Papers on Politics and Government
The Second Shift
Words: 1100 - Pages: 4.... full-time homemakers and mothers, such as monotonous housework, dependence on the male partner for financial and emotional support, increases self-esteem because they are contributing to the world they live in. These women receive a renewed interest in life because they are in the thick of it. They are living life to the fullest. This model is the one that is constantly referred to as "bad" because it paints the woman as someone who does not really care about the effect of working will have on the baby. In fact, most of these mothers have made this choice with painstaking care. They are constantly feeling what everyone is thinking, and this .....
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Words: 1525 - Pages: 6.... in gangs will pressure peers into becoming part of a gang by making
it all sound glamorous. Money is also an crucial factor. A kid (a 6-10
year old, who is not yet a member) is shown that s/he could make $200 to
$400 for small part time gang jobs. Although these are important factors
they are not strong enough to make kids do things that are strongly against
their morals.
One of the ways that kids morals are bent so that gang violence
becomes more acceptable is the influence of television and movies. The
average child spends more time at a TV than she/he spends in a classroom.
Since nobody can completely turn off their minds, .....
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Declining Trust In Our Government
Words: 1000 - Pages: 4.... no mistakes, because this is
not a perfect world. These numbers are too high though. What caused this
problem in the United States, what is the extend of this problem in our country,
and is this distrust of our government even a serious problem at all? These are
three questions that need to be addressed in out society today.
What really has caused the American people to distrust our government and
when did this trend actually begin? I do not believe there is any clear answer
to these questions and I do not believe it would ever be possible to pinpoint
any exact reason for the feelings of the American people. One reason cited b .....
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Steps To A Better Life
Words: 677 - Pages: 3.... hand smoke from a parent's cigarette expands a child's chances for middle ear problems, causes coughing and wheezing, and worsens asthma conditions. If both parents smoke, a teenager is more than twice as likely to smoke than a young person whose parents are nonsmokers. In households where only one parent smokes, young people are also more likely to start smoking. Smoking during pregnancy can cause serious health problems to an unborn child. Smoking during pregnancy accounts for an estimated 20 - 30% of low birth weight babies, up to 14% of pre-term deliveries and 10% of all infant deaths! If all women quit smoking during pregnancy, about .....
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Words: 1007 - Pages: 4.... right to consent to have death inflicted on him or her. In addition, if a person causes the death of another, the consent of the deceased does not provide the person who caused the death a defense to criminal responsibility. Is there a difference, do you think, between a person who, at a dying person's request, prepares a poison and leaves it on the bedside for that person to take, and a person who helps the patient to drink it or who administers it directly at the request of a dying person who is unable to take it personally? Is there, in short, a real distinction between killing and letting die? Well, this is the difference between passiv .....
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The Harmful Effects Of Body Pi
Words: 464 - Pages: 2.... might be accepted into a group or rejected from one because of it. Some might assume because of the piercing the individual would automatically fit in with the group. This assumption might be related to the fact that the musicians the group listens to also have body piercing. The exact opposite also holds true for those who would be rejected from a group because of the piercing. Last, and most importantly body piercing may affect your job. There have been controversies over facial piercing in fast food restaurants. Also, if you are taking an interview and you have a visible piercing the interviewer may feel intimidated or think negative .....
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Women In Combat
Words: 689 - Pages: 3.... them."
Leaders in the field agreed. The Gulf War had the largest
deployment of women in the armed forces in history. These
women encountered the same risks as the men they served with.
Twenty one females lost their lives (Holm, Women in
Combat: The New Reality, pg. 67-68).
In the Persian Gulf, there were no exact
positions and all areas were equally vulnerable,
so the idea of safe havens for women was not really
applicable. By many armed forces policies,
females are banned from combat jobs and units,
but in the Persian Gulf War females were assigned
to battleships, aircraft carriers, and marine
support groups dug into the desert. .....
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Influence Of Gangs
Words: 1056 - Pages: 4.... giving into these gangs but still do nothing to help prevent it. Many people fail to realize the difficulty in living in the ghettos. White suburban kids do not have to avoid certain streets just to avoid confrontation. White suburban kids do not have to live with the constant violence on the streets. White suburban kids do not have to worry about drive-by shootings. With so much violence in inner cities, one can only expect teenagers to be easily misguided. Many inner city kids are able to avoid the gang life, however, there are still the others that have succumbed to the lifestyle. With the violence, peer pressure, and the need to fit i .....
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Red Guards
Words: 607 - Pages: 3.... demonstration.
They did a lot of things that many thought were outrageous. At one point
they raced widely through Peking denouncing anyone who was in a business. They
even made a demand to change the meaning of the colors in a stop light.
According to the Red Guards, that because the color of communism is red, that
you should go on red and stop on green. When the Red Guards added students
from another school or workers from another factory they decorated the entrance
with purple paper, lanterns and a red cloth covered with flowers.
People who did not agree with Mao Tse-tung and his teachings were often
dragged through t .....
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Words: 6512 - Pages: 24.... of a minority group. The Women’s Movement as well as the Civil Rights movement has been negatively affected by , all that Martin Luther King Jr. worked and fought for is being denied by . I intend to show that and any similar programs must not have any place in today’s society, this program and any like it should remain out use. was first put into use during the 1960s. The Civil Rights movement of 1964 emphasized the program. During that era discrimination among minorities and women was extremely high and there were many barriers. required employers to hire regardless of race, the of today has changed, and employers now hire minor .....
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