Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Female Adaptation To Male Domi
Words: 1798 - Pages: 7.... a living? Are you a lumberjack, a weight-lifter, or what?" The woman replied, "I work for the IRS!"
Apparently, the crowd laughed because the woman was not expected to squeeze anything out of the lemon. In fact, a woman in such a situation would be expected to just stand around her hero, the bartender, and cheer him up. How come a woman stepped into the role of a traditional masculine challenger and surprised the audience? Why was it difficult for the crowd to accept a woman in a power-challenging role? How was that swallowed?
In the body of the essay to follow, I go on to explore the traditional and cultural context of the confusion over ac .....
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Playstation Vs. Nintendo 64
Words: 354 - Pages: 2.... can also support film graphics for games that star real life actions. If the gamer enjoys watching a story line in a real life situation, Playstation would be the better choice to go with.
When it comes to wait time, the Nintendo 64 blows away the Playstation. Some games for the Playstation take up to a minute to load. This is due to the fact that the system uses compact discs for software. On the other hand, Nintendo 64 uses cartridges. These load instantly. If you have no patients for waiting on a game to load, then Nintendo 64 is the better choice.
Accessorizing the systems is a minor point, but it is still there. The Nintendo 64 comes .....
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Mathematics And Careers
Words: 356 - Pages: 2.... Interview Survey was used to predict the patterns of behavior of large groups based on small samples. They ask questions such as: How can we be sure that what we predict from our small sample is true of the population being sampled? Questions like this are answered using probability theory. This is a branch of mathematics which is important, but which also provides theoretical underpinning for statistics. Without the knowledge of math, statisticians would not be able to use such surveys.
Statisticians solve problems, working both singly and in collaboration with people in other fields. Being a statistical data analyst gives the availabi .....
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The Dodge Durango
Words: 1420 - Pages: 6.... be one of this year’s most significant new sport/utility
vehicle offerings. Motortrend claimed it to be “tough, handsome, a good
value,” with “V-8 power in a mid-size package.” The Dodge Durango is
equipped with all the right necessities to be a quality sport/utility
vehicle. A quality sport/utility vehicle has a large and comfortable
interior, a rugged and sleek exterior, a powerful engine for hauling and
towing, and is priced reasonably.
A sport/utility vehicle is used for traveling through woods or
muddy fields, driving up steep mountains, hauling boats, or even other cars.
SUVs are also used to haul the family around and .....
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Born Gay
Words: 724 - Pages: 3.... contradicting flaws in the scientific findings based on a study done by Simon LeVay.
Simon LeVay studied human sexuality and brain structure. His studies are often used to help the scientific community to build their own ideas.
“Time and again I have been described as someone who ‘proved that homosexuality is genetic’…I did not”
Simon LeVay in The Sexual Brain, p.122 (qtd. In What Causes Homosexuality, p. 23)
The neuroscientist, LeVay, conducted a study of the brains of corpses, which included 6 women, 19 homosexual males and 16 straight men. In the process of conducting his examination, he found a small area of the brain that was .....
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Healthy LIfestyle
Words: 653 - Pages: 3.... exercise a minimum of 3 days a week for a minimum of about 20 min. This does not mean that you have to impose a strict regiment of exercise into your daily schedule. An easy way to attain a nice amount of physical activity would be to begin going for power-walks or jogs with your pet or your neighborhood friends. It is also very good to stretch before you begin any kind of strenuous physical activity. Not only does it result in you being able to do more than you would without the stretching, it also enables you to gain more out of your workouts.
One could also take up a sport such as tennis, soccer, volleyball, basketball, swim, or t .....
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Management In The Year 2000 Gl
Words: 3818 - Pages: 14.... in the global market.
First of all, the 1990's have already taught us that people are proud to work for companies that treat them well. They become linked to companies in more than an
employer/employee relationship -- they come to feel as if they are truly a part of an organization; not just one of the employees. In the year 2000 and beyond, it shall be the
presence of this feeling more than any other that sets excellent companies apart from the ordinary, and therefore less successful. Companies which are expanding to the global
market will need to make all the positive contributing employees feel more than just workers.
One thin .....
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Words: 455 - Pages: 2.... a sign of good “mental or physical health”?
During prohibition, the cost of this illegal skyrocketed costing people hundreds of dollars. I know what causes unsatisfactory mental health for me and that is having less money in my pocket. If this was such a good idea, why did Congress reverse it?
Sure there will always be irresponsible people. And absolutely the irresponsible use of has produced disastrous results. But look at me. I’m a responsible person. When I drink I always make sure that I have a designated driver. Why should I be punished by the few who can’t handle that responsibility? How about my grandparents? They believe .....
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Fixing A Computer
Words: 614 - Pages: 3.... The motherboard has three cards on it; they are the graphics card, sound card, and modem. They act like the voice, the eyes and the mouth of a human. You can tell the difference between them by how they connect in the back of the computer. The graphics card has a prong plug in, the sound card has a place where speaker plugs can go and modems have a place where you can put your phone line. Next to the left of the cards we see there is a little chip with a fan on top, this is the processor. The processor acts like the heart of a human sending blood all over the body, but instead of blood the processor sends electrical signals. Straight .....
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Greed In Sports
Words: 876 - Pages: 4.... a true love for it.
At what point does the athlete lose the love and gain the greed?
The NBA has become the land of the guaranteed contract. These players want
their millions handed to them on a silver platter, no matter what happens. If
they get injured and can no longer play; pay up! If they averaged thirty points
a game in college, but struggle to make the transition into the pros, and
average only four points; pay up! If their egos swell so much that they are out
of control in public and do something to disgrace the organization they play
for; pay up, because the contract guarantees that they get their money.
The NFL is .....
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