Papers on English
The Bell Jar
Words: 1171 - Pages: 5.... to career problems: she had no idea of what to do with her life, she `thought that if my father hadn't died he would have taught me....`
Before visiting New York and getting thrown into the real world Esther had been very successful academically:
`I had already taken a course in botany and done very well. I never answered one test question wrong all year.`
Because of her perfectionist attitude, Esther was surprised to hear herself say that she didn't know what her career plans were:
`Usually I had these plans on the tip of my tongue.
"I don't really know", I heard myself say. I felt a deep shock, hearing myself say that, becaus .....
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When Legends Die By Hal Borlan
Words: 395 - Pages: 2.... life.He pushed Tom farther away from his history.He also got him to cheat and drink.Tom knew these things were wrong but it stayed in his routine.Red tested Tom to his fullest and pushed Tom to work harder.Unfortunatley Red did not work quite as hard as Tom. When he was living with the white man he was getting used to the white peoples ways.
Mary Redmond who was another of Tom's influences played a big role in encouraging Toms decisions.She was his guardian angel looking over him wile he was staying in the hospital.She was the only person that was in the hospital who truly cared for him.He knew she meant well but he was scared to ask her f .....
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Words: 1564 - Pages: 6.... and survived the crash. Last to arrive are the choir, who are described as a "black catterpillar moving along the beach."
On closer examination is is found that there is a wide variance in the age of the boys, from about 6 to 12 years of age. From here on in the book the younger boys are simply referred to as the "littluns" and the older boys as "bigguns" although the younger children are referred to more collectively in the story. Ralph is elected chief of the group and his first action is for Jack, Simon and himself to go on a scout to check if the island is really and island or is attached to anything else, they find that it is an i .....
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Glass Menag.
Words: 562 - Pages: 3.... both useful and annoying. I say that they were
useful because they helped me to understand the plot and
the characters motives and actions easier and better. But
they were annoying because there were so many of them,
and at times Tennessee Williams was overly descriptive in
his stage directions. This play made me think about how
people with disabilities are treated. I had always thought that
in the thirties and forties, being disabled was not accepted.
But after reading this play, I am starting to think that I might
be wrong after all, because Laura seemed not to be treated
any differently as a result of her disability. What surprised
me .....
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A Tale Of Revenge In The Cask
Words: 440 - Pages: 2.... family revenge on another family.
In structure, there can be no doubt, that both Montresor's plan of revenge and Poe's story are carefully crafted to create the desired effect. Poe writes this story from the perspective of Montresor who vows revenge against Fortunato in an effort to support his time-honored family motto: "Nemo me impune lacessit" or "No one assails me with impunity." (No one can attack me without being punished.) Poe does not intend for the reader to sympathize with Montresor because Fortunato has wronged him, but rather to judge him. Telling the story from Montresor's point of view, intensifies the effect of moral shoc .....
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The Chrysanthemums
Words: 1009 - Pages: 4.... and heavy in her gardening costume, a man's black hat pulled low down over her eyes, clodhopper shoes, a figured print dress almost completely covered by a big corduroy apron with four big pockets to hold the snips, the trowel and scratcher, the seeds and the knife she worked with." As evidenced by this excerpt you can see that she has covered up her hair with a "man's hat" and has thrown an apron over her dress in attempts to cover up her femininity. This apron also takes on a similar role as a man's tool belt as he works the land. Other phrases used by Steinbeck further the above points. He mentions that her face was "ha .....
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Charles Dickens Hard Times And
Words: 2252 - Pages: 9.... revolution, which spawned how industrial relations were viewed during the 1850's, and utilitarianism. I have chosen the two major themes of industrial relations and educational system during this period. Although, you can not discuss labor relations without bringing focus upon the class society of Victorian England during this period. I will use the Norton Critical Edition of Hard Times, the Sources of the Western Tradition, and the Communist Manifesto to support my analytical interpretation of Charles Dickens Hard Times.
During this period Dickens wrote for a weekly publication called Household Words, each issue dealt with a di .....
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Choosing Ones Own Courses In Middle School
Words: 482 - Pages: 2.... and succeeding in life. If someone always dreamed of becoming an artist, and that was their goal in life, they would want to practice art. This student would like the most experience and training he could get throughout his years in school so they would be prepared to take more advanced courses and become very skilled.
Second, if Middle School students had their choice of courses, it would reflect on the faculty as well as other students, making it more enjoyable for everyone. When the student is choosing his or her courses, they are choosing it for the reason that they feel they could do well in this subject, and because they think t .....
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A Wild Sheep Chase
Words: 1735 - Pages: 7.... air.
Significantly, however, Boku is a member of the advertising world, that symbol of media-dominated and consumer-orientated contemporary Japanese culture, which is revealed to be under the thumb of the right-wing leader by virtue of his financial holdings; it is this man who indirectly draws Boku into the maelstrom of the sheep chase and robs him of his independence. No wonder, then, that there is no core, only vacuity, to Boku's being. He is literally without a past (or a future, for that matter). Victims of erasure, neither his family nor his divorced wife, for instance, impinge much on his consciousness. Paradoxically, he is often .....
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Antigone 3
Words: 662 - Pages: 3.... this depiction. This is precisely where the conflict between the sexes rises. The denial of burial to Polynices strikes directly at her family loyalty, for it was the immemorial privilege and duty of the women of the house to mourn the dead man in unrestrained sorrow, sing his praises, wash his body, and consign him to the earth. This enormous sense of loyalty leads to her simultaneous violation and abidement to the duty of women at the time. In order for her to properly mourn her brother, like every sister should, Antigone was forced to boldly challenge the law set forth by her uncle and king, Creon.
Unlike her sister, Ismene re .....
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