Papers on English
Comapre Great Gatsby And Cats
Words: 1685 - Pages: 7.... that characters are defined by what they can and can not accept about themselves and others.
Individual characters can be interpreted by what they can accept about themselves. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Myrtle Wilson is the woman with whom Tom Buchanan is having an affair. Myrtle want to be a part of Tom's life because he has a lot of money. She lets Tom push her around and treat her however he wants. She always thought she should have done better than her current husband and having an affair with Tom reinforces this belief of hers. Her current husband, George Wilson, is just a poor gas station owner. Myrtle would rather be treated li .....
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War Engenders Many Journeys In
Words: 484 - Pages: 2.... choice. One fine example from the novel A Separate Peace comes when Gene made the decision to jounce the limb and make Finny fall from the tree. This, in the end, caused much of Gene’s regret and ignorance because it finished Finny’s athletic career and later causes Finny to die. Another decision in the novel came when Finny forgave Gene. Even though Gene ruined Finny’s life, Finny made the hard choice to forgive and forget what Gene had done.
The human mind is a cave swarming with a multifarious amount of emotions, from love to misery. Of all the emotions, misery becomes the greatest battle we wage in our war. We .....
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The Jungle 3
Words: 1083 - Pages: 4.... community in Chicago. He promises to work harder; he wants to achieve the American dream.
After pooling the family¹s resources, Jurgis is able to leave a dilapidated lodge-house for a ³new² modest home (which had hidden costs) where his family would reside. When Dede Antanas, Jurgis¹ father, loses his job and is forced to kickback a third of his paltry salary in order to get a new job working in a dark, damp, ³pickle room², Jurgis begins to lose faith in America. Jurgis witnesses the darkside of American society, and the resultant lassitude in the workforce. Jurgis observes the butchery of pregnant cows and their unborn calves, w .....
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Camus Philosophy As Revealed I
Words: 600 - Pages: 3.... or behave the way that society expects him to act. This is because Mersault is an existentialist, and does not act in the ‘appropriate’ manner in which society expects, which makes him estranged from the people around him.
In the events leading up to the point when Mersault kills the Arab, the heat, sun, and light begin to affect him more and more, at which point his sensual feelings overwhelm him and cause him to pull the trigger and kill the Arab. This part of the novel shows how Mersault is estranged from nature, in the way that for the first time in the novel the sun and his sensual pleasures begin to act against him, an .....
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Penalty Of Death-Analysis
Words: 1268 - Pages: 5.... chooses the wrong path at first and gets involved in drugs and has to go to a rehabilitation center to get better. After he gets out his brother asks him "What do you want to do?"(47), to which Sonny replies "I’m going to be a musician. (47)" Sonny’s brother doubts his aspirations from the beginning and even tells himself that "(he) never played the role of the older brother quite so seriously before (47)." Sonny’s brother is a teacher and you can tell by his instincts how much he want to teach Sonny things about life in general. By playing the "roles" of parent, big brother, and teacher, So .....
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Song Of Solomon
Words: 799 - Pages: 3.... the approved reading list.
Why don't you just read why?
Wow. Is Song of Solomon really all that bad?
It's got some rough parts, yes, but my personal opinion is that the examples she cites are a bit exaggerated. Still, those things are in there.
I'm fascinated. What happened then?
Well, as per the rules of reviewing a challenged book, the director of English for the school district, Deanna Norad, assembled a five person committee made up of two administrators, one teacher, and two parents. The comittee deliberated, and unanimously recommended to keep the book on the reading list. They also suggested some changes to the way the bo .....
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Where The Red Fern Grows
Words: 569 - Pages: 3.... to protect the puppies
When Billy and his dogs went coon hunting Old Dan went up a dead hollow tree to try and catch the coon who went up there. So Billy had to go up and get him down. Billy tried as hard as he could to get his big dog down, then he finally did. When Old Dan got down he was so eager to get the coon he went back up the tree. So Billy went up the tree again and tried to get him down. With all his strength he finally got Old Dan Down for the second time.
Billy thinks that God helped him in getting the tree to fall and catching the coon. This all happened when Billy promised his dogs that if they get the coon up the tree he woul .....
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Six Characters In Search Of An Author
Words: 572 - Pages: 3.... themselves. But without those lines, how much less impressive would that moment be when the Director, understandably at the end of his rope with the greedy characters (who have been from the start trying to coerce him into writing a script for non-union wages), shouts "Reality! Fantasy! Who needs this! What does this mean?" and the audience, in unison, shouts back, "It's us! We're here!" The moment immediately after that, when the whole cast laughs directly at the audience, pointing at them in glee, is nearly unbearable for an audience, as shown by the riot after the first performance, when the audience not only ripped the seat .....
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find
Words: 844 - Pages: 4.... didn’t have any britches on," June Star said.
"He probably didn’t have any," the grandmother explained. "Little niggers in the country don’t have things like we do."
The language that is shown in this section of the story clearly demonstrates the difference between what is acceptable, and what is racist. O’Connor clearly provides us that she never has the intent to be racist herself, but rather her characters, possibly an influence in her life, are to blame. The grandmother shows her politeness to June, but also shows her rudeness by describing the dark colored boy with such racist terms, provid .....
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Romeo And Juliet - The Role Of Love
Words: 1190 - Pages: 5.... acts as a messenger from Romeo, Juliet, and the friar ("Examples of Love in Romeo and Juliet"). Despite the nurse's efforts the plans go array because of the arranged marriage between Juliet and Paris. At this time, the nurse shows her love for Juliet once again. She goes to Juliet's defense and stands up to Lord Capulet by saying: "God in heaven bless her!/ You are to blame, my lord, to rate her so."(Act III, Scene 5, Line169-170). One is easily able to see the motherly care the nurse shows for Juliet in Romeo and Juliet.
The counterpart to the love nurse displays for Juliet as a "mother" is the fatherly love the Friar gives to R .....
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