Papers on People and Biographies
Prince William
Words: 4808 - Pages: 18.... as much information on a famous person's life as they want and because of this abundance of information, 's life will be detailed along with his influences in his life like Princess Diana, Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Henry, and Alexandria "Tiggy" Legge-Bourke. "History-to-History" will include another member of the royal family born in 1066 named William I "the Conqueror," who was as famous during his ruling period as much as is in the 1990s. This essay will cover the above topics. of Whales is second in line of inheritance to the British throne after Prince Charles of Whales, who is first. He was born June 21, 1982 at 9:03 p. .....
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Duke Ellington
Words: 572 - Pages: 3.... muting the notes played out. The result sounded like a person wailing, giving the piece a voice-like quality. In "Concerto for Cootie," Cootie Williams does a solo using the jungle effect, making it sound like a voice is singing along. His opening solo is repetitive, going over the same set of notes over and over again. The overall feeling is as if the music is wooing the listener.
Ellington's other innovations include the use of the human voice as an instrument, such as in "Creole Love Call" (1927). He also placed instruments in unusual combinations, illustrated in the piece "Mood Indigo" (1930). When the or .....
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Joan Of Arc
Words: 1059 - Pages: 4.... most other children, spent much time praying to the statues of saints that stood around the church in her
At the age of 13 in the summer of 1425, she began having religious visions and hearing what she believed were voices of saints. They started occuring once a week and as she got older they happened daily. She said the voices told her to always behave, obey her parents, pray, etc. She claimed they were the voices of St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret. She was said to be a Clair Voyant,
a person who has knowledge of events happening far away or in the futures without using any of the five senses. The visi .....
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Reverend Jesse Louis Jackson
Words: 475 - Pages: 2.... class and was awarded a football scholarship to the University of Illinois. Later, he left U. I. And enrolled in North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College in Greensburo. There he became class president and the civil rights activist began to show himself to the world. After graduating in 1964, he attended the Chicago Theological Seminary until he joined the civil rights movement full time in 1965. Before graduating he joined the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), led by Martin Luther King Jr. King appointed him to the head of Operation Breadbasket in Chicago.
In 1971 Rev. Jesse L. Jackson formed Operation PUSH ( .....
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The Life Of Ludwig Van Beethov
Words: 1462 - Pages: 6.... health" before proving to himself and the world the extent of his skill. Thus, faced with such great impending loss, Beethoven, keeping faith in his art and ability, states in his Heiligenstadt Testament a promise of his greatness yet to be proven in the development of his heroic style.
By about 1800, Beethoven was mastering the Viennese High-Classic style. Although the style had been first perfected by Mozart, Beethoven did extend it to some degree. He had unprecedently composed sonatas for the cello which in combination with the piano opened the era of the Classic-Romantic cello sonata. In addition, his sonatas for violin and piano became .....
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Saint John Bosco
Words: 647 - Pages: 3.... in his village occupied by doing magic tricks and acrobatic moves, and only ask prayers for payment. Also, he would speak to children about God, and even some adults occasionally. The seminary school that Bosco entered was Chieri at the age of 16. Father Cafasso helped John through seminary school because he could not afford it, neither could his mother help him pay for it.
John became a priest in 1841 at the age of 26, and was named Don Bosco, which means Father Bosco. After Sunday Mass's he would have a catechism class
which would teach young people about God. After a while the catechism class turned into a school were boys could r .....
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Orwell's "Such, Such Were The Joys....": Alienation And Other Such Joys
Words: 1660 - Pages: 7.... Orwell describes the society of the school from which he is outcast:
That bump on the hard mattress, on the first night of term, used to give me a
feeling of abrupt awakening, a feeling of: ‘This is reality, this is what you
are up against.' Your home might be far from perfect, but at least it was a
place ruled by love rather than by fear, where you did not have to be
perpetually taken out of this warm nest and flung into a world of force and
fraud and secrecy, like a goldfish into a tank full of pike. (23)
Young Orwell, impacted by this, “hard,” disorienting situation, realizes he is
alone in a hostile, harsh environment. .....
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Walt Whitman 3
Words: 1019 - Pages: 4.... democracy of America, and its achievements, while giving poetical thought to the great mysteries that plagued mankind of his generation.
The human self was comprised of physical and spiritual annex which both contained a self and soul as was characterized by Whitman.
The self that Whitman spoke of was a man’s own individual identity, which has a distinct quality and being, different from the selves of other men, but could be utilized to identify other men. The soul is another type of identity of mankind, which finds its niche in a human, and begins to amplify its personality. This self and soul that embodies every man on this celesti .....
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Theodore Roosevelt
Words: 4751 - Pages: 18.... Little Teddy Roosevelt was a puny child. Suffering from asthma, there was little the fragile boy could do athletically. When he first entered school, the other children mocked him for his weak stature.
This incident molded the future president. He became obsessed with strength and the “macho” attitude of men. He constantly worked out by lifting weights and boxing. He believed that if he grew up muscular he would somehow compensate for his weakness as a child. He believed that strength and power were synonymous. Thus if he became the macho man, like those he surrounded himself with, he would be manly virtuous and great. There .....
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Ulysses S. Grant 2
Words: 1174 - Pages: 5.... resigned his commission because of loneliness and drinking problems, and in the following years he engaged in generally unsuccessful farming and business ventures in Missouri.”(Grant Moves South, 18) He moved to Galena, Illinois, in 1860, where he became a clerk in his father's leather store.
At the outbreak of the American Civil War, Grant was appointed colonel, and soon afterward brigadier general, of the Illinois Volunteers, and in September 1861 he seized Paducah, Kentucky. After an indecisive raid on Belmont, Missouri, he gained fame when in February 1862, in conjunction with the navy; he succeeded in reducing Forts Henr .....
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