Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
The 411 On Copyright For Net P
Words: 3995 - Pages: 15.... photographers; stock photo agencies; publishers; and Net users.
Contemporary Photographers are creating homepages to display portfolios on the Net to advertise for jobs, learn new skills, network with colleagues, and provide pleasure to the viewing public. Stacy Rosenstock's portfolio is an example of the excellent photo art available for viewing on the Net.
Photographer/author/adventurer Philip Greenspun uses photos to accompany text in Travels With Samantha Mr. Greenspun says that viewer response is one of the rewards for publishing on the Net.[2]
The Net is a unique medium for .....
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Words: 795 - Pages: 3.... with faster-
growing young trees". A new study of young and old forests says how this
is in fact not true. Loggers have said that new trees pull the carbon
dioxide better than old trees, and this may seem true, but it is not. There
is one point being overlooked from all of this. The older, larger trees
can store much, much more carbon dioxide than a new tree could. By cutting
and burning these magnificent seasoned trees, the CO2 is being released
back into the atmosphere. These releases of carbon dioxide add up in our
surroundings, only to intensify Global Warming. Although this shows what
happens when one burns and cuts down old .....
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Words: 1329 - Pages: 5.... preferring effective demand as the major influence on income distribution.1
In 1930s, Harrodfs work on growth dynamics was the first development of post-Keynesian economic which distinct from Keynesian analysis. The prevailing theory in economics was static rather than dynamic. Harrodsf argued what was needed is a body of theory to explain what caused the observable movement of the economic system to change overtime. The Harrod-Domar formula, in which the growth rate as the dependent variable, is determined by the propensity to save and the incremental capital/output ra .....
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Creon And Achilles
Words: 1529 - Pages: 6.... are exhibited by both Achilles and Creon. Achilles shows his rage in Book I of The Iliad when he speaks out against Agamemnon and refuses to fight, as well as in Book XXII when he avenges the death of Patroclus by the slaughter of Hector. Book XXIV, however, is the book in which Achilles situation most closely parallels that of Priam. To most objectively compare their characters, it is important that the situations we see them responding to are as similar as possible. In Antigone, the battle is over and all that remains are the remains of those fallen in battle. We have very little knowledge of how Creon behaved during the battle .....
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Words: 992 - Pages: 4.... his contributions were in the field of moral and logic but the exemplify a philosophical personality. philosophized by joining in a discussion with another person who thought he knew what justice or courage was. Under this questioning it became clear that neither of them knew. They would then cooperate on a new idea where would make interrogatory suggestions that were either accepted or rejected by his friend. Finding a solution always failed, but they would continue to search for one whenever possible.
For knowledge was not accepting a second hand opinion, but personal achievement gained through continuous self-criticism. Philos .....
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Discuss Your Goals For The Next Four Years And Comment On Your Post-College Plans
Words: 624 - Pages: 3.... which have been happening since I successfully
completed his class in my sophomore year and how I was offered a spot in Les
Miserables and how the references and contacts he gave me opened countless
windows of opportunity. One of his references led me back to my high school
where I am now teaching a college theatre preparatory course for the 12th grade.
He was ecstatic! I couldn't express to him enough how much I enjoyed his class
and all the lectures and theatre games we played. It is those little things
that I remember most.
After our joyful trip down memory lane, Professor Sacharow (who
preferred me to call him Larry which I just cou .....
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Buyer Behaviour
Words: 3285 - Pages: 12.... are variables that shape goals and influence. (Runyon, K.E. 1980).
However consumers can be put into groups if they have similar characteristics, i.e. if they come from the same social class, background, age, lifestyle. Working and non-working women can be segmented in two separate groups. They are different because of many influences. Some are external due their social environment. What they do with these social stimuli involves a psychological process that differs from each other. These social influences and internal processes may evolve into a decision by the consumer to make a purchase or not. (refer to table 1). (Engel et al, 1 .....
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El Inconformismo Femenino En L
Words: 1736 - Pages: 7.... extraña o loca. Esta opreción se convirtió en su inspiración. Ferré nos comunica a travez de esta novela, la realidad de la mujer puertoriqueña a mediados de siglo. En La Bella Durmiente, Rosario Ferré muestra la mujer como sujeto y objeto. Esta obra es un manisfiesto de los derechos de la mujer y del inconformismo femenino que eventualmente lleva a la mujer a rechazar la realidad. Analizare y demonstrare por medio de este ensayo, los papeles que le toca jugar (a la mujer) en esta sociedad, la corrupcion moral y social que le rodea y su reacción ante todo esto resultando en un trágico final.
Maria de los Angeles Fe .....
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Differences In Education In US And Japan
Words: 412 - Pages: 2.... in our schools as well as far too little time being spent covering a specific subject so that they may be fully understood by all students. We tend in our schools to feel that if a student doesn’t quite get something, they will be able to “pick it up” the next year, but that rarely happens. In Japan, a student is not promoted until he has mastered his current level. Also in Japan, classes are set up heterogeneously because their belief is that slow learners must work harder -- high expectations tend to show better results. In the US, oftentimes expectations are not high enough and the students do not live up to their real potent .....
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Freuds Framework Of Dreams
Words: 518 - Pages: 2.... Freud argues, a mechanism that alters the dream's meaning so that it appears in consciousness as a disguised wish, a distorted impulse. This intervening mechanism Freud called the dream-work.
The dream-work is continuously at work during an individual's sleep process. It is constantly preventing unconscious wishes, anxieties and impulses from infiltrating consciousness, or only permitting them to appear in the manifest dream in a distorted form. It follows from this that these latent wishes are unacceptable to consciousness, since they would challenge the individuals consciously-avowed sensibilities (customary, moral or otherwise) to the .....
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