Papers on Science and Environment
Evolution Of Immunity And The Invertebrates
Words: 1152 - Pages: 5.... opened up the new field of comparative
immunology. Comparative immunologists studied the immune defenses of past and
current creatures. They gained further insight into how immunity works.
The most basic requirement of an immune system is to distinguish between
one's own cells and "non-self" cells. The second job is to eliminate the non-
self cells. When a foreign object enters the body, several things happen. Blood
stops flowing, the immunity system begins to eliminate unwanted microbes with
phagocytic white blood cells. This defensive mechanism is possessed by all
animals with an innate system of immunity. Innate cellular immunity .....
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UFOs Exist
Words: 1801 - Pages: 7.... was introduced to replace the term flying saucer. UFO sightings first started in the late 1800s, but there weren't that many until the 1940s. In the 1940s UFO sightings were being told all over the world. Since the 1940s UFOs are seen every day by people all over the world. Ufologists have come up with a system to divide UFO incidents into three major types of close encounters.
First, close encounter of the first kind (CEI) are classified as UFO sightings. Second, close encounters of the second kind (CE2) are sightings and permanent evidence, such as marks in the ground or burns on grass. Third, close encounters of the third kind (CE .....
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Environmental Pollution
Words: 1277 - Pages: 5.... is carbon monoxide which manly comes
from automobiles, but also burning of fossil fuels, CFCs etc. Air pollution does
not leave the Earth it all gets trapped up in the atmosphere. This doesn't
bother most people, and they think that it will not harm them. People burn down
forests and people burn fossil fuels, and CFCs from aerosols. Every bit of this
harms our atmosphere. Factories and transportation depend on huge amounts of
fuel billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year.
When these fuels burn they introduce smoke and other, less visible, by-products
into the atmosphere. Although wind and rain occasiona .....
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Words: 359 - Pages: 2.... some of them were deflected at large angles.
Rutherford concluded that the deflections of the alpha
particles were caused by a center of positive charge that
contained most of the atom's mass (the nucleus). He also
explained that the particles that went straight through the
foil did so because the atom is mostly empty space and
that the distance between electrons and the nucleus is
vast compared to the size of the nucleus itself.
In 1919, he discovered the "artificial disintegration" of
nitrogen. His experiments show that under alpha
radiation, nitrogen is decomposed and hydrogen is
formed. Rutherford also devised an electrical method for .....
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Words: 478 - Pages: 2.... and cirrostratus . A cirrus cloud appears in delicate, feather-like bands that are not attached to each other, and is usually white with no shading. Cirrocumulus appear like very small round balls or flakes. The cirrocumulus sometimes form a pattern of a buttermilk sky. The cirrostratus sometimes form tangled webs or thin whitish sheets. A large ring or halo is sometimes seen around the sun or moon when the cirrostratus covers the sky.
The middle layer of range in altitude from 6,500 to 23,000 feet. The altocumulus, altostratus, and nimbostratus are found in the middle division. The altocumulus are more rounded and .....
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Hydroponic Gardening
Words: 4139 - Pages: 16.... herbs and tomatoes, as well as seasonal flowering plant species. The use of hydroponics in gardening as well as large scale crop growth can enable the grower to produce many types of plants out of their normal growing season. Another attraction and use for hydroponic growing methods is that a person can have a garden in small spaces such as an apartment. In addition a good source of natural sunlight is not required because the gardener will provide the plant's light requirements.
This form of growing plants is not only an interesting topic of study, but also a viable method of producing many species of plants in either a small hobbyist ga .....
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Extra Sensory Perception
Words: 1353 - Pages: 5.... if minds indeed have supernatural powers. Most tests
investigated one of the three main "faculties": telepathy, clairvoyance
and precognition, collectively called extrasensory perseption (ESP) by
American psycologist J.B. Rhine. Dating from the early 1930s, Rhine's
tests at Duke University at Durham, North Carolina, remain the most quoted
examples of an expirimental blitzkreig on problems of parapsychology. Three
years of Rhine's telepathy and clairvoyance testing averaged 7 successes
out of every 25 people tested, 2 better than chance would have produced, an
overall result millions to one against the odd.
Chapter ][ What is ESP? .....
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Life On Other Planets?
Words: 1748 - Pages: 7.... a given area in a solar system. There is even some present day proof
that life can flourish in some not so favorable environments as found with
the development of algae on many of Earth's deep sea thermal vents, as well
as bacteria that lives beneath the Earth's icy polar tundra's in the arctic
and Antarctic. George W. Wetherill even notes that “Even if a planet or
moon could not support life globally, each could contain a tiny niche where
life could thrive” (Science News, 328).
What are the most favorable conditions for life to develop? It is
now known that life simply cannot emerge anywhere that does not contain
water. It .....
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Words: 954 - Pages: 4.... a very small
Saturn is one of the giant outer planets, which are characterized
by their large size, low density, and corresponding extensive atmospheres.
Current models of the interior indicate that below the relatively thin
opaque cloud layer is an extensive, clear hydrogen-helium atmosphere. Data
on the internal heat flux, the detailed gravity field, and the observed
upper-atmosphere hydrogen-helium ratio satisfy a model of the interior
where the ratio of hydrogen to helium decreases with depth. The gas
density gradually increases downward and the gas transforms into a liquid.
Further down the pressures increase to a critical level .....
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The Beginning Of The Universe
Words: 1280 - Pages: 5.... to expand, and the galaxies have continued moving away from each other ever since. Today the universe is still expanding, as astronomers have observed.
The Steady State model says that the universe does not evolve or change in time. There was no beginning in the past, nor will there be change in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of matter forever.
There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang model is more reasonable than the Steady State model. .....
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