Papers on History
Definition Of War: Sherman's Hell
Words: 783 - Pages: 3.... benefited a largely agricultural society,
and when that freedom was denied they withdrew from the Union. The Union,
on the other hand, viewed the South as a group of radicals making an
attempt to dissolve the unity of states that their ancestors had worked
so hard to create. As a result they felt their freedom of unity and
nationhood had been taken away. It is difficult to say who was in the
right, but when all of the negotiations had been exhausted, war was the
result. In this case there was no other option because both sides believed
in their cause.
Gen. William T. Sherman said ³War is Hell², and that quote has
remained famous b .....
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Words: 1395 - Pages: 6.... reverence for Brahmans (priests), and cows; no eating meat specially beef; the wide variety of beliefs and practices; and marriage between the caste.
Most Indus worship Shiva, Vishnu, or Devi, but they also worship hundreds of additional minor gods, such as Sarsuati and Ganesha depending on a particular place or to a particular family.
The ultimate authority for all Hindus are the Vedas. The oldest of the four Vedas is the Rig-Veda, which was composed in and ancient form of the Sanskrit language in northwest India. This text, consisting of 1028 hymns to a pantheon of gods, has been memorized syllable by syllable and preserved orally to t .....
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Kurds - A People Without A Sta
Words: 1864 - Pages: 7.... neighbors
(Hitchens, p. 36, 1992). It is this cultural difference between the
groups that automatically creates the potential for conflict. Of the
25 million Kurds, approximately 10 million live in Turkey, four
million in Iraq, five million in Iran, and a million in Syria, with
the rest scattered throughout the rest of the world (Bonner, p. 46,
1992). The Kurds also have had a long history of conflict with these
other ethnic groups in the Middle East, which we will now look at.
The history of Kurds in the area actually began during ancient times.
However, the desire for a Kurdish homeland did not begin until the .....
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Jurassic Park
Words: 1123 - Pages: 5.... work, we as a people will forget the manual way to work. If we totally rely on computers in the future we will be making mankind obsolete.
In the story, the mathematician Malcolm is the philosophical voice that questions the durability of the park and the accountability of the science used to re-create the dinosaurs. He challenges the ideas of Dr.Wu and end up being right in the end about the animals. He also states that society will turn into an information society and thought will be banished. By this he is saying that if the world of technology continues on the path it is on now, the future will be run and determined by technology. H .....
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George S. Patton
Words: 345 - Pages: 2.... Patton, was the son of a brigadier general in command of the 22d Virginia Regiment who was killed at the Battle of Winchester in the Civil War for the Confederacy. His mother, Ruth Wilson, was the daughter of a savage fighter nicknamed “Don Benito” who was very well known for once returning from a battle with Indians, with a basket full of the enemies heads. George Smith Patton Junior was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California. Even though George grew up on his father ranch, he learned a lot of things. Here he was taught how to hunt, fish, sail, horseback ride and many things about agriculture. His mother was an excel .....
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Lewis And Clark Discoveries
Words: 336 - Pages: 2.... in the cold weather by learning to make moccasins, and also to use nature to keep themselves alive and healthy. The Shoshone let the crew rest in their village for some time and also gave them their first taste of salmon.
Yet over the course of the expedition, Lewis and Clark developed a ritual that they used when meeting a tribe for the first time. The captains would explain to the tribal leaders that the their land now belonged to the United States, and that a man far in the east - President Thomas Jefferson - was their new "great father." They would also give the Indians a peace medal with Jefferson on one side and two hands clasping on .....
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Cuba, Castro, And The United States
Words: 3356 - Pages: 13.... support that might have legitimized his rape of the 1940 Constitution.
As the people of Cuba grew increasingly dissatisfied with his gangster style politics, the tiny rebellions that had sprouted began to grow. Meanwhile the U.S. government was aware of and shared the distaste for a regime increasingly nauseating to most public opinion. It became clear that Batista regime was an odious type of government. It killed its own citizens, it stifled dissent. (1) At this time Fidel Castro appeared as leader of the growing rebellion. Educated in America he was a proponent of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy. He conducted a brilliant gueril .....
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The Shooting Down Of An Iranian Airliner By The USS Vincennes
Words: 1124 - Pages: 5.... the Iran-Iraq tanker wars and were blatant acts of aggression by Iran. One of the most significant of these events was the missile attack on the USS STARK that killed more than 30 if her crew in May of 1987. Another important event was the laying of mines in international waters by Iran, which lead to the USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS striking a mine and taking serious damage in early 1988. These events were probably still fresh in Captain Rodgers mind then he received word from the USS MONTGOMERY that they were tracking several Iranian gunboats the might be attacking a neutral tanker.
It is my opinion that Captain Rodgers saw this as an unpreceden .....
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Israeli Palestinian Conflict
Words: 1252 - Pages: 5.... Politics played a
influential role in their thinking. By the beginning of the 20th century,
however, Zionism came to have a political meaning: that Jews were not just a
religious or ethnic group but were a nation of people who should have their own
state. Today Zionism is the term for Jewish nationalism.
Not all Jews agree upon what Zionism is, but to a point there is
agreement, it is upon three things: there should be a Jewish state; it should be
permanent, independent, and secure; and Jews who are threatened anywhere in the
world should be able to go there to be safe. All other issues--the boundaries of
the state, the nature of government .....
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Sir William Wallace
Words: 690 - Pages: 3.... 14 years old
and was sent to live with his uncle Argile. His Uncle taught William Latin
and French and how to be a swordsmen.When William's father returned from the
revolt at Turnberry Band William was 17 years old. Fighting between rival
families and rival towns were heating up. Civil War was about to Break out
in Scotland. Brawling and riots inside towns turned into full scale battles,
Where in the Battle of Loudoun Hill William's father was involved and killed.
William Stayed with his mother For two years until he met Murron Braidfoot
and married her in the year 1272. There are many tales on how William Wallace
became and outlaw aft .....
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