Papers on English
A Separate Peace 4
Words: 738 - Pages: 3.... demonstrates his superior agility to Gene when he grabs Gene’s hand, lending him support when he loses his balance during one of their routine jumps from a towering tree. Gene feels that he should not feel any “rush of gratitude toward Phineas,” because he does not like feeling clumsier than Finny. Instead, he blames his presence in the tree on Phineas. Finny also has the role of being the leader in their friendship. They sustain the balance of the friendship when Phineas thinks of something to do, and Gene supports him. The problem with this is that Gene only trails Finny so that he would not “lose face with [him]. .....
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Antigone Tragic Hero
Words: 654 - Pages: 3.... hero argue against others who believe that Creon deserves that honor. They say that the Gods were against Creon, and that he did not truly love his country. "His patriotism is to narrow and negative and his conception of justice is too exclusive... to be dignified by the name of love for the state" (Hathorn 59). These arguments, and many others, make many people believe the Antigone is the rightful protagonist.
Many critics argue that Creon is the tragic hero of Antigone. They say that his noble quality is his caring for Antigone and Ismene when their father was persecuted. Those who stand behind Creon also argue that Antigone never .....
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18th Century Poem Analysis
Words: 1288 - Pages: 5.... her engagement to Lord Petre. Most of Pope's efforts here were
written with time. Now, Keats has romantically serenaded his reader
with descriptive lust and desire, which can be compared with popes'
efforts by the difference in eighteenth century literature and
romantic poems, their descriptive natures and ideas they portray to
the reader through their writing.
Pope has written an eighteenth-century poem which he calls,
"An Hero-Comical Poem." This poem has exalted an over all sense of
worthlessness for common rules. The mentioning of Achilles and the
ever-popular Aeneas, are symbols of Pope's Gothi .....
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Black Pawn: White Pawn
Words: 938 - Pages: 4.... to say anything about the incident. She played the vulnerable child until Abigail had embarked upon her plan. Tituba was present and the girls had been dancing to conjure up the dead of Goody Proctor. When Tituba entered the scene, Abigail made her move. She accused Tituba of making them do bad things such as drink blood, and why Betty was sick. Tituba, however, did not subject herself as a helpless victim of Abigail's sick game. Tituba twisted the lie aroun so it was for her benefit, if she confessed she would be forgiven. She saw her opportunity for a counter move and took it. Abigail had the fingers pointing at her and Betty again. Abig .....
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The Night Journey In Heart Of
Words: 866 - Pages: 4.... of Darkness, namely Marlow and Kurtz. The two characters are distinctly different from each other, although both are equally characterised with physical and mental traits by Conrad. The reader is involved with the interaction between the two characters. As I support the thesis that man moves from innocence to experience and becomes acquainted with evil in the novella, I have interpreted the character of Marlow as the embodiment of good, and Kurtz as that of evil, (although not entirely).
The events of the night journey of Heart of Darkness are described through the character of Marlow who acts as a mediator as he tells the story. Depth .....
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The Stranger 3
Words: 837 - Pages: 4.... and a neighbor who wants friendship.
He seems content to be indifferent, possibly protected from pain by
his indifference.
Meursault rarely shows any feeling when in situations
which would, for most people, elicit strong emotions. Throughout
the vigil, watching over his mother's dead body, and at her
funeral, he never cries. He is, further, depicted enjoying a cup
of coffee with milk during the vigil, and having a smoke with a
caretaker at the nursing home in which his mother died. The
following day, after his mother's funeral, he goes to the beach and
meets a former colleague named Marie Cardona. .....
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Exile And Pain In Three Elegiac Poems
Words: 914 - Pages: 4.... left her in a life of exile, after he left. She is constantly looking for him, and finds a life that is quite similar to being locked away in prison. She is locked up in a cave under a tree. Her joy comes from thinking that her husband is as miserable as her.
In the first passage from the poem, The Wanderer, it speaks of exile by saying, "To the wanderer, weary of exile cometh Gods pity, compassionate love, though woefully toiling on wintry seas with churning oar in the icy wave, homeless and helpless he fled from fate." It can be easily seen, in this passage, how common exile was in the poem, but also what a great pain it must have been to .....
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How Does Coleridge In 'The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner' And 'Kubla Khan' Show The Interrelatedness Between Mankind, Nature And The Poetic Experience?
Words: 808 - Pages: 3.... the albatross not for need or in distress, or for any reason
that mariner can deduce the result. He has unknowingly taken on a huge
burden, and the quest begins to extract all the rash impulsiveness of
mankind. The mariner now must search for moral, spiritual and internal
rationality, and this goal is expressed in the poem as a type of blessing
or relief which he must earn. In 'Kubla Khan', Coleridge expresses man's
social instinct to conform and belong to a group. This also relates to the
creation of rituals and rules by the human-being and the obeying of the
cycle of life to death, again and again. The running theme of freedom and
release .....
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An Analysis Of Orwell's "Shooting An Elephant"
Words: 763 - Pages: 3.... piece; but in reality I was
only an absurd puppet pushed to and fro by the will of those yellow faces behind
(101). Everyone has been in a situation in which he or she has been expected to
be a leader. For different reasons people are looked to as leaders, sometimes
because of their race, ethnicity, or heritage. In this case, Orwell was
pictured as a leader because he was British and he worked for the British Empire.
Readers are able to relate to the fact that he does not want to be humiliated
in front of the Burmese. He declares, “Every white man's life in the East, was
one long struggle not to be laughed at” (101). Orwell compa .....
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Words: 532 - Pages: 2.... control over nature (, 1262 ).”As Aylmer tries to use science to alter nature, or in this case, the on his wife’s cheek, his plan backfires and his wife dies. The death of Georgiana shows that knowledge is dangerous if used in the wrong way. The influence of the evolution of culture has caused men to educate themselves, and learn extensive amounts about science. However, some men like Aylmer take advantage of their intelligence and try to play the role of God. Aylmer allowed his mind to consume his heart, resulting in the senseless death of his beautiful wife.
Culture teaches men that if they learn enough that they can manip .....
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