Papers on English
Words: 837 - Pages: 4.... memorization.
At the beginning of the novel Guy Montag is described as a "minstrel man" (4). He is a fireman who "never questioned the pleasure of watching pages consumed by flames." (Back cover). He is a brave individual who decides to rebel against society. Montag meets a crazy and imaginative seventeen-year old girl named Clarisse McClellan. She tells him of a time when firemen used to put out fires instead of making them. After that, Montag and the other firemen burn a house filled with books and burn its owner. "They crashed the front door and grabbed at a women, though she was not running , she was not trying to escape." (38). .....
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The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kr
Words: 548 - Pages: 2.... these savage acts are now looked upon with disdain and contempt. What used to be considered as corporal punishment is now considered as physical abuse. It should be thought of that way long ago.
Physical abuse as penalty surely works. It arouses resentments and bitterness, but it works. If a student does something wrong and gets a whipping for it, he or she will cease doing the same erroneous act again. Though it will not change the way he or she thinks, but it WILL work. The student will not understand why he or she should not behave in that particular manner, and will continue to think that he or she is right, but physical abuse can stop t .....
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Gullivers Travels 2
Words: 1324 - Pages: 5.... through two different examples. Swift makes the good quality of human nature seem more foreign to the reader by attributing that good quality, reason, to a horse. It also puts the period of Enlightenment in perspective for the reader. The main purpose of Book IV of Gulliver’s Travels is to exemplify the two extremes of human nature, as well as show what position on that spectrum we humans should strive to achieve.
The “positive” extreme Gulliver encounters on his arrival to the island is the Houyhnhnm, a horse ruled by reason. Gulliver almost immediately admires these creatures as well as everything about them, e .....
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A Farewell To Arms
Words: 2173 - Pages: 8.... simplicity [and] a modern allegory, whose hero, Billy Pilgrim, shuffles between Earth and its timeless surrogate, Tralfamadore" (Riley and Harte 452), Slaughterhouse Five shows a "sympathetic and compassionate evaluation of Billy's response to the cruelty of life" (Bryfonski and Senick 614). This cruelty stems from death, time, renewal, war, and the lack of compassion for human life; all large themes "inextricably bound up" (Bryfonski and Mendelson 529) in this cyclically natured novel that tries to solve the great mystery of death for us, once and for all.
Billy's life had revolved around these ideas from the time he was a child. .....
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The Theme Of Masks, Tweflth Ni
Words: 1000 - Pages: 4.... and Feste.
The perfect example of the use of the masking imagery can be seen through Feste. Acting as a wiseman and not the fool, Feste shows the development of masks. Feste tries to “conceal [him] for what [he] is”(1.2) because he knows that if the people knew that he was a wiseman, than he would not be called upon to sing his songs, symbols of what is right. Also, the people would not come to him for the advice he gives them in his songs and speeches. This is a strong example of masking imagery because it shows of what the character might be like without his mask, and what he might be treated as if he wasn’t the f .....
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Words: 481 - Pages: 2.... Debbie Gibson sang back up to you and everyone wanted a skirt like the Material Girl and a glove like Michael Jackson's. Today, we are the ones who sing along with Bruce Springstein and The Bangles perfectly and have no idea why. We recite lines with the Ghostbusters and still look to The Goonies for a great adventure. We flip through T.V. stations and stop at The A Team and Knight Rider and Fame and laugh with The Cosby Show and Family Ties and Punky Brewster and what you talkin' 'bout Willis? We hold strong affections for The Muppets and The Gummy Bears and why did they take the SMURFS off the air? After school specials were only .....
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Madame Bovary 5
Words: 446 - Pages: 2.... (often subservient, "nurturing") relations to others, rather than in terms of individual achievement,independent of domestic connections, as men are.
If we identify a "strong" woman (Hedda Tesman) whose husband is an ineffectual, bumbling and clueless scholar (Jorgen Tesman), haven't we in fact found an example of "role reversal"?
And while quite willful, she proves incapable of action on her own (until her suicide). She manipulates, then lives vicareously through others--which looks a lot to me like a take on conservative stereotypes, a quite UNreversed woman who can't gone amuck. She *fantasizes* male creative action, and identifies with .....
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Character Analysis Of Prospero
Words: 881 - Pages: 4.... punishment-plan installed for Caliban. Near the end of the play, after Properso reveals the conspiracies of all those against him, there is no harsh punishment as one would imagine. He basically just demands repentance. Forgiveness is one of the themes in this play, and here Prospero demonstrates it. Even though Caliban conspires with Stephano and Trinculo to kill him, he refrains from punishing Caliban (“Go, sirrah, to my cell;/Take with you your companions. As you look/To have my pardon, trim it handsomely.” 5.ii.291-293).
Prospero, however, also shows that he is not perfect, unlike a god. He makes the mistake o .....
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Words: 828 - Pages: 4.... he had to resort to a different way of thieving. Now, he would visit a bank at about two or three o'clock in the morning, pick the lock on the door, destroy the security system and crack the vault. This method was a lot slower than armed robbery, and a lot less fun, but it brought in as much as a hold up, sometimes even more.
It was September 14th, two thirty am. Jason stepped silently from the small red hatchback parked in the street outside of the Federation Bank Building. He stood for a moment, letting his eyes scan the street, and on finding no one, grabbed his bag and jogged quietly across the road to the front doors of the bank. Ther .....
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Ethan Frome 7
Words: 1137 - Pages: 5.... Pearl, Hester’s life became one of constant nagging, and no joy. The child could not be made amenable to rules. Hester even remarks to herself, “Oh Father in heaven – if thou art still my father – what is this being which I have brought into the world” (Hawthorne 89)? Pearl would harass her mother Piyasena/Pine 2 over the scarlet “A” she wore. In time, Hester was subjected to so much ridicule from Pearl and others that she was forced into seclusion. Pearl represents the sins of both Hester and Dimmesdale. Pearl is said to be the direct consequence of sin (Martin 108). Their sins include lying to t .....
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