Papers on English
Images Of Light And Darkness I
Words: 2223 - Pages: 9.... Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (Tenth Edition) defines it as: 1. (1): strong affection for another rising out of kinship or personal ties. 2: warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion. 3: unselfish loyal and benevolet concern for the good of another. 4: to thrive on.
Spiritual masters say that love is all there is. They also say in order to truly know something, one must know it’s opposite. To know hot, one must experience cold. To know sorrow, one must have known joy. To love, one must hate. (Or at least come pretty damned close to it.) Without darkness, one cannot appreciate light.
Professors of English say t .....
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Othello 2
Words: 802 - Pages: 3.... speaking to loud, or tainting his discipline; or from what other course you please, which the time shall more favorably minister. “ (Pg. 673)
Roderigo does this for Iago promises it will make him look good in front of Desdemona. Iago needs to make Cassio suffer and manipulates Roderigo to do it by playing on Roderigo’s desire for Desdemona. Iago also uses Roderigo for his money as well as helping his evil plans,
“ Roderigo: I am changed: I’ll go sell all my land. Exit.
Iago: Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profane,
If I would time expend wit .....
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Macbeth - Soliloquy Analysis
Words: 1429 - Pages: 6.... the only way to end the pain of life is through death. "And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death." What can be taken from this is that from our earliest recollection, we are constantly being guided forward from yesterday to our death. If light is life, then the light just leads us to death. When these lines are read together it enables the reader to see the despair and agony Macbeth is now suffering. The past is pushing him ahead and the future is creeping in on him. He has nowhere in time or space to escape. Death is the only place left to go. "Out, out brief candle!" Lady Macbeth's candle has burnt out and .....
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Lady Oracle
Words: 949 - Pages: 4.... chose to tell the story, we are able to learn a lot about the protagonist's troubled adolescence. Joan harbors a lot of resentment and anger towards her mother because of the serious emotional and mental abuse that she was put through. As a teenager, Joan was morbidly obese which is what encouraged her mother's mistreatment and condescending attitude. A good example of this can be found when Joan's mother says to her (Pg. 87): "Is this all your good for? Sitting around and eating? Look at yourself, it's disgusting!" This shows us just how much her mother is focused on physical appearance. The way Joan feels about herself and her moth .....
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The Book Of Judges
Words: 434 - Pages: 2.... Dan to the North and the sins of the Benjamites. The author emphasized that Israel was being influenced by foreign powers and the loss of freedom and prosperity. Recurring throughout the book is the stereotyped formula: "The people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the lord." Then after each period or subjection the author introduces another formula: " But when the people of Israel cried the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the people. Through-out the book, tells about prophets, rulers and influencial people such as: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon, Tilian and Samson. There are also many more minor .....
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Bird Imagery In The Awakening
Words: 864 - Pages: 4.... understood" (1). Like the bird, Edna feels trapped and believes that society has imprisoned her. Her marriage to Mr. Pontellier suffocates her and keeps her from being free. At the same time, she remains shut apart from society like the bird in the cage, and different ideas and feelings prevent her from communicating. The only person in society that begins to understand her, Robert, eventually decides that he must remain a member of society instead of staying with her. He says that "you [Edna] were not free; you were Leonce Pontellier's wife" and that "[Robert] was demented, dreaming of wild, impossible things...[such as] men who had set .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird 3
Words: 691 - Pages: 3.... that Mr. Radley was preventing his brother Boo from pursuing a friendship with
them. The difference between appearance and reality comes into affect. First, Mr. Radley
tells Jem and Scout that he cemented the tree because it was sick when it was not.
Secondly, Jem realized that Mr. Radley had lied just to keep Boo from having any friends
from the outside world. Harper Lee uses irony when Aunt Alexandra hosts the missionary
The ladies that attended Aunt Alexandra’s missionary circle acted as hypocrites.
She says, “...I made a pledge in my heart. I said to myself, when I go home I’m .....
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Brave New World 6
Words: 792 - Pages: 3.... stitching up simple tears and weaving. In the story Mitsima, an old man from the reservation, teaches John the Savage how to make a clay pot, using nothing but a lump of clay and his own two hands. This is a very practical and useful tool. The Savages are taught to cook for themselves, and to clean for themselves. These teachings help the individual to grow practically. The Savages also bestow good ideals in their people from which they can learn, understand, and grow. One of the most important things that the Savages are taught is self-control. The Whipping Ceremony is a good example of this. In this ceremony a young man was whipped to dea .....
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Civ. And Its Discontents And G
Words: 1075 - Pages: 4.... sexual freedom. This sexual freedom can also be described as a religious feeling too. Some people feel that the actual act of sex is a very free and religious feeling because of the deep love felt between the two people involved. And this concept of love leads me into the next point that both books talk about love between two people and how it is a very unrestrained feeling. This is shown in Gilgamesh between Enkidu and Gilgamesh, men who feel a very deep connection to each other. Also in Civilization and Its Discontents when Freud talks about how "at the height of being in love the boundary between ego and object threatens to melt away .....
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King Lear Assignment
Words: 1983 - Pages: 8.... fast intent
To shake all cares and business from our age,
Conferring them on younger strengths while we
Unburdened crawl to death..."
(Act I, Sc i, Ln 38-41)
This gives the reader the first indication of Lear's intent to abdicate his throne. He goes on further to offer pieces of his kingdom to his daughters as a form of reward to his test of love.
"Great rivals in our youngest daughter's love,
Long in our court have made their amorous
And here are to be answered. Tell me, my
(Since now we will divest us both of rule,
Interest of territory, cares of state),
Which of you shall we say doth love us most?
That we our larges .....
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