Papers on English
The Great Gatsby - Analysis Of
Words: 1109 - Pages: 5.... such "tolerance . . . has a limit.” This is the first sign the narrator gives the reader to show he will give an even-handed insight to the story that is about to unfold. Later the reader learns he neither reserves all judgments nor does his tolerance reach its limit. Nick is very partial in his way of telling the story about several characters.
He admits early into the story that he makes an exception of judging Gatsby, for whom he is prepared to suspend both the moral code of his upbringing and the limit of intolerance, because Gatsby had an "extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness.” This inspired him to a level of friendshi .....
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A Comparison Of Framing, Light
Words: 1711 - Pages: 7.... lighting and set design (rather than its historical accuracy). What follows shall be a comparison of two specific sequences, one from each film. I shall describe each then explain how the elements mentioned earlier are similar in each and how they relate to their characters symbollically and their respective films as a whole. The story of Charles Foster Kane unravels in a series of flashbacks told to a reporter by the people who knew him. In the film's fourth flashback, Kane's second wife, Susan, recounts her life with Kane to the reporter, Thompson. The viewer has learned earlier in the film that Kane has failed as a publisher, .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird-racial P
Words: 739 - Pages: 3.... to not defend Tom because he was a Negro and they had thought that since Tom was black he was automatically guilty. This strong lawyer takes up the case saying ".. If I didn't I couldn't even hold up my own head in town, I couldn't even represent the legislature,.. every lawyer gets at least one case that affects him personally. This one's mine,"(page 76) and still defends Tom no matter what the town was saying about him and his family. Atticus' sister, Aunt Alexandra, keeps telling him that he shouldn't take up the case because he is disgracing the family by defending a lowly Negro. He will by far receive the greatest amount of pressure b .....
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The Hollow Of The Three Hills
Words: 915 - Pages: 4.... hour to
do so and after this one hour she would die Hawthorne did
not come out and say this but in saying things like "there
is but a short hour that we may tarry here."(Hawthorne 103)
and I will do your bidding though I die(Hawthorne 103). She
had run from everything that was important to her because
the most important, was dying. Hawthorne was not too clear
in stating what exactly the problem was but it seemed that
her daughter had fallen ill.
Throughout the story Hawthorne masks this fact well and
uses foreshadowing nicely. In one part where the main
character is looking in on her parents by means of the
witches powers .....
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The Yellow Wall-paper
Words: 989 - Pages: 4.... spirit in her. Perhaps unconsciously she seems determined to prove them wrong. As the story begins, the woman -- whose name we never learn -- tells of her depression and how it is dismissed by her husband and brother. "You see, he does not believe I am sick! And what can one do? If a physician of high standing, and one's own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression -- a slight hysterical tendency -- what is one to do?" (160) These two men -- both doctors -- seem completely unable to admit that there might be more to her condition than just stress and a .....
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Persuasive Essay Gay And Lesbi
Words: 575 - Pages: 3.... As stated in the Constitution of the United States, "All
people are created equal." These organizations are fighting for equality. We all
deserve the same basic rights whether we are gay, straight, black, or white. No
one deserves to be judged, discriminated against, or treated unfairly. These
groups also try to strengthen the gay and lesbian movement at the state and
local level while connecting these activities to a national vision of change.
All they want is freedom to live their lives, to perform the same rituals as
heterosexuals, such as hold a job and marry. These people are law abiding
citizens and want and deserve the s .....
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Macbeth - Blood
Words: 879 - Pages: 4.... who been injured in a valiant battle for his country. In the next passage, in which the sergeant says "Which smok'd with bloody execution", he is referring to Macbeth's braveness in which his sword is covered in the hot blood of the enemy.
After these few references to honour, the symbol of blood now changes to show a theme of treachery and treason. Lady Macbeth starts this off when she asks the spirits to "make thick my blood,". What she is saying by this, is that she wants to make herself insensitive and remorseless for the deeds which she is about to commit. Lady Macbeth knows that the evidence of blood is a treacherous symbol, .....
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Romeo And Juliet - Importance Of Friar Lawrence
Words: 741 - Pages: 3.... we would prevent". One of his faults in the plan is shown in Act 5 Scene 3 when Friar John does not know the importance of the letter and does not give it to Romeo. "I could not send it. Nor get a messenger to bring thee, so fearful were they of infection". Another fault to his plan is in Act 3 Scene 3 when he tells Romeo that he will send a friend of his to inform him the news. Instead of telling him that a fellow friar of his was bringing the message. "I'll find your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to your chances here".
The magnitude of his role is showed again when he is involved in another major part .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Words: 761 - Pages: 3.... marriage seems to be the only way you can live a decent
life. Most people of the day thought that marriage "was the only honorable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune." It became a source of financial security that in many cases went no further.
Elizabeth is the first woman in the story to be proposed to, and she did a very peculiar thing. She is proposed to by Mr. Collins, the very man who is going to inherit her father's estate. She refuses his offer even though his "situation in life...[his] connections....and [his] relationship to [Elizabeth], are circumstances highly in [his] favor." Elizabeth simply .....
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Death Of A Salesman - Willys I
Words: 610 - Pages: 3.... abandoned him in a restaurant toilet. His relationship with his wife is plagued by his guilt for committing adultery. He has to borrow $50 a week from Charley. He can’t even keep his mind on one thing for a long time. He can’t drive a car. Willy gets so fed up with all of these things that he want’s to commit suicide and eventually, he does. This topic suggests that Willy’s deterioration occurs because the principals he believes in. To a large extent this is true.
After 34 years of Willy’s life, he loses his job. To a normal person under normal circumstances, being retrenched is a time when you feel useless. B .....
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