Papers on English
The Solitary Reaper
Words: 579 - Pages: 3.... helped create an impact on the reader and make the poem more enjoyable.
Alliteration was used to effect in the fourth line of the second stanza - "Among Arabian sands". The repetition of the soft letter "A" rolls off the tongue and leaves a memorable effect on the reader.
The use of eye rhyme is shown in the first stanza, where in the second and fourth lines the last word is "lass" and "pass" respectively. These two words at first glance look like they should rhyme but actually don't when read over. This causes the reader to stop and think. They may even look over the lines again. This technique sticks in the mind.
Assonance is .....
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Good Peoples Country
Words: 749 - Pages: 3.... the existentialismt is Hulga and the nihilist is Manly Porter. In Cat’s Cradle the existentialismt is Julian Castle and the nihilist is Newt Hoeniker.
In Good Country People, Manly Porter, the nihilist, robs Hulga, the existentialismt. Manly, who appears to be an honest hardworking man, who sells bibles, want to have dinner with Hulga. Hulga agrees to meet Manly because she wants to use him for a test subject in an experiment of seduction, hoping to gain a new experience and also change, what she thinks, his limited way of thinking. She wants to orchestrate this specific plan because she thinks it will be the most successful one .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Words: 782 - Pages: 3.... and after they were married, they led a pretty dull life and had generally the same schedule day after day. This couples development is limited by phasing them out of the novel. There is not much said about the Collins' after they marry. Austen’s use of Mr. Collins and Charlotte as flat characters is to show that marrying just to be married can lead to an unhappy life and to show the importance of marrying for love.
Although the Collins' lead a dull life, Mr. Bennet has the opportunity not to. There is plenty to keep him occupied with having five daughters and possibilities of marriage proposals. This, however, is not a concern of .....
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The Analysis Of Several Works Of Joyce Maynard: Life's Not Over Yet
Words: 1059 - Pages: 4.... the narrator recalled her
grandmother always saying she was about to die, she did not think it would
actually ever happen. The narrator wanted to empress her grandmother by
bringing her own daughter and dressed her up, this went to show that she
really cared allot about what her grandmother thought about her.
I thought that the grandmother influenced the characters in a
positive way, because she made the people she influenced always want to do
the best in life, as the people seemed to really care about and want her
The second chosen story, God is Not a Fish Inspector by W.D.
Valgardson was my personal favorite, the main characte .....
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A Critical Analysis Of Tension's In Memorial A. H. H.
Words: 1630 - Pages: 6.... & Christ 897). God seemed to be
dissolving before a panicked England's very eyes, replaced by the vision of a
cold, mechanistic universe that cared little for our existence.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson was painfully aware of the implications of such a
universe, and he struggled with his own doubts about the existence of God. We
glimpse much of his struggles in the poem In Memorial A. H. H., written in
memory of his deceased friend, Arthur Hallam. The poem seemed to be cathartic
for Tennyson, for through its writing he not only found an outlet for his grief
over Hallam's death, but also managed to regain the faith which seemed at times
to h .....
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Piano Lesson
Words: 1401 - Pages: 6.... were Berniece and Boy Willie with the rest of the family as supporting characters. Berniece was very withdrawn and held a lot of pain inside after the death of both her mother and husband. "She is still in mourning for her husband." (1335) Boy Willie, on the other hand, was a loud and stubborn man who had his mind set on selling the family piano from the onset of the play and nothing or no one was going to change his mind. "He is a brash and impulsive, talkative, and somewhat crude in speech and manner." (1334) These characteristics of the two main characters refer back to the theme of this play by illustrating the attitudes of Afr .....
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Oedipus Rex: Fate
Words: 1460 - Pages: 6.... to take the boy to a far away place.
This is how King Laios and Queen Iocaste try to avoid their fate. They are threatened by the existence of their son so they try to have him killed, to end their problem. However this plan, almost foolproof does not work. The shepherd brings the baby boy back to his city and gives him to King Polybus because the King and Queen could not have a child.
Oedipus grows up as the son of Polybus and Merope. When Oedipus was a young man he was told that he was not his father's son. He tires to dismiss this horrible accusation as that of a drunken man, but it always bothered him. One day Oedipus decides to go to .....
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Hester And Abigail
Words: 666 - Pages: 3.... She claims she wears it “for the sake of its gold thread” (166). Hester is also an adulator who is punished by the village. Abigail Williams is a teenager who is a great liar. She manages to pull off a big witch-hunt with skills probably as great as an actor does. She is also the niece of the town minister, Reverend Samuel Paris.
Both these women do know the feelings of being an adulator though. Even though Hester’s affair is known publicly. Hester fell in love with the minister Aruthur Dimmesdale. They are very much in love but then she gives birth to his child and is ridiculed by the public. Abigail believ .....
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A Portrait Of The Artist
Words: 616 - Pages: 3.... and knew that he had other worldly wishes. This final comment puts Stephen into mood that would in fact change his mind.
During this time when Stephen is leaving the meeting James Joyce uses imagery as before in the novel to compel the reader to think of Stephen the artist. "A quartet of young men ….. stepping to the agile melody of their leader's concertina". This is where Stephen starts to think of the dull "passionless life that awaited him". These troubles lead him into thoughts of the symbols of the church especially that of the Virgin Mary and how they are loosing their slots in his memory. These in turn are being replaced by .....
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King Lear
Words: 1116 - Pages: 5.... to condemn of his foolish action:
Why? For taking one's part that's out of favor
Nay; an thou canst not smile as the wind sits, thoul't catch cold shortly
There, take may coxcomb! Why this fellow has banished two on's daughters,
And did the third a blessing against his will. If thou follow him,
Thou must needs wear my coxcomb- How now nuncle? Would I had two
Coxcombs and two daughters!
(I, i: 96-103)
When the Fool offers King Lear his coxcomb, he is offering him wisdom. King Lear is unaware of his ignoble actions and this is the fool's attempt to make him realize how inadequate his actions are. In another rhyming jest, .....
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