Papers on Politics and Government
Your Rights
Words: 537 - Pages: 2.... which you volunteer may later become vital links in a chain of circumstantial evidence against you or a friend.
DO NOT INVITE THE INVESTIGATOR INTO YOUR HOME! Such an invitation not only gives him the opportunity to look around for clues to your lifestyle, friends, reading material, etc., but also tends to prolong the conversation. The longer the conversation, the more chance there is for a skill investigator to find out what he wants to know. Many times a police officer will ask you to accompany him to the police station to answer a few questions. In that case, simply thank him for the invitation and indicate that you are not disposed to .....
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Animal Testing
Words: 775 - Pages: 3.... in the past 40 years, and a fatal heart attack strikes a person every 45 seconds. The Centers for Disease Control estimate that 70-80% of the common diseases killing Americans are preventable given a responsible diet and lifestyle. Drug testing on animals is inaccurate and does not benefit humans or animals at all. Animals including, but not limited to, dogs, cats, mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, rhesus monkeys, imported primates, owls, deer, sheep, llama, and cattle are commonly used for vivisection. Vivisection is the medical term for the practice of experimenting on animals. Charles River Breeding Laboratories, a company ow .....
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Teen Smoking
Words: 1691 - Pages: 7.... showed that approximately 25% of teens smoke. That’s one out of every four teenagers. High school is a tough time for teens. These years are critical to a teens future. This explains why a vast majority of smokers start at 16 years or younger with the most common age being 14 years old(freshman). It has also been proven also that teens who score lower in school smoke more than higher scoring students do. It seems that everyone smokes in our school. Our school is overrun with smokers. It is right now at least 50% smokers and 65% if you count the people who will smoke before their high school career is up. We practically encourage it. I mean .....
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Words: 454 - Pages: 2.... cause of death among Americans ages 25-44 years old. It was also the leading cause of death for men in the same age group and the third leading cause of death in women 25-44. Adult males are the leading sex to contract . They account for over 80 percent of all cases in the U.S. Adult women make up 15 percent and children make up the other 1- percent of the cases. (Encarta 99) People have been lead to believe so many fictional stories about the ways of contracting and HIV; it’s hard to know what to believe. The truth is, the main way of getting this disease is unprotected sex. Although condoms do work most of the time, they are not 100% .....
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The Social Security Crisis
Words: 396 - Pages: 2.... crisis is the threat that
Social Security may go bankrupt. Well its more than just a threat its the
reality. The common belief is that Social Security is a saving fund where the
government takes a certain percentage out of our weekly pay. Then that money is
put into a savings fund where it is held until you retire. When they retire
money is returned to them in monthly checks plus the interest. This is where
they are wrong. Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system where the current
workforce pays for the present retirees, and then when they retire they will
depend on the workforce and so on and so on. Which is fine when you always .....
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Words: 2718 - Pages: 10.... and approved.
When women sought the right to vote, the best interests of society were said to be in jeopardy. It was
confidently argued that political participation by women would mean "pretty girls button-holing strange men on
Election Day in behalf of the `handsome candidate'" and women locked in jury rooms with males, subjected to
tales of shocking behavior. To the threat of social disintegration was added the authoritative pronouncement
that the involvement of women in politics was prohibited by natural and divine law. Nature and Scripture were
called upon to show that woman's place was in the home and not in the voting booth. R .....
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Words: 4366 - Pages: 16.... worst diseases of today. Although there is scientific proof of its value, the rainforest continues to disappear. "In ever sense, a standing rainforest supplies more economic wealth then if it were cleared… …yet deforestation continues at an alarming rate." (Tropical Rainforest Coalition, 1996) According to the National Forest Association of Forest Industries (1996), "there are about 4 billion hectares of forest in the world, of which about 25 percent is tropical rainforest." The rainforest is full of diversity when it comes to the plants and animals that inhabit it… many of them are found no where else on Earth. These species have ex .....
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School Girls
Words: 250 - Pages: 1.... to value silence and compliance.” (pg.35) The hidden curriculum is a theory that boys often get more attention than girls in the classroom, and that even if it is negative attention, the girls learn that they are not as important, and they eventually give up hope, and stop speaking out in class. “Educators reward assertiveness and aggression over docility, the very behavior that is prized in girls becomes and obstacle to their success.”(p.36) This means that while girls are acting the way a teacher would like them to, the boys that are more aggressive get the attention, and the girls lose their self-esteem. “Charles L. Richman foun .....
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Gun Control
Words: 1594 - Pages: 6.... have played in it. The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States makes firearm ownership legal in this country. There were good reasons for this freedom, reasons, which persist today. Firearms in the new world were used initially for hunting, and occasionally for self-defense. However, when the colonists felt that the burden of British oppression was too much for them to bear, they picked up their personal firearms and went to war. Standing against the British armies, these rebels found themselves opposed by the greatest military force in the world at that time. The 18th century witnessed the height of the British Empir .....
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Locke Government Theory
Words: 1116 - Pages: 5.... politics, and shows his opposition towards despotic rulers and divine right. Locke saw many important men while in England, including Sir Isaac Newton, of whom he wrote. Through Locke's friendships with numerous government officials, Locke became influential in the politics of the seventeenth century. Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, written in 1690, dealt with the subject of human philosophy, and was written with consistency to the theories of Newton. Locke's views that experience produces ideas led him to believe that people are not aware of physical objects, but rather that they are aware of symbols for those objects, a beli .....
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