Papers on Science and Environment
Effects Of Smoking
Words: 389 - Pages: 2.... can cause cancer in the stomach as well in the throat.
Smoking not only attacks your health, but it can also attack your pocketbook. The costs of a single pack of cigarettes has raised substantially in recent years, from 1.75 in the late '80s too nearly over $3.00 now, that’s over $20.00 a carton. Think if you smoked two packs a day for 30 years, multiply that by the price of a pack a cigarettes (think about the fact that the price is almost certain to rise within that time), that’s a lot of money. Then you have the cleaning and air freshening bills about every 2 or 3 months. There would be cost to burns on your clothing .....
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Creation Versus Evolution
Words: 1119 - Pages: 5.... community all have their opinions and insight regarding this matter.
Evolutionists feel strongly about their stance on the issue of presenting creationism to America's classroom. They feel that by bringing this medium into schools, the Christians will be able to "further advance their various agendas" (Flank) by forcing their religious beliefs on students who do not believe in God, or in the same god. This is where the separation of Church and State comes into play. Evolutionists are adamant about keeping religion out of school, according to the guidelines of the Constitution. The Supreme Court ruling that stated that creation science .....
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Mein Ghetto: Black Racism And Louis Farrakhan
Words: 1930 - Pages: 8.... movement and the emergence of groups such as the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.
Louis Farrakhan is a leader of a group of extremist. An African-American "preacher", he has founded his own movement of black radicalism, based on Islamic fundamentalism, and incorporating his own brand of hatred against whites and other racial or religious or special interest groups.
This essay will examine some of the events that form part of the foundation of his philosophy, will examine essays written about Farrakhan by prominent academics, civil libertarians, and modern day economists, writers. Who is Louis Farrakhan, what does he preach, and why? .....
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Internet Security 2
Words: 1595 - Pages: 6.... for greater security measures on the net is increasing as we move towards the millennium and bigger security problems are created as we depend on computers more and more everyday.
Computer Systems these days are protected in one of two ways, or both. The first is through passwords. Passwords work only to a certain extent. Many people lack the forethought to make their password something that is not easily guessable. Your name, birth date, or anything that could be guessed with a little bit of thought is a bad idea. The other way to protect a network is to use a firewall. This technology is often effective but can be bypassed, and is .....
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Words: 504 - Pages: 2.... hires you, but
if you own your own salon, you have no benifits, but you can decide your
own vacations.
As a cosmetologist you usually would work a full work day. Most
people work 44 hours a week, but some work 48 hours or more.
There are many ways to get schooling to be a cosmetologist. You
could go to either a public or private vocational school, which some high
schools offer. You could also go to a beauty school. You must be 16 or
older to go to a beauty school. In your classes your training courses may
include lectures, demonstrations and practice. Students usually practice
with mannequins. After schooling, you must take a state .....
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Words: 594 - Pages: 3.... feet. The cumuli become towering
From outside the storm area, air moves in over the sea surface to replace
the air soaring upwards in the thunderheads. The air begins swirling around the
storm center, for the same reason that the air swirls around a tornado center.
As this air swirls in over the sea surface, it soaks up more and more water
vapour. At the storm center, this new supply of water vapor gets pulled into the
thunderhead updrafts, releasing still more energy as the water vapor condenses.
This makes the updrafts rise faster, pulling in even larger amounts of air and
water vapor from the storm's edges. And .....
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The Greenhouse Effect
Words: 424 - Pages: 2.... the greenhouse effect is the use of CFCs. CFCs, or
chlorofluorocarbon, are used in making plastics and in aerosol spray cans,
refrigerants, air conditioners, and similar objects. Like carbon dioxide,
the CFCs are trapping more heat in the earth's atmosphere. CFCs have also
been blamed for ozone depletion. CFCs are suspected of breaking down ozone
particles that shield us from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Too many
ultraviolet rays can cause cataracts and skin cancer. A hole in the ozone
has been discovered over Antarctic the size of the United States. The hole
is actually where the ozone has been depleted or thinned by the CFCs. The
use .....
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Nuclear Energy
Words: 1496 - Pages: 6.... But this new resource brought sickness, mutations, cancer and eventually death to those exposed to high levels of radiation. Even the government declared that nuclear powers were safe and efficient. The truth is that accidents do happen at nuclear power plants and at other facilities all the time. An accident at a nuclear power plant has the potential to be much more harmful than an accident at a coal or gas plant because of the radiation that could be released. An example of this is Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania where there was a partial core meltdown in march of 1979 caused large amounts of radiation to be released into the a .....
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Common Cold
Words: 649 - Pages: 3.... for influenza is virtually nil.
Another cause of the is the Antibody for specific virus. Dr Stone thinks that the accumulation of stress tips the infected person over into illness. In his study of 72 married white men for a period of 12 weeks, in which they kept daily diaries of their stress. Researchers then measured the subjects' saliva for a substance called secretary immunoglbulin-A antibody, the less they had of it, the more likely it was that the subject would come down with the cold. This may be true according with Dr. Stone, but an argument made by Dr. Gwaltney, "You see, you could have a ton of immunoglobulin-A and you could st .....
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Nuclear Power
Words: 1247 - Pages: 5.... along with two or
three neutrons. It is these neutrons that can begin a chain reaction, each
neutron that is given off could collide with another Uranium atom splitting it
apart. Each of these fissioning atoms releases a very large amount of energy,
and some more neutrons.
This process continues causing a chain reaction withut any outside assistance,
and the Uranium has "gone critical"(Martindale, 794-195). This chain reaction
is the basis for how nuclear power is made.
The amount of the energy that is given off in nuclear fission is astronomical.
To equal the amount of energy given off when splitting some uranium the size of
a .....
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