Papers on People and Biographies
Josephy P. Kennedy II
Words: 260 - Pages: 1.... States. His formal education includes a
bachelor's degree from the University of Massachusetts in l976. He is married
to the former Beth Kelly and is the father of two children. His father was the
late Senator Robert Kennedy of New York and his uncle was the late President
John F. Kennedy.
Congressman Kennedy's political background includes a strong family
history in public service. Upon his graduation, his occupation was to form a
non profit company devoted to providing heating oil at affordable prices for the
poor and the working poor. He successfully manged this company before being
elected to Congress in l986. His interests .....
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Bill Gates
Words: 1799 - Pages: 7.... abilities in nearly all subjects, especially math and science. His parents recognized his intelligence and decided to enroll him in Lakeside, a private school known for its intense academic environment. This decision had far reaching effects on Bill Gate's life. For at Lakeside, was first introduced to computers. In the spring of 1968, the Lakeside prep school decided that it should acquaint the student body with the world of computers. Computers were still too large and costly for the school to purchase its own. Instead, the school had a fundraiser and bought computer time on a DEC PDP-10 owned by General Electric. A few thousand dollars .....
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Albert Einstein
Words: 520 - Pages: 2.... Office in Bern. This
job as patent examiner allowed him much free time, which he spent in
scientific investigations. Einstein became a Swiss citizen in 1905.
The papers of 1905. During this time, Einstein made three of his
greatest contributions to scientific knowledge. The year 1905 was an
epoch-making one in the history of physical science, because Einstein
contributed three papers to Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics), a
German scientific periodical. Each of them became the basis of a new
branch of physics.
In one of the papers, Einstein suggested that light could be
thought of as a stream of tiny particles. This idea forms .....
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Words: 567 - Pages: 3.... Lorenzo died in 1492, two years later fled Florence, when the Medici family was temporarily expelled. He settled for a time in Bologna where he sculpted several marble statuettes.
then went to Rome, where he was able to look at many newly discovered classical statues and ruins. He soon sculpted his first large-scale sculpture, Bacchus. At about the same time, also did the marble Pietà . One of the most famous works of art, the Pietà was probably finished before was 25 years old, and it is the only work he ever signed.
The high point of ’s early style is the gigantic marble statue David which he made between 1501 and 1504, afte .....
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Thornton Wilder
Words: 1367 - Pages: 5.... publisher of a newspaper.
Isabella Thornton Niven, his mother, was the daughter of a Presbyterian
minister. They were to influence their son's works greatly. Wilder also had
a sister, Isabel, who was to become a distinguished novelist in her own
Wilder's early education began in Hong Kong, where his father was
serving as American consul general in Shanghai (Goldstone 11). He was then
schooled at Berkeley, California; Chefoo, China; and Ojai, California
before completing high school back at Berkeley in 1915. He studied the
classics at Oberlin College and Yale University, where he received his
Bachelor of Arts degree in 1919 (Unger .....
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Confucius And Plato
Words: 1827 - Pages: 7.... ruler of the city or regime would create a perfect and just man. And he felt that the ruler must be older, while the ruled younger. Age is something that gives his perfect regime more control than one based on wisdom. He
thought that the philosopher should be seen as the father, over the younger people of the city. He also feels that old men are afraid of death, and therefore less likely to risk torment in the afterlife by having selfish desires, such as for money. He believed that men would obey the laws in hopes of rewards and fear of punishment in this life and the next. He believed that the ruling regime must be most skilled at gua .....
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Ansel Adams
Words: 1006 - Pages: 4.... took his first photograph in 1916 at age 19, when he and his parents went on a trip to Yosemite National Park. He took his picture with a Kodak Box Brownie camera. His images were of the park, and nature, but his major interest were the High Sierra Mountains. From that time on, Ansel returned to Yosemite National Park every summer. While he was there in 1919, he joined the Sierra Club. The purpose of this club was to explore and protect the wilderness areas of the Sierra Nevada. Ansel eventually worked in the park for four summers as the caretaker of the club's headquarters. While his time there, Ansel became an expert mountaineer a .....
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Marxs Alienation
Words: 1182 - Pages: 5.... I will discuss Karl Marx’s concept of alienation, and second I will tackle the question of alienation today, and if I feel that it has increased of decreased.
Before answering this question, one must find the exact meaning of alienation to interpret what Marx ment. According to the Websters dictionary, Alienation is defined as a “withdrawing or separation of a person or a person’s affections from an object or position of former attachment.” Marx believed this term was best present in the labor force at his time. He saw the capitalist society as exploiting workers and also stripping individuals of their own free wi .....
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Karl Marx
Words: 1206 - Pages: 5.... and more revolutionary and widely read, the government decided to censor, and eventually suppress it. The paper was banned in March of 1843. At this time, it had more than 3,400 subscribers from all over Germany. was married to his childhood friend Jenny von Westphalen, in 1843. Later in the fall of that year Marx along with another Left Hegelian, Arnold Ruge, moved to Paris and began publication of a radical journal entitled Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher. However due to the problems in publishing such a radical paper, only one issue appeared. Karl met his closest friend in September of 1844, when Frederick Engels arrived in Paris. Toget .....
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Benjamin Banneker
Words: 984 - Pages: 4.... the land. Bannaky used ditches and little dams to control the water from the springs for irrigation. His work was so reliable that the Bannaky’s crops flourished even in dry spells. The family of free blacks raised good tobacco crops all the time.
There was no school in the valley for the boys to attend. Then one summer, a Quaker school teacher came to live in the valley and he set up school for the boys. The schoolmaster changed the spelling of Benjamin’s last name to Banneker. He had the equivalent of an eighth-grade education by the time he was fifteen, with much of what he knew coming from his grandmother, Molly. She taught him .....
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