Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
False Advertising
Words: 614 - Pages: 3.... them later. It is that topic that seemed to come up most in articles on .
Surveys have also been conducted to tell the amounts of "fraudulent" ads being seen on television and how they fluctuate from year to year. In the past ten years television ads which make fraudulent claims have "gone down significantly"(miller). This is in part due to several new laws which have been established. It is doubtful however that much more stringent laws will be put in place in the near future. This is mostly due to political stubbornness.
Many books have also been written on advertising in general. About three quarters of these books include sections o .....
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Women In Management
Words: 1050 - Pages: 4.... There are a huge number of demands placed upon them: kids, husbands, elderly parents, the home, the groceries. One huge problem faced by all women whether they work or not is TIME. Brand- loyalty is just one strategy that women implement to save time.
Receiving a promotion is an event to be celebrated. Employees promoted to the role of manager are confronted with a new set of responsibilities and yet, too often, these employees lack management training and development skills. Consequently, new supervisors are faced with a difficult rite of passage - learning through trial and error. "To ensure the smooth transition from employee to mana .....
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Words: 584 - Pages: 3.... from earth and then return heat and wastes to earth, but the environment can only handle so much waste before serious effects on humans are seen.
As human numbers increase, deterioration of water quality and destruction
of animal and plant communities increase too. The serious effects of population
growth apply even on the protected locations of this planet. Rapid expansion of
human numbers also causes overexploitation of natural resources and provides
pressure on food supplies. As a result it will not be long until we observe a
remarkable decline in our living standards. Land, forest and water are some the vital resources that are thr .....
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Disneys Influence On American
Words: 1416 - Pages: 6.... a mouse.
Walt Disney began his legacy with Steamboat Willy on November 18, 1928, at the Colony Theater in New York. Dave Smith wrote: This was the first synchronized sound cartoon, and it was a huge success. Reviewers commented on the cleverness of the cartoon, the advantage that sound brought to the medium, and the fun personality of Walt Disney’s new character, Mickey Mouse. (25)
The success of Mickey Mouse was the start of an unbreakable alliance that has and will always remain synonymous. A brilliant creator and a lovable creation joined forces to become the most powerful influence on American culture.
It is inevitable, tha .....
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The International Space Station
Words: 908 - Pages: 4.... the systems over the next five months to ensure all is working according to plan.
These are the first of forty-five launchings, aimed to be completed in the year 2004, at the cost of forty billion dollars in American money. Once fully assembled will consist of more than one-hundred different sections with a mass of 455,865 kilograms or 456 tons. It will measure 108.6 meters by 79.9 meters, which is equivalent in size to an American football field, including the end zones!
When completed (ISS) will be able to carry a crew of up seven astronauts in living conditions of a far higher standard than the current largest existing space stati .....
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Bartleby And Civil Disobedienc
Words: 562 - Pages: 3.... giving permission for an individual to ignore anything he or she finds morally unacceptable. However, in “Bartleby,” Bartleby’s boss places no unjust laws and assigns no unjust work. He simply asks Bartleby to do easy tasks such as, “when those papers are all copied, I will compare them with you”, or, “just step around the Post Office, won’t you? And see if there is anything for me” (Melville 116). The boss, who is also the narrator, never requests Bartleby to perform any difficult chores. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s interpretation of an unjust law is, “a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a mi .....
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Hysteria And The Crucible
Words: 531 - Pages: 2.... She herself even said. " She sends her spirit on me in church, she makes me laugh at prayer (page 1057)!" to convict Tituba.
Parris:, In fright : How can it be the Devil? Why would he choose my house to strike? We have all the manner of licentious people in the village (1056)! As the girls "confess" to doing the Devils' work people are trying to figure out a good reason why the devil would choose a member of the Parris family, when the truth being that there really isn't a devil choosing anybody in the Parris family. It is on central person causing the hysteria and devilish attitudes.
While the day's turned into weeks, and the weeks .....
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The American Dream 2
Words: 278 - Pages: 2.... to accomplish in life; the goals Americans set for themselves is the part of the dream that has changed. Like a new piece of shining, metallic silver, the dream began with an unselfish goal which all the first Americans craved. Their dream was freedom. In the beginning, all Americans wanted freedom, but as the civilization's standards declined, their priorities changed. The once bright, shining silver began to cloud up, and the reflection of a pure and decent country started to appear murky. Once this happened, the American Dream was not as much about freedom anymore; it was about wealth. The people's pecuniary dreams began to fill the .....
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International Logistics
Words: 1317 - Pages: 5.... is the timely movement of raw materials, parts, and supplies. The physical distribution is the movement of the firm’s finished products to the customers. Both phases involve every stage of the process including storage. The ultimate goal of logistics is to coordinate all efforts of the company to maintain a cost effective flow of goods.
There are four logistics concepts: the systems concept, the total cost concept, the after-tax concept, and the trade-off concept. The systems concept is based on all functions of a organization working together in order to maximize benefits. This concept sometimes requires certain components of .....
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Compare How Hobbes And Augustine Think The Condition Of War Arises And Defend One Author's Account Of `ordinary' Morality As An Antedote For It
Words: 891 - Pages: 4.... can achieve some sort of peace on our own through God's saving grace.
To Augustine, humans seek an object of love they can't lose. The problem
with that to humans is that humans can't provide that to other humans completely.
Only God can and that in turn causes hostility among humans. The love of God,
then, is the only way humans can completely satisfy all four virtues and have
eternal peace. Eternal peace is where faith, love, and hope are to be enjoyed,
such as in The City of God.
In Book XIX, Augustinian social theory summarizes the principle of
ordered harmony. This theory finds perfection in a mutual society that .....
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