Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Media Extended Essay Glen Hodd
Words: 3176 - Pages: 12.... the media soon started to turn on Glen Hoddle.
When you are in the public eye you have to be very careful about what you do and what you say especially when you have the media’s knives out to get you. Glen Hoddle, Unfortunately for him is a man that is not afraid to talk about his own beliefs and he is known to have strong views on God and religion. The story breaks that Hoddle has said that disabled people are being punished for sins in past lives. Once the news of this got out there was no holding back . Every form of media broke the story with follow up reports on the reactions of disabled people, famous peoples view points and the odd .....
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Words: 973 - Pages: 4.... Seville, which many people chose to go to instead of the new American attraction. All this was going on right at the beginning of a recession period for Europe, which made decisions for cheaper and economical vacations for people. Disney's biggest mistake was not researching the people who were supposed to account for fifty percent of the attendance, the French. Many of the French people viewed the Disney name and company as "American Imperialism - plastics at it's worst". Many French farmers were upset over how Disney purchased the land, which was at 1971 market value. Disney did not do homework at all. The advertising that they use .....
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Homeopathy And Women
Words: 3316 - Pages: 13.... it is worthwhile investigating the extent to which they have actually repudiated conventional gender practices. Being rid of stereotype and domination would make these traditions "alternative" in the deepest sense.
At the focus of this paper are the life and works of Dr. James Tyler Kent, an eminent 19-th century American homeopath. Kent himself would never have used the word "alternative" for his personal brand of homeopathy, which he presumed was blessed by God; but with the distance that time affords, we can permit ourselves to use the term as a convenient approximation, recognizing that there was more social overlap and shared ideol .....
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The Fun Filled Fractal Phenome
Words: 1199 - Pages: 5.... the number of copies of the original figure, which is calculated by doubling its size and D is the dimension. Mandelbrot named his creations fractals because each part is a fraction of the whole figure.
The Chaos Theory describes the complex and unpredictable motion of systems that are sensitive to their initial conditions. Chaotic systems follow precise laws but their irregular behavior can appear to be random to the casual observer. For example, weather is a chaotic system. If the rays of the sun bounce off the hood of a car in a certain way, causing a breeze, the breeze could blow a leave off a tree, which starts a series of addit .....
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Communication In The Millenium
Words: 887 - Pages: 4.... When the only communication possible was telegrams, telephone calls, and writing letters. All of those mentioned ways of communication hasn’t become totally obsolete yet, but with all the current technologies, such as the Internet, email, and video-conferencing, it would make most people back in the “good old days” stare wide-eyed and shake their heads in disbelief. How would one even begin to explain modems and servers and chat rooms to someone who had just bought a touch-tone phone? Yet, it was back in those “good old days” when things that we today consider necessities would have then been considered impossible.
So, what .....
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Words: 1757 - Pages: 7.... assistance, conduct raids, surveillance works, stakeouts, conduct undercover assignments, as well as testify in court.
In order to more effectively investigate a case, a detective must possess certain personal characteristics. should have intellectual qualities, but great intelligence is not needed. Effective investigators obtain and retain information, apply technical knowledge, remain open-minded and objective, and use logic when attempting to solve a case. All decisions pertaining to a case should be based on facts and not be opinion based, but the results of an investigation should not be based on only one fact. rely on skil .....
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Marketing Of Tobacco
Words: 1130 - Pages: 5.... OF TOBACCO
Marketing can be defined as the process by which goods and services are sold and purchased. It also includes functions like, advertising, mail-order business, public relations and the like. The main goal of marketing is to acquire, retain and satisfy customers.(2:1)
Cigarette companies seem to understand the above mentioned definition perfectly. They carefully follow management's wishes about promotion of cigarettes. Like any other firm, cigarette manufacturers try to supply, design and produce products that will satisfy consumer needs.(4:4)
However, critics complain of the effects of marketing tobacco on s .....
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Cigarette Smoking Amond Colleg
Words: 1462 - Pages: 6.... death in the United States" (smoking). In doing my research, the first thing that must be done is to define "cigarette smoking" and what it actually means to be a "smoker." There is no actual standard set for how much or how often a person smokes to stereotype them with the characteristic of a "smoker." For my purposes and the purposes of this project I have set my own standards to clarify and make my research in general easier to understand. I have recently "quit" smoking and I still occasionally have a cigarette, but still do not consider myself a "smoker." On the other hand, I do not believe someone should have to be a chain smoker to b .....
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Teen Suicide
Words: 1544 - Pages: 6.... found in the small towns of America, as well as in its largest cities.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds, and the sixth leading cause for 5 to 14 year olds. Suicide accounts for twelve percent of the mortality in the adolescent and young adult group. Young males are more common than young woman suicides. These are only children who followed through with the suicide. For every successful suicide there are fifty to one hundred adolescent suicide attempts. In other words, more than five percent of all teenagers tried to commit suicide, and the number is still rising. It is scary to think that four p .....
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Portrayal Of Women In Soaps
Words: 1747 - Pages: 7.... on television drama. Also McNeil found that 75 percent of men were gainfully employed, compared to less than half of the women. McNeil also found that when employed, a female character is less likely to have an important job and more likely to work under close supervision. These statistics found in Harper's articles support the idea that women would be better off being married and keeping a home rather than going out into the high-powered world. Harper says that although a parallel structure is apparent in soap operas, the female character will usually fail or lose her power by becoming more sensitive and caring, or by being condemned t .....
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