Papers on Music and Musicians
Romantic Music: The Ideals Of Instrumental Music
Words: 851 - Pages: 4.... about music with deep love and
The conflict between the ideal of pure instrumental music (absolute
music) as the ultimate Romantic mode of expression, and the strong literary
orientation of the 19th century, was resolved in the conception of program music.
Program music, as Liszt and others in the 19th century used the term, is music
associated with poetic, descriptive, and even narrative subject matter. This is
done not by means of musical figures imitating natural sounds and movements, but
by imaginative suggestion. Program music aimed to absorb and transmit the
imagined subject matter in such a way that the resulti .....
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Instrumental History Of The Drums
Words: 391 - Pages: 2.... with a fife that these two instrumnets
became closely associated with one another. A fife is a small flute having from
six to eight finger holes and it also has no key, used mainly with drums in
playing marches.
The tenor drum is closely related to the snare drum. It is somewhat larger in
size and it has no snares across its lower skin. This drum is played with sofft
felt covered sticks and it produces a huskier sound. While it is occasionally
used in the orchestra this type of drum is found more frequently in military
marching bands.
The largest drum in the percussion family is the bass drum. The bass drum of the
classical era, t .....
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Origin Of Musical Instruments
Words: 2644 - Pages: 10.... of a queen of the land of Abraham's birth, who reigned about a thousand years before his time, reveals the fact that timbrels were being used at banquets and at religious gatherings. Jacob's father-in-law Laban, lived in Babylonian territory, and when Jacob left him in haste, he said to him: "Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly . . . that I might have sent thee away with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and with harp? (Gen. 31:27). This suggests the possibility that some of these musical instruments as used in Babylonia found their way into the life of the early Hebrews.
Egyptian Musical Instruments Influencing Moses And Is .....
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Who Are You?: Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder
Words: 1304 - Pages: 5.... time for this moment. Apart from scattered dates on their abortive 1995 tour, Pearl Jam have not sustained a tour in more than two years. The scene is set, then, for a legendary show -- the band's triumphant return.
You'd never guess it from Vedder's scowl. "Have you heard the new album?" he asks in his husky baritone. The applause is scattered. "Well," Vedder mumbles, "you're about to hear it again." With that, Pearl Jam edge into "Sometimes," the fragile ballad that opens No Code. "Seek my part," Vedder sings, pushing out the lyrics in a pained rasp. "Devote myself/My small self/Like a book amongst the many on a shelf."
The muted s .....
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Tupac Shakur's Last Album: Makaveli
Words: 2423 - Pages: 9.... of the added themes of violence and revenge, this album does stand out from the rest of them. All his albums appear to get more aggressive and violent from one to the other. He didn’t necessarily start out being so violent and lashing out against other specific people. He started out with his first few albums by lashing out against society and some of its norms. He discussed the hardships of being a black man in a society that has a tendency to discriminate and single out black males and accuses them of criminal activity. As he got older and did more albums, he started to single out certain people that made it hard for him to fu .....
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A Touch Of Jazz
Words: 1920 - Pages: 7.... them?
Most West African languages had evolved not only from vowels and consonants but also from a third element of articulation which was based simultaneously on variation of pitch, timbre and timing. West African drum language was not a primitive sort Morse code but a phonetic reproduction of the sound of words; only languages dependent on pitch, vibrato and timing lend themselves to such treatment. The time element was the easiest to reproduce on a drum had, changes of vibrato were effected by vibrating the knees while holding the drum tightly clasped to the armpit, changes of pitch were effected by changes of pressure on the drum skin.
Th .....
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2 Face Hip Hop
Words: 383 - Pages: 2.... music. The reason being is for (fame and money). Not for the love of it anymore. A person who has won the Scribble Jam back in 97, he is a well respected person. Now, he lost respect from many people. Reason of this was because he was asked how he felt about being an unknown artist into an artist who is well-known. He replied, “I know I lost respect. But I had to raise my daughter. I didn’t go to high school and this was all I had” (Fanatic 1).
Though, emcees such as Buck65 state their opinion about Eminem. “Eminem was a great emcee. Choosing that path made him famous and wealthy. But that path ruined his reputation. .....
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The Clifford Ball
Words: 943 - Pages: 4.... Vale, New Jersey.
So we spent most of the afternoon at Shop-rite, Campmor, and Ramsey outdoor. We
had sleeping bags, coolers of beer, soda, food, and more beer, tents, stoves,
lanterns, bug torches, and clothes. At around 12 midnite Friday morning we hit
the road and embarked, on what would be a scared trip. Tom drove the van with
his brother and myself. Tim in his red Festiva with Joe and Sean, and Beau in
his blue Festiva with Alex. Stopping only to piss and re-fuel, we busted up to
Plattsburg, arriving around 6am. It was amazing to see all the VW Westvalias up
I-87 with Steal you Face, and dancing bear stickers. Once arriving, we .....
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Music And The Civil War
Words: 661 - Pages: 3.... entertainment."1 The popularity of the events is further indicated
through the paper's assurances that the public "will be ever ready to favor
the performers with the presence when called upon."1
Other social events in Augusta County that were widely popular were
the "fine concerts by Turner's Silver Concert Band."2 The newspaper reports
that the popularity of "these concerts have always heretofore drawn crowded
houses.2" In the style of other articles, the paper comments that the
"merit of the music will ensure to the concert an abundant success"2
Musical performances in Franklin County were much the same.
Concerts were frequently given .....
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No Thanks, I'll Take Real Music
Words: 346 - Pages: 2.... would expand their range of
listeners but they would also loose the nice clean cut image. I don't
think that any of these bands have to struggle because before you know it
these feel good-happy music groups are popping up everywhere.
What should they do? When most bands start playing they go through
many years of building a fan following. That's the problem with these
groups. Playing with instruments would help a lot! A solid bass line and
a little good guitar never hurt anybody. Don't get me wrong, I think
everyone should be able to choose there own music (yes even country). So
stick to bands that are not just an image but also .....
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