Papers on People and Biographies
Joan Of Arc Was A Saint
Words: 1339 - Pages: 5.... They first appeared to her in the summer of 1424.
When I was thirteen, I had a voice from God to help me to govern myself. The first time, I was terrified. The voice came to me about noon: it was summer, and I was in my father’s garden. I had not fasted the day before. I heard the voice on my right hand, towards the church. There was a great light all about. (Trask 5)
Because of the fact that she heard these voices, Joan is sometimes regarded as insane. Her critics claim that she had hallucinations. However, this can be proven wrong. “If anyone has hallucinations, those hallucinations will not remain quiescent. They will not be like d .....
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Criticism Of Alexander Pope
Words: 1173 - Pages: 5.... healthy child until 5 years after their move he was diagnosed with tubercular bone disease. Throughout his life he would refer to it as "long Disease, my life."(http://landlow The disease left him frail, likely to obtain various other illnesses, humpbacked, and fully-grown at a height of only four and a half feet. In his early twenties he frequently visited London and became acquainted with the literary publishers there, including Wychereley and Walsh (Collier's Encyclopedia, 397) In 1709 the "Pastorals," Popes first published work, appeared in Tonsong's Poetical Miscellanies. (Collier's Encyclopedia, 397) .....
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Edgar Allan Poe
Words: 2388 - Pages: 9.... hands of fate had worked their horrid magic once again by claiming his mother. In 1811, when Poe was two, his mother passed away, leaving him with his second depressing loss (540). After his father’s cowardly retreat and mother’s sudden death, Poe was left in the capable hand of his godfather, John Allan. John Allan was a wealthy merchant based in Richmond, Virginia with the means, knowledge and affluence to provide a good life for Poe (“Poe, Edgar Allan,” Encyclopedia Britannica 540). In 1815, Poe and his new family moved to England to provide Poe a classical education (which was finished out in Richmond. Upon returning from Eng .....
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Robinson Crusoe
Words: 1542 - Pages: 6.... aboard another ship Alas, the ill-fated vessel was captured by Turkish pirates. Crusoe managed to avoid capture and made off in a small craft. Together, he and a young companion navigated along the coast of Africa, where they were pursued by both wild beasts and natives. A Portuguese ship finally rescued them and they sailed for Brazil.
In the new land Crusoe established a prosperous sugar plantation. But again a feeling of lonely dissatisfaction overcame him: "I lived just like a man cast away upon some desolate island, that had nobody there but himself."
Then came an offer from some planters for Crusoe to act as a trader on a slave ship .....
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Benito Juarez
Words: 636 - Pages: 3.... Benito did not want to become a priest, but the free education kept him there. Then, at 22 he entered the Institute of Sciences and Arts, and he studies Physics, and then law.
In 1831 he finished his studies, and went to work in a law office. That same year, at age 25 he was elected to the position of city alderman. Then, in 1833 he was elected to the Oaxaca State legislature. Next, in 1834 he became the attorney for the state. Governments changed, as was characteristic in Latin America, and he was thrown in jail. He then was released, and gained support of both Liberals and Conservatives and in 1841 he became a senior judge .....
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Frank Liszt
Words: 717 - Pages: 3.... reputation, and published some essays, but was active chiefly as a composer (Annees de pèlerinage). To help raise funds for the Bonn Beethoven monument, he resumed the life of a travelling virtuoso (1839-1847); he was admired everywhere, from Ireland to Turkey, Portugal to Russia. In 1848, he took up a full-time job conducting post at the Weimar court. Living with Princess Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein, he wrote or revised most of the major works for which he is known, conducted new operas by Wagner, Berlioz and Verdi and, as the teacher of Hans von Bülow and others in the German avant-garde, became the figurehead of the ' .....
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Nelson Manndela
Words: 1257 - Pages: 5.... him dreams of making his own contribution to
the freedom struggle of his people (Ngubane).
After receiving a primary education at a local mission school, Nelson Mandela was sent to Healdtown, a Wesleyan secondary school. He then enrolled at the University College of Fort Hare for the Bachelor of Arts Degree where he was
elected onto the Student's Representative Council. He was suspended from college for joining in a protest boycott. He went to Johannesburg where he entered politics by joining the African National Congress in 1942 (Woods).
At the height of the Second World War, members of the African National Congress set themselves the task .....
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John Quincy Adams
Words: 885 - Pages: 4.... the leading negotiator for the Treaty of Ghent with the British, which ended the War of 1812. These negotiations gained respect for the United States and me as a diplomat. I am a likable person wherever I go. When I was a kid, our family was very closely knit, as we all helped manage the farm, except for my dad, who was usually away in foreign countries. This didn't affect me very much since I joined up with him when I was 11 on his operations after my persistent asking. As President, I worked scrupulously to work out problems and provide leadership for the country. This was acknowledged by my fellow officials in office and by the country .....
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Ramses II: Magnificence On The Nile
Words: 1528 - Pages: 6.... delta town of Avaris. Once the Hyskos capital, Avaris lay in a cosmopolitan part of Egypt, close to both the Mediterranean Sea, and the vassal states of the Levant. Like all well-born Egyptians, the young Ramses learned to read and write and received instruction in the nation’s theology, literature, and history. Careful attention was paid to his physical development too. Pharaohs were expected to excel in the military skills of chariotry and archery. Ramses was still only in his midteens when his father, with the thoughts of past disputed successions very much in mind, decided to install him as prince regement. Shortly after his fath .....
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Martin Luther: A Biography Of Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Words: 770 - Pages: 3.... was grossly abused, and Luther's indignation at the shameless traffic, carried on in particular by the Dominican Johann Tetzel, became irrepressible. As professor of biblical exegesis at Wittenberg (1512--46), he began to preach the doctrine of salvation by faith rather than works; and on 31 October 1517 drew up a list of 95 theses on indulgences denying the pope any right to forgive sins, and nailed them on the church door at Wittenberg. Tetzel retreated from Saxony to Frankfurt-an-der-Oder, where he published a set of counter-theses and burnt Luther's. The Wittenberg students retaliated by burning Tetzel's, and in 1518 Lut .....
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