Papers on People and Biographies
The Life Of Ian Fleming
Words: 1090 - Pages: 4.... Fleming's mother, Evelyn St. Croix Rose Fleming, inherited
Valentine's large estate in trust, making her a very wealthy woman. The
trust, though, cut her out if she ever re-married. This provision virtually
guaranteed that she would remain forever Valentine's widow, regardless of
other loves or circumstances.
The knowledge of Ian's late father's looming wealth, and Ian's lack
of access to it was bound to make the young Fleming feel disinherited. The
unattainable Fleming fortune and high achievements of Valentine and Peter,
Ian's older brother, seem to have put a chip on Ian's shoulder. As Ian
failed to fill their shoes, it appear .....
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Marlowe Cut Short
Words: 792 - Pages: 3.... his masters degree. From this incident many people believe that Marlowe was a spy for the government and that he continued to work for the Queen after he obtained his degree.
After Marlowe obtained his masters degree he went to London to work on his new profession as an author. He began getting into a lot of trouble with the law and having enemies around every corner. On May 18, 1593 a warrant was issued for Marlowe due to heretical documents found in his room. Marlowe's roommate, Thomas Kyd, was arrested and charged with atheism claimed that these documents did not belong to him but instead
Reynolds 2
to Marlowe. However, before Mar .....
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Harry Elmer Barnes
Words: 2757 - Pages: 11.... of historical facts, a more calm political atmosphere, and a more objective attitude." (2)
Barnes had discovered that a more nearly accurate version of the history of the First World War was only possible after the fighting had ended and the emotional excesses had lessened. He was unable to predict that similar corrections of Allied propaganda and popularized conceptions of the methods of warfare in the Second World War would meet even sterner resistance.
Today - half a century after the conclusion of the Second World War - it would be fair to expect a less emotional environment, one in which historians, researchers and writers were free to .....
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A Biography On Carl Sandburg
Words: 480 - Pages: 2.... in Wisconsin, during 1907
through 1908. That was also the year he got married. He also wrote for the
Leader, a newspaper in Milwaukee. He then went on to the city of Chicago.
There, he wrote for the two newspapers, the Daily News and the Daybook.
He liked writing for newspapers some, but his true passion was poetry.
Some of his early poems were published in the Chicago newspapers he worked
With his love for poetry grew, the demand for his poetry also grew.
In the year 1916, at the age of thirty eight, he published the book,
Chicago poems. Two years later, at the age of forty, he published
Cornhuskers. The public loved these .....
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Come Home
Words: 1140 - Pages: 5.... the Brooklyn Botanic Garden celebrates the flowering of the Japanese Cherry Trees with our annual Sakura Matsuri (Cherry Blossom Festival), and each fall is spiced up with our multicultural Chili Pepper FiestaA few of the "Many Gardens within a Garden" include the Children's Garden, tended each year by about 450 kids, ages 3 through 18; The Cranford Rose Garden, exhibiting more than 5,000 bushes of nearly 1,200 varieties; The Herb Garden, with more than 300 varieties -- "herbing" is apparently taking the country by storm as people rediscover medicinal, culinary, and other uses; and The Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden, a beautiful creation feat .....
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Wendell Phillips
Words: 180 - Pages: 1.... In 1865 he attacked the
Constitution. He attacked it because it supported slavery.
He had married Ann Terry Greene. Greene had been taught by William Lloyd
Garrison. Garrison and Phillips became friends.
As the Civil War approached he became more and more certain that
violence must be employed to abolish slavery. When the war came he was at the
head of the emancipation movement.
In the years after the war Wendell Phillips demanded that actions be
taken to protect blacks and loyal whites in the South. He also became
more involved in workers rights. His speeches and lectures soon became
published. On February 2, 1884 We .....
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Robert Frost And His Life
Words: 835 - Pages: 4.... as write free verse--he was a pioneer in the interplay of rhythm and meter and in the poetic use of the vocabulary and inflections of everyday speech. His poetry is thus both traditional and experimental, regional and universal.
After his father's death in 1885, when young Frost was 11, the family left California and settled in Massachusetts. Frost attended high school in that state, entered Dartmouth College, but remained less than one semester. Returning to Massachusetts, he taughtschool and worked in a mill and as a newspaper reporter. In 1894 he sold "My Butterfly: An Elegy" to The Independent, a New York literary journal. A year lat .....
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Shoeless Joe Jackson
Words: 1471 - Pages: 6.... Jackson" (Everstine 3). As the word was being spread to "bet on the Reds", (Everstine 3), an astronomical amount of money was needed to make the payoff to all involved, including the baseball players of the White Sox who were participating in the scandal. Before the beginning of the game on that ‘scandalous’ day, Joe Jackson begged the owner of the White Sox; Charles Comiskey to listen to him in regards to the fix of the game that was about to happen. The evidence was proven that Jackson had even asked to be benched for the series to avoid any suspicion of his involvement in the fix. Unfortunately, Comiskey did not l .....
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Words: 608 - Pages: 3.... his family and friends and going out on his own. Second, he realized he had to become a Samana to break the cycle of Samsara. He knew he could do this by bettering himself through discipline and finding his true self.
I have had two crisis experiences that stand out in my recent memories. First, in the eighth grade I made the choice to attend a private school that was 30 miles away from where I lived. This was a school that none of my current friends were going to attend. I chose to leave all my friends and thrust myself into a new experience for my own good. My friends didn’t want me to leave, just like ’s. The second crisis e .....
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Edgar Allan Poe
Words: 1567 - Pages: 6.... except that it was uneventful.
In 1826, when Poe was seventeen years old he entered the University of
Virginia. It was also at this time that he was engaged to marry his childhood
sweetheart, Sarah Elmira Royster. He was a good student, but only stayed for a
year. He did not have enough money to make ends meet, so he ran up extremely
large gambling debts to trying make more money. Then he could not afford to go
to school anymore. John Allan refused to pay off Poe's debts, and broke off his
engagement to Sarah Elmira Royster. Since Poe had no other means of support, he
enlisted in the army. By this time however, he had written an .....
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