never tell Oedipus that he is not their own. When Oedipus hears he is to kill his father and marry his mother, he leaves his parents and searches for a new residence. Except he meets up with a man on the road and kills him. He then finds a castle that is being terrorized .....
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Combining Individual Stories Into Larger Wholes
Words: 3032 - Pages: 12.... defines it thus: “a volume of stories, collected and organised by their author, in which the reader successively realises underlying patterns of coherence by continual modifications of his perceptions of pattern and theme” (p.148). Each story in the cycle is thus not a closed unit. Although a story can be picked out and read as an independent short story, its meaning intensifies and sometimes changes when read with its “neighbours”. The reader usually feels a sense of community developing as he reads on. In Sherwood Anderson’s book Winesburg Ohio (often referred to as a model of the modern short story cycle) the community is .....
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Words: 1237 - Pages: 5.... basis of power that draws the individual to believe that the world he lives in is one that is continually watching over him. This constant friction of mental forces (those who fear or have a certain curiosity) shapes who the individual becomes within the society. According to this passage, Focault gives support to the basic argument concerning the panopticon, that communication is key to knowledge. Within the panopticon, there is no communication among the prisoners or those who view them. This becomes another aspect of power; it underlies the main idea of separation and communication as a form of shaping forces in the panopticon.
The fir .....
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The Color People
Words: 1560 - Pages: 6.... Walker combines all of these issues in her story in a deceptive way.
They all are linked together by way of a semi-believable story line with one major overlaying theme. Prescott sums it up nicely, "Love redeems, meanness kills"(p74). This is illustrated in many ways in Walker's novel. One perfect example of this is Mr. _____. Mr. _____, as he is called throughout the novel, was a wife beater, who, having been denied Celie's sister, marries Celie to look after his children. He beats her and rapes her and is just plain nasty to her. Finally, one day, after Celie discovers another mean thing that Mr. ____ did to her, she leaves with .....
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Relating Themes In O’Connor’s “First Confession”
Words: 551 - Pages: 3.... they had a love/hate relationship, depending on if his father was drinking or not (“O’Donovan, Contemporary).
Frank O’Connor portrays Jackie as an assertive character. He tries to have things done his way. “I was too honest, that was my trouble…”(O’Connor, 335). This quote is referring to Nora “sucking up” to her grandmother for a penny every Friday. Jackie couldn’t do this because he expresses what he is feeling. He’s always battling with his sister. An especially memorable moment is when Jackie gets under the table and tries to stab Nora with a butter knife because she is trying to get him to eat grandmother .....
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Culture Clash
Words: 982 - Pages: 4.... own Language, and occasionally speak some English to me. Simple words or sentences such as, hi, hello, how are you, and good-bye were used. It was interesting to see my friend switch sides of language as soon as he stepped home.
His family seemed to have a special connection to each other, culturally. I would see Hong, and his father have a discussion on Bruce Lee in their own private language. Every word that Hong spoke flowed smoothly, and was interpreted well by his father. Hong’s father also spoke in Cantonese, and argued against what Hong thought of Bruce Lee. They had an interesting debate in Cantonese. There was never an incident i .....
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Black Rain
Words: 1357 - Pages: 5.... the name of the bomb may seem ineffectual, but he seems to dwell on finding out what caused this type of destruction. Something else that Mr. Shizuma wants to do is remember every little detail about what happens to everything from what angle the house was on after the bomb to what his wife cooked for dinner with the food rationing. He even likes to write how people cured themselves of radiation sickness and what the burns and other injuries look and act like. These things are like myself in the fact that he does not like to forget what things are like, wants to see first hand what the effects are, and is very interested in finding informat .....
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Victory Is Mine
Words: 472 - Pages: 2.... benefit from the programs. She learned that she was her only problem and had no one else to blame for what she had done to herself. She was the blame for her own shortcomings. She took the suggestion that were given to her: live and let live. now she has a new motto, which is to live her life one day at a time.
Finally, after getting treatment, she understood that she needed support. When she got out of treatment, she attended her firs AA meeting, which was one of the suggestions that was given while she was in treatment. Today she still continues to attend my meetings. Taking her recovery very serious today. She feels as though she dose .....
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Worn Path 2
Words: 885 - Pages: 4.... branching wrinkles…" (paragraph 2).
This quotation was one of many indications of Phoenix Jackson’s old age. Normally, in society there are benefits for the elderly and those that often plagues people at an old age. There are various organizations that help people who are over the age of sixty-five. They also provide various services towards them such as meals on wheels. Was there not someone who could have delivered the medicine to this woman of nearly 100 years of age? Perhaps, Phoenix Jackson was too shy or had too much pride to ask for a service of that nature. The doctors from the medical building knew about the condit .....
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William Shakespeare
Words: 2848 - Pages: 11.... resurrection to the women at the tomb of Christ.The
Renaissance drama proper rose from this late medieval base by a number of different
stages ending about 1580. A large number of comedies, tragedies, and examples of
intermediate types were produced for London theaters between that year and 1642,
when the London theaters were closed by order of the Puritan Parliament. Like so much
nondramatic literature of the Renaissance, most of these plays were written in an
elaborate verse style and under the influence of classical examples, but the popular taste,
to which drama was especially susceptible, required a flamboyance and sensationalis .....
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