Papers on History
Music In The Romantic Period
Words: 1120 - Pages: 5.... and subjective. The entire nineteen century is generally referred to as the Age of Romanticism because the personal element in creative expression was so apparent.
The Romantic Era began as a literary movement in Germany during the late eighteenth century. Romantic Ideas spread throughout Europe through about the next forty years. It became the philosophy of not only poets, but of dramatists, painters, dancers and composers. Because of poetic inspiration, musical compositions were often named with descriptive titles and or complied to literary programs like paintings that attempted to illustrate stories. Romanticism can be thought .....
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Fourth Amendment Exceptions
Words: 2961 - Pages: 11.... of a warrantless search of an open field. Oliver v. United States is a case in which police officers, acting on reports from neighbors that a patch of marijuana was being cultivated on the Oliver farm, entered on to private property ignoring “No Trespassing” signs, and on to a secluded open portion of the Oliver property without a warrant, discovered the marijuana patch and then arrested Oliver without an arrest warrant. The Maine Judicial Court held that “No Trespassing” signs posted around the Oliver property “evinced a reasonable expectation of privacy,” and therefore the court held that the “open fields” doctrine was .....
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From Stalinism To Leninism
Words: 1739 - Pages: 7.... to suit the demands of the time.
One of Stalin's main focuses was on the concept of "socialism in one country" - that is, the focus on the betterment exclusively of his own country rather than on the international communist revolution. "Socialism in one country" began with Lenin. In 1918 Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Livtosk, which pulled Russia out of WW1 and surrendered much of the Ukraine to Austria-Hungarian forces ("How Lenin Led to Stalin"). At this time, there was a revolutionary movement in the Ukraine composed of peasants and workers known as the Makhnovist movement. This group needed only the support of Lenin and Russia .....
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Great Wall Of China
Words: 637 - Pages: 3.... kingdoms from invading armies. Shih planned to make a great wall by extending and enlarging preexisting walls made by previous rulers. This "great" wall would serve as a barricade to keep out all tribes that wanted to invade China. It also served to separate the civilized acts of the farmers in China to the barbaric acts of the nomadic tribes. What Shih did not know was that the construction would cause many deaths and much suffering to the builders of the wall. The wall which Meng and his men created had watchtowers, forty feet tall, every two hundred yards. The purpose of these towers was to alert the defending soldiers of approaching, .....
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Race In The New England And Southern Colonies
Words: 978 - Pages: 4.... king, and an elected assembly chosen by the people. Finally, the New England colonies wanted to establish the colony for religious motives, while the southern colonies were established for economic motives.
England and the rebels of England (Pilgrims), made up the New England and southern colonies. "God Almighty in his most holy and wise providence hath so disposed of the condition of mankind, in all times some must be rich, some poor, some high and eminent in power and dignity, other mean and in subjection. Yet we must be knit together in this work as one man."(John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity) This statement by John Winthrop, d .....
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The Age Of Exploration: Europe
Words: 516 - Pages: 2.... in
Spain, chartered the coastline of Central America and described this as the
"Mundus Novus", meaning "New World". In 1507, a German cartographer
labeled the continent America named after Amerigo Vespucci. He also
explored the coastline of Central America.
Juan Ponce de Le¢n set out to find the Fountain of Youth. He never
did find the fountain, but he discovered the land that he named "Florida".
Vasci de Balboa was the first to push through the jungle of Central America,
On the other side he discovered a vast body of water that he named "South
Sea", because he thought that it was South of Asia. This Ocean was named
the "Pacific .....
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Hiroshima 5
Words: 1531 - Pages: 6.... fear that has forever changed world politics. The fear is real,
more real today than ever, for the ease at which a nuclear bomb is
achieved in this day and age sparks fear in the hearts of most people
on this planet. According to General Douglas MacArthur, "We have had
our last chance. If we do not devise some greater and more equitable
system, Armageddon will be at our door." The decision to drop the
atomic bomb on Japanese citizens in August, 1945, as a means to
bring the long Pacific war to an end was justified-militarily,
politically and morally.
The goal of waging war is victory with minimum losses on one's .....
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Dewey Hunter Theories
Words: 904 - Pages: 4.... science played a big part in the educational development process and viewed science as a method of probing into the behavior of things. From this idea of environmentally-based, active, hands-on learning, he began to develop a theory which became known as the Progressive Education Theory. This was the process of transforming curriculum from rote memorization to active student participation. Dewey believed that students should involve themselves in activities that stimulate their interest, and which create a desire to learn within them. Some of the activities that Dewey embraced as productive exercises were folding, cutting, pricking, .....
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Words: 1877 - Pages: 7.... began long before the years of 1900-1902, when the muckraking movement is credited to have begun. Jesus was probably the first muckraker. Years later, Martin Luther exposed the corruptness of the Catholic Church. Also, early Abolitionist works--Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin and Helper's The Impending Crisis used muckraking to get a point across. However, events during the 1890s most directly paved the way for the critiques and exposures of existing conditions. This period was able to reach a limited upper class and the were able to expand appeal to the average middle class citizen (Reiger 49-50).
One reason for the outspread of muckraking was t .....
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Ap Us History How Effective Th
Words: 449 - Pages: 2.... standards to become a state. They both also became prime examples for the organization of territories later acquired west of the Mississippi River.
On the other hand, foreign relations with Britain were strained. After the Articles of Confederation were established, Britain put stricter restrictions on United States commerce. United States foodstuffs, lumber, and tobacco were all welcomed in Britain, but only if it arrived in British ships. The United States ships lost all privileges to trade their merchandise to the West Indies and were forced to pay high custom fees for landing their cargo in Britain. As a result of one-half .....
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