Papers on English
The Things They Carried 3
Words: 1138 - Pages: 5.... power can aid in easing the anxiety by giving the person the emotional lift that is present when control is felt. The power, which is present in the story, is physical power and an example is Norman Bowker carrying a thumb of a boy that had been killed. The carrying of the thumb shows that he had power over the boy; this gives him some relief to know he had that kind of control. Cross’s power, over the rest of the men, increased his fear of death for all the men not just himself because he is responsible for them. With his responsibility, Jimmy Cross alters his behavior to keep all of his men safe, and he only does this beca .....
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Odysseus And Bill Clinton: A Comparison
Words: 564 - Pages: 3.... a bunch of beautiful slaves, and you’re the only man, not many people would complain about this situation! I mean, Odysseus was supposed to be some kind of a superman, but all he did was whine, whine, and cry! Now if he were a superman in truth, wouldn’t he have been trying to figure a way out of this predicament? But, still he sat on the shore crying, supposedly wanting his wife!
In addition to Odysseus’s infantile, he, like Bill Clinton, had some affairs. His first affair was with an enchantress named Circe. Circe had turned some of Odysseus’s men into wild pigs, and the only supposed way to turn them back was if Odyss .....
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Keepern Me
Words: 1074 - Pages: 4.... their elders in order to keep that traditional culture alive. This creates a connection with their family and their ancestors and inspires them to become guides as well.
Dreams are, in a sense, also a guide in Ojibway culture. They believe that through their dreams they receive visions that are "sent to them by the spirit world. That vision could be just about anything and was meant to be a sacred and private thing for the seeker. Gave a direction for their life." (175). They believe that you should try to figure out your dreams as best as you can because they are important messages that give you "direction and strength" (175).
The Oji .....
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1984 Orwell
Words: 1507 - Pages: 6.... telescreen mounted on the wall so the government can keep watch over everyone's actions. They do this to keep individuals in line. The Party members are not allowed to love or keep a family. The proles, because they are considered to be inferior and stupid, so it is ok for them to think and love and have a family. But they still do not have freedom; the government still keeps track of their actions. "Proles and animals are free." Since the Proles make up 85% of the population in Oceania, the government had to give them some freedom or they would rebel. This is also why the government's motto is ignorance is strength. As long as the .....
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Words: 1658 - Pages: 7.... Sethe's character it can be said that she is a woman who chooses to love her children but not herself. Sethe kills her baby because, in Sethe's mind, her children are the only good and pure part of who she is and must be protected from the cruelty and the "dirtiness" of slavery(Morrison 251). In this respect, her act is that of love for her children. The selfishness of Sethe's act lies in her refusal to accept personal responsibility for her baby's death. Sethe's motivation is dichotomous in that she displays her love by mercifully sparing her daughter from a horrific life, yet Sethe refuses to acknowledge that her show of mercy is also murd .....
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Love And Respect: A Family's Bond
Words: 630 - Pages: 3.... some miss, because she alwys like to show out. Brenda and a friend were going to the mall, so she asked if I would baby-sit. She left us with some pizza money.
I had a few dollars, so I told Brenda that I would go in on half on the pizza. Quee did not hear that part.
So, about 3:00 p.m. she comes to me to ask if she could order the pizza now. I said no because it was to early,and beside later they would be hungry again. She said you are not paying for anything so you can not tell me what to do .
Yes I can because you mother left me in charge. Not over me she replied angrily. At the time I was on the telephone
Paying her no attention as .....
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The Corrruption Of Innocence
Words: 870 - Pages: 4.... had lost their innocence, which had been corrupted when they matured and were exposed to society. The society had exposed them to the real world and made them think in order to survive they must follow others. Holden goes in part of the book about jobs he likes and starts to describe job of a lawyer and says how they are sincere and try to save innocent lives, but then he goes on to think about how they are probably phonies and only doing it to be hot-shots and makes lots of money to impress society. (Salinger 172) The outcome of his thoughts was that everybody had conformed and followed each society’s ideas, which upset Holden bec .....
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Oedipus 2
Words: 427 - Pages: 2.... and kills him. The stranger turned out to be the king, and also his father. With the king away a sphinx shows up and causes mischief. Oedipus answers the riddle correctly and with it the sphinx leaves. Because of this Oedipus is given the throne. Fate has kept him alive and given him the chance to kill his father and overtake the thrown. Now that he is king, he meets the old queen and falls madly in love with her. He marries her and he has two children, who in all reality are actually his half sisters. Oedipus has no way of knowing that his wife is actually his mother.
Just when it had seemed to Oedipus his life was becoming fulfill .....
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Why Hester Is A Whore
Words: 749 - Pages: 3.... The act which juxtaposes the wrong remain unimportant, it’s the simple wronging which exists most corporeal. Hester wronged. She wronged more than her husband, but deeper, she wronged herself, and because of her times she wronged her god. Wronging deserves punishment. "Before the ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass plot, much overgrown with burdock, pigweed, apple peru, and such unsightly nail in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilized society, a prison." Almost parallel to Hester’s deserving of pain stands a prison. Born out of civilized society springs a p .....
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Hamlet - The Love Of Hamlet For Ophelia
Words: 1552 - Pages: 6.... a very embittered and cynical outlook on life. "Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His cannon ‘gainst self-slaughter … how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world." (1.2.131-134). Throughout the play, Hamlet teaches the audience the depths of his depression through soliloquies. Hamlet not only regards the world with pessimism, but he also has suicidal feelings. Hamlet displays thoughts of self that questions the worth of living. The foremost cause for his exasperation and aggravation is the fact that his mother and his uncle, Claudius immediately got married right after his father’s .....
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