Papers on Religion
The Existence Of God
Words: 927 - Pages: 4.... is it:
1. God is that being that is absolutely perfect and no one more
perfect exists. {No one more perfect than God can exist} (Descarte)
2. If God exists, his existence is logically necessary
considering he is “all knowing, all powerful, and all good.” {Since he
is all knowing, all powerful, and all good he must exist because his
powers are unlimited} (Malcolm)
3. Therefore the possibility of conceiving a being than which
nothing greater can be conceived entails the logical necessity of the real
existence of such a being. (Anselm)
4. Therefore to say that God does not exist is to contradict
oneself. (Malcolm and D .....
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Religion In Ancient India And Rgypt
Words: 1735 - Pages: 7.... was known to be very strong and superior and was composed of Libyan soldiers. Psamtik I was succeeded by his son Necho II, as pharaoh. Necho II made the first circumnavigation of Africa, and he attempted to link the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea by a canal. Ahmose II was the last pharaoh of the 26th dynasty to rule Egypt. He had a long and prosperous reign between 570-526 BC. Six months after his death, Persia invaded and took over Egypt.
The period around 560 BC in India was ruled by the Maghuda dynasty which was known to develop a caste system and yet have a laid back lifestyle. It was a strong dynasty ruled by Bimbisora (Shrenik) in Bihe .....
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Words: 972 - Pages: 4.... he owned and brought the
money and put it at the apostles' feet" (Acts 4:36-37).
After the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7:54-8:1, the church was persecuted
and scattered, "On that day a great persecution broke out against the church at
Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and
Samaria. Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. But Saul began to
destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and
put them in prison" Acts 8:1-3. In Acts 9:26-27, "Saul tries to join the
disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a
disciple. But Barnabas .....
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Words: 1198 - Pages: 5.... all of his followers first starting in Northern India. In his teachings Buddha praised mediation and reflection in order to see enlightenment in kindness and well being. To him this was a natural law that everybody should want to follow in his or her path through life. Buddha wanted to be known as someone who taught others kindness and wellness, he never wanted to be a god like others did in different religions. He just wanted to be known as a man who transformed himself, and in turn set out to transform others.
In there are several basic beliefs to be learned and followed. These beliefs are from past experiences that Buddha went thr .....
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In The Beginning...
Words: 1050 - Pages: 4.... respected on
their own, when compared side to side, they are drastically different. Ovid's
purpose for writing the creation story is geared more towards explaining
creation as it happens, in his opinion, whereas the Bible stresses the fact that
the God of the Hebrews is responsible for the world's existence today. Overall,
Ovid is very detailed in explaining the formless mass, creation of the earth,
waters and land metaphorically. The Biblical account seems to be more plain,
simple, and organized; not spending time on intricate detail. There seems to be
no specific time frame for creation in Ovid's writing, whereas, the Bible states
t .....
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Buddhism, Hinduism, And Christianity
Words: 384 - Pages: 2.... is the religious class, the Kshatriyas which was the warrior class, the Vaisyas which were the landowners, Merchants, and Herders, and the Sudras who were the laboring class made up of the servants and peasants. Hindu’s believed in Reincarnation also. It is the rebirth of the soul in another body after death. Hindu people believed the action of the people in their life were rewarded or punished in their next life. The Social affect this religion had on its people was that the caste system and its believes provided an organized society in which people believed social mobility comes only through reincarnation.
Christianity believes that the .....
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The Case For The Existence Of God
Words: 6252 - Pages: 23.... to all things, and such spring to all noble powers, we
might presume would, as soon as it was announced, be received by every
healthy mind."
Some, however, contrary to their higher interests, have refused to have God
in their knowledge and thus have become vain in their reasonings and
foolish in their philosophy (Romans 1:21,22,28). They do not see the folly
(Psalm 14:1) of saying there is no God.
The Christian has not only the obligation to "give answer to every man
that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you..." (I Peter
3:15), but an obligation to carry the Gospel message to a lost and dying
world ( .....
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Betrayed By God
Words: 628 - Pages: 3.... still up and running. But it's better than nothing, I guess.
His business has been through a lot of hardships over the last 16 years.
Another difficulty was the building of the Blue Route near his business. The
construction blocked almost everyone from entering the building. I don't know
if you could blame God for that sort of problem or maybe it was just fate. But
with these dilemmas and problems, he didn't question why God allowed these
things to happen. He looked insstead to the way he benefited from the
One benefit was it made him stronger mentally aand spiritually. To keep
a business going for three year .....
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The Life Of Jesus
Words: 514 - Pages: 2.... was time for Jesus to choose
his twelve apostles. He chose Simon, James, John, Andrew, Phillip, Bartholomew,
Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Simon and Judas. They all came from different
backgrounds. Judas was the apostle who betrayed Jesus. It was time for the last
supper. Jesus sat down with his disciples at the table to share the bread and
wine. Jesus went to pray in Gethsemane with his disciples when Judas arrived
with an armed crowd sent by the chief priests. They arrested him. Jesus was
brought to Pilate and he sentenced him to death. Then he was crucified. When he
died, a man named Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body o .....
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The Roots Of Judaism And Christianity
Words: 4642 - Pages: 17.... are called Israelis; not all of them are Jews.) In the Bible, Hebrew is
used by foreign peoples as a name for the Israelites; today it is applied only
to the hebrew language.
The origin of the Jews is recounted in the Hebrew Bible. Despite legendary
and miraculous elements in its early narratives, most scholars believe that the
biblical account is based on historic realities. According to the Book of
Genesis, God ordered the patriarch Abraham to leave his home in Mesopotamia and
travel to a new land, which he promised to Abraham's descendants as a perpetual
inheritance. Although the historicity of Abraham, his son Isaac, and his
grand .....
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