Papers on Religion
Words: 2502 - Pages: 10.... called this being, Brahman. Hindus also worship different
gods which individually represent one particular aspect of Brahman. The most
popular one of the lesser gods are Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver),
and Shiva (the destroyer)
Hinduism has no founder. It is a religion that has slowly developed over a
period of time.
Hindu Beliefs
Hindu Gods
The Hindus have four gods Brahman, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. There
main god is Brahman. He is the origin and the sustainer of all life, and the
goal of all things. He is eternal and omnipotent and only he is real. They
believe that Brahman is so great that he cannot be expla .....
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Ethical Values In The Old Testament
Words: 871 - Pages: 4.... time, an
ethical conception of God is attained, and this not philosophically but
historically; while its view of the moral life is certain of justification not
only by reason but by history.” Thus God is looked at as an ethical
personality and is looked to as an example of good and right. In the Old
Testament, God's voluntary (voluntary for God) covenant with man must be looked
at as the prime example of ethical value. The covenant's requirements is the
source of all ethics, morals, laws, and justice in the Old Testament.
The Mosaic Covenant is the best example of ethical values and norms in
the Old Testament. The Mosaic Covenant ha .....
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Words: 2581 - Pages: 10.... backing they may have.
Translation or Transliteration
Our English word “baptism”, comes from the Greek work baptizo, meaning to dip or immerse. However in our English translations of the Bible, this Greek word is transliterated (the Greek letters are replaced with English equivalents) instead of translated. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words defines “baptisma” (translated “baptism”) as “consisting of the process on immersion, submersion, and emergence.”
Is water needed to be immersed?
Baptism does not always mean “dunking in water”, but it does always mean “immersion. .....
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The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
Words: 1496 - Pages: 6.... external evidence test
(McDowell 43). The bibliographical test is the examination of text by the
documents that have reached us. The reliability of the copies of the New
Testament is tested by the number of manuscripts (MSS) and the time intervals
between the time in which the piece of literature was written and our earliest
copy. There are more than 5,300 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament and
10,000 Latin vulgate manuscripts, not to mention the other various translations.
Totally there are around 24,000 total MSS for the New Testament. The next
closest document in respect to MSS is the "Illiad" by Homer, with 643
manuscripts(McD .....
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The Essenes Of Qumran
Words: 1028 - Pages: 4.... this tradition contributed toward shaping the apocalyptic tradition of the early Church, and in particular, inspired the theology of martyrdom and separation from pagan society, which dominated so much of the Church's thought in the first three centuries A.D.
Qumran, the home of the Essenes, was a settlement in Palestine on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea. The Essenes lived in caves within the cliffs bordering the sea. "After….Qumran was carefully excavated, archaeologists were able to identify some rooms that had been used for study and worship, others apparently used for communal meals, a spacious chamber with inkpots (perha .....
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Confucianism And Christianity
Words: 1102 - Pages: 5.... and emotions had been developed and matured
by conscious people² (Clearly). He felt that those born into the feudal system
were had a personal duty to excel socially by means of power. Those who were of
lesser class should also seek out education to better themselves. All purposes
for betterment of man and society as one whole is known as Li. Li means ³the
rationalized social order² (Yutang). Confucius felt that love and respect for
authority was a key to a perfect society; this strict respect was practiced
through rituals and magic (Smith). The Confucius traditions have caused a
tradition to set within its institution a .....
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Words: 4095 - Pages: 15.... laid down by St. Paul, in his undoubtedly genuine Epistles
to the Ephesians, Colossians, and Philippians. It is reiterated in the Letters
of Ignatius, and accounts for Pliny's observation that Christians in their
assemblies chanted a hymn to Christ as God. But the question how the Son was
related to the Father (Himself acknowledged on all hands to be the one Supreme
Deity), gave rise, between the years A. D. 60 and 200, to number of Theosophic
systems, called generally Gnosticism, and having for their authors Basilides,
Valentinus, Tatian, and other Greek speculators. Though all of these visited
Rome, they had no following in the West, whi .....
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God’s Expectations
Words: 569 - Pages: 3.... Saul also died in battle. God told Adam and Eve not to pick the forbidden fruit, but Eve did and the punishment was the Original Sin. The Original Sin was when the serpent, woman, and man were given different punishments, because of the woman. The serpent would have to crawl on his belly, be enemies with mankind, and always have to fight with humans. The woman would have to bear children in pain, and man will dominate women. The man would have to work for a living and be no longer immortal.
There were also people who did live up to ; they were usually rewarded and lived happily. Noah, Abraham, and Daniel are three examples of them. No .....
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The Sacred Divine
Words: 513 - Pages: 2.... broke some of the ten commandments, and
did not follow the good life, he was consigned to hell. Myself as a six-year-
old I never wanted to go to hell. I remember what my Sunday school teachers
told of this place where you live in a a fiery pit always in pain. I'm sorry,
but that just doesn't sound like fun to me. I began from then on being the best
person I could, I never missed church on Sundays, and to the best of my ability
tried to live the life Jesus has paved for us. This is by far the most
religious experience, that I have ever experienced in my life. I never found
myself so part of a religion, that I was so Christian tha .....
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Religion And Motivation In Learning
Words: 397 - Pages: 2.... oriented towards attaining a
good grade, a high grade of effort will be presented. Effort is the best
way in determining a student's will to learn.
The course of religion consists of 6 units, some of them concerning
what we believe in, why we believe in it, and what can be observed in the
future. The religion course encourages us to explore our heritage and our
beliefs, something we may never had fully understood. The course helps us
to fully understand why we go to a catholic school, for one thing.
The course gives an overview of the history of the religion, and
what has happened through centuries. It shows us what .....
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