Papers on English
A Student's Reading Of The Politics Of Rich And Poor
Words: 991 - Pages: 4.... dollars, with the lower
twenty percent of the population coincides with the belief of the typical
American avarice, during the eighties, leading the country on a rollercoaster
ride of economic instability and shaky ground. These ideas remain constant and
prevalant throughout the seven chapters. His views, though somewhat repetitive
in the text, strike the reader with astonishment, especially when considering
Phillips' Republican party affiliation.
With his thesis in mind, Phillips discusses three major factors that
escalate and at the same time submerge the state of the economy in America.
These factors include: the sudden .....
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Lonliness In Of Mice And Men -
Words: 345 - Pages: 2.... because they always moved around to different places and lacked a true home. Another cause of loneliness during the Great Depression is discrimination because of age, race, or sex.
Loneliness is demonstrated in this novel by many of its characters. One character, Crooks has to live in an isolated shack next to the barn because he is black, his only companions are his books. He shows his loneliness when Lennie and Candy comes into his room and even if he says he does not want them in his room he cannot conceal his pleasure with anger. Curly’s wife is another character that shows loneliness because she is stuck in the house often .....
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Battle Royal 2
Words: 863 - Pages: 4.... was telling him to conform to the white peoples way of life in order to get ahead. I believe that the story had a deeper meaning than the aforementioned one.
I believe that if the reader were to take a deeper look into all of the symbolism in the story, one would find that the summation of all the symbolism is equal to not only the struggle of this black boy, but the struggle of blacks at the time in which the story takes place. I think that if one were to analyze the grandfathers dying words, one would find the view of most conformist black Americans. The only way for a black person to excel at
that time was to conform to the whi .....
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To Kill A MockingTo Kill A Moc
Words: 757 - Pages: 3.... a bigot and doesn't see the character of Calpurnia, just the color of her skin. Another person who is treated like an inferior is Scout by her teacher, because she knew how to read. "She discovered that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste. (p.17)." Scout is treated like it is her fault that she knows more than the average child did. She learned earlier than others so she gets punished unjustly. Tom Robinson is also one who is discriminated by a biased community. Tom is found guilty by the jury in his case against the Ewells (p.211). The guilty verdict is a direct result of a racist community. Tom was never given a .....
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Changes In Macbeth
Words: 1217 - Pages: 5.... were. It establishes the fact that she knew him so well, she knew what he was like and it emphasises the closeness of their relationship. She speaks of how he has enough ambition but not enough courage. His "overiding ambition" is not enough. When Macbeth and Lady Macbeth speak, they speak to eachother with such closeness and bond; he calls her his "dearest chuck", his "partner of greatness". She knows that he is too weak to do anything and states her position in the murder "leave the rest to me".
In Act 1, Scene 7 establishes the force and power that Lady Macbeth posseses over her husband. Upon hearing of Macbeth's decision not to kill Dun .....
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Petruchio And Kate
Words: 1160 - Pages: 5.... because she is no longer seen as the shrew.
In the beginning of the play Kate is “consistently in opposition to everything around her”2, meanwhile “Bianca obeys so gently and with such sweet submission that it is obvious why she is Baptista’s favorite daughter”2. In the end of the play, the roles switch and Katherina is submissive to every word of Petruchio and Bianca resists the commands of her new husband.
Kate’s first reaction to Petruchio, her “mad wooer”, is self-pity, and even her father feels that his treatment of her would “vex a saint”. He takes her away from the home she is used to, with servants and ma .....
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Our Secret
Words: 584 - Pages: 3.... The author uses this type of fragment to relate to subjects farther down the essay which makes each fragment relate to the content. Fragments that are used help to explain human nature, insides and outsides, everything affected by past, secrets, cause and effect, and development. All of these factors can go with the stories of Heinrich Himmler, Gebhard (Dad of Himmler), Laura (story in beginning), Heinz, Wernher von Braun (rocket scientist), Helene (author met at Metro station), and Leo. The author also uses examples of homosexuality, torture, child-rearing practices, parents/family, and also relates it with the stories and the fragments. .....
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Compare & Contrast: "The Devil And Tom Walker" And "The Devil And Daniel Webster"
Words: 556 - Pages: 3.... lives on the Cross
Corners of New Hampshire and that he's on a farm. The story doesn't give
much description on what his house looks like or the scenery.
Also, in “The Devil and Daniel Webster” it tells the story at a quicker
pace. Jabez meets the Devil and makes a deal before the story and plot
really develop very much. In the “Devil and Tom Walker” the story goes into
a lot of details about how his house is raggedy, ugly, and trashy looking.
No man traveling ever stops at their house. His wife hides things, is mean,
and a loud-mouth. The story describes how Tom walked through the murky
swamp and how he met “Old Scratch” unlike .....
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Escape Theme In The Glass Mena
Words: 849 - Pages: 4.... mother. Amanda sees the fire escape as an opportunity for gentleman callers to enter their lives. Laura's view is different from her mother and her brother. Her escape seems to be hiding inside the apartment, not out. The fire escape separates reality and the unknown.
Across the street from the Wingfield apartment is the Paradise Dance Hall. Just the name of the place is a total anomaly in the story. Life with the Wingfields is as far from paradise as it could possibly be. Laura appears to find solace in playing the same records over and over again, day after day. Perhaps the music floating up to the apartment from the dance hall is suppo .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Words: 564 - Pages: 3.... in those times: he asked a woman for financial assistance. The woman, his aunt, also transcended the traditional role of women in those times by telling Marlow that she would be delighted to help him and to ask her for help whenever he needed it. This incident did not have much to do with the symbolic theme of the story; it simply served to tell the reader how Marlow managed to be able to travel to the Congo. On a higher level, it was intended by Conrad to illustrate Marlow's opinion of women's inferior role in society, which embodied
traditional 19th century society.
The two other female characters are not mentioned until much la .....
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