Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
The Orgin Of Comedy
Words: 2251 - Pages: 9.... be `risked' within its framework which would not otherwise be acceptable or possible. 3. Humor allows the exploration of new ideas in situations of uncertainty or unfamiliarity. Similarly allowed are the negotiation of taboo topics, sensitive issues, and marginal serious content. 4. Humor performs a boundary function on both internal and external lines, policing groups in terms of membership and acceptable and competence behavior. 5. Humor can function as a coping device to release tension, allay fear, forestall threat, defuse aggression or distance the unpleasant.6. Humor can represent an implicit contradiction, paradox or `joke in th .....
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Migrant Labour
Words: 2225 - Pages: 9.... on the crucial role the system had in the development of the South African economy and its detrimental effects on the South African family and the South African child.
To completely understand the impact that migrant labor has had on the African family and child. It must first be understood why the migrant labor force was created, who benefited from it and how it worked. To understand this we must go back to the beginning of colonialism in Africa.
With the arrival of the Dutch settlers to the Cape, little did the African people of Cape known that their lives would be changed forever. With the colonization of South Africa by the first Du .....
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Lowell Police
Words: 538 - Pages: 2.... gave me a chance to
show my parents I was actually doing something productive in school.) They
placed the hand-cuffs on me and read me my rights. I have to admit the whole
thing was quite funny, but I would never want it to happen in a real situation.
The cuffs where killing me, but I took it like a man. They gave me a ride
around the block where I had the chance to ask them a few questions.
1. What made you want to become a cop?
2. How do you feel about kids and our constant drug problem?
3. Do you think certain laws should apply to certain situations?
4. Do you feel you are making a significant contribution .....
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Supportive Communication (mana
Words: 836 - Pages: 4.... about the subject at hand.
II. Rigidity is where the communication is portrayed as being absolute, where the listener is made to conform to an absolute point of view.
III. Indifference is the form of invalidation where the communicator makes the other person feel that their feelings are not cared about.
IV. Imperviousness is where the communicator does not acknowledge the listener’s feelings or opinions.
? Make communication specific, not global. When statements are made to be specific, the listener will understand it better and be able to apply to the wrong behavior more effectively.
? Be conjunctive, not disjunctive. Com .....
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Words: 512 - Pages: 2.... seeing other people suffering from all kind of diseases. People should try to enjoy their lives as much as they can. Disease such as AIDS, there is no medication or any method can cure that disease. The legalizing of euthanasia can actually minimize the suffering of those patients. Legalize of euthanasia doesn’t simply mean that we encourage people to die. We just want to minimize the suffering of the people.
Legalizing of euthanasia allows dying patients to choose between live or die. For example my mother’s friend’s husband, Todd, he had a stroke and after that he couldn’t move his body. The only thing he could do is whispe .....
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Jim Stolpa And His Family's Trip
Words: 459 - Pages: 2.... put on. After many continuous hours of driving, Jim decided to take the chains off so the baby and his wife could sleep. Before they knew it, the road was no longer cleared and they lost their way into the snow.
After three long days, Jim decided it was time to go. If they stayed any longer, they would die. At first, he wanted Jennifer and the baby to stay, but Jen insisted they go. So they wrote whomever a letter letting them know where they were headed and bundled up for the long journey.
They walked 29 hours without sleep before finally reaching a cave. They climbed in for shelter and some warmth. Finally after a day or two, J .....
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Canadas Shame
Words: 712 - Pages: 3.... high fish consumption. The validity of the above accusation is easily measured. With the collapse of the Canadian cod stock, it would be natural to expect the seal population to plummet, if in fact they were devouring as much cod as is claimed. However, since the cod have disappeared, the seal population has remained stable in its numbers. Seals have become a scapegoat, rather than over fishing by humans.
Sealers are playing on the depletion of the cod stock to slaughter a greater number of seals in a cruel and heartless fashion. The two methods most commonly used by the landsmen (hunters who venture short distances from shore on foot, .....
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Burger Wars
Words: 397 - Pages: 2.... They were also the highest priced. However, Wendy's hamburgers were bigger and contained the most protein. Personally, I feel that bigger or not, burgers were not meant to be square.
McDonald's hamburgers seemed to be pretty healthy considering their size. They had the least calories, fat, and sodium. They were also the cheapest priced. However, they did have the least protein. These hamburgers taste pretty good. But, they could be better if they had less onions and a sesame seed bun.
Burger King's hamburgers seemed to fall right in the middle of the other two types. they were just a little higher numbered in calories, fat, and .....
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Words: 528 - Pages: 2.... than anyone else. This event not only foreshadowed, but also laid the foundation for the way that the main character would be treated the rest of his life among his brothers. Later on in his life, Equality 7-2521 encountered yet another major conflict, he was not allowed to question what he was taught. The troublesome young man was expected to be just like his brothers. This was quite possibly the greatest his many external conflicts because it started the war between his mind and soul.
"It is a sin to write this." The very first sentence of the novel gives evidence that this person suffers from an internal struggle. The first d .....
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Boxing - Should This Unjustified Sport Be Banned
Words: 715 - Pages: 3.... has been trying to outlaw boxing since 1982. It claimed that boxing is a morally wrong sport which has been designed to intentionally to cause damage in the boxers' brains. However, its pleas have largely fallen on deaf ears and were also criticized by many. The only country, which called for boxing to be banned so far, is Iceland.
Another reason to support why boxing should be outlawed is the negative influence it has over the younger generation. According to an article from 'American Sociological Review', in a study attempting to discover whether mass media violence triggers additional aggressive behavior, it is proven that laboratory su .....
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