Papers on Science and Environment
Words: 1606 - Pages: 6.... Most have an orange coat with dark brown or black stripes accented with white. that live in cold climates (Siberian ) have thicker fur than that live in warm climates. A tiger's tail is 3 to 4 feet long, about half as long as its body. use their tails for balance when they run through fast turns. They also use their tails to communicate with other .
Where did tigers come from? Tigers (and all other carnivores) are descended from civet-like animals called miacids that lived during the age of the dinosaurs about 60 million years ago. These small mammals, with long bodies and short flexible limbs, evolved over millions of years into se .....
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Words: 1004 - Pages: 4.... frog lives. A lot of are red, yellow, orange, black and even combinations of colors. There is even a frog that is brown with two yellow stripes down its head and back and it has bright green legs.
II. Habitat of the frog
If you went on a tour of the world, you would find frogs on every continent except Antarctica. The family of frogs called Ranidae, include the leopard frog and the bullfrog. These frogs are found in North America, South America, Asia, Australia and Europe. The green-boned frogs and the arrow poison frogs are found only in Central and South America.
On all these continents and in all these countries, frogs can be f .....
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Down Syndrome 2
Words: 474 - Pages: 2.... of two cell types, leaving the
individual with some normal chromosomes of 46, and some
affected ones with 47. Translocation occurs when part of the
twenty-first chromosome breaks off and attaches to another
cell. The total number of chromosomes is 46, however the
excess material from the twenty-first chromosome results in the
affects of the syndrome. With translocation, most cases occur
sporadically, with no bearing on maternal age. These two types
of this syndrome are very rare, being responsible for only 6 or
7 percent of all cases.
Children with Down syndrome are at high risk for health
problems. These include congenital h .....
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Genetic Engineering 2
Words: 1140 - Pages: 5.... cell therapy, medical treatment, and eugenic therapy. Many people believe that genetic therapy is morally not right, but there are so many benefits for the world because of it. Some of scientist ideals of how to alter this new science to create the perfect human does in-fact sound crazy. But if genetic engineering was regulated to prevent such things the new science could bring wonders to many peoples lives.
The first form of genetic engineering began with a man named Mendel, a monk in the late nineteenth century. He was the first to even formulate the concept of the gene from his experiments on pea plants. Since Mendel, other sci .....
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Words: 2217 - Pages: 9.... etiology of ADHD is still a mystery to researchers. Within the field there are many correlates to biological (genetic) and social causes. The present paper seeks to explore current research through investigating the social and bio-genetic influence of ADHD on child intelligence. Testing and treatments of those with ADHD will also be discussed. In accordance with Dulcan et al. (1997) ADD, ADD-H, ADHD, although not identical, will be considered interchangeably due to similarity.
Characteristics and Testing of ADHD Intelligence
Even though ADHD occurs in people of every intelligence, a majority of children affected experience academic .....
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Words: 253 - Pages: 1.... below. Product Weight Before Weight After Mass of Test tube +
KClO4 41.5g 39.8g Mass of Test tube 37.5g 37.5 Mass of KClO4
4.0g 2.3g 2. Set up the apparatus shown below.
3. Gently heat the test tube containing the potassium perchlorate. Gas should
begin to collect in the collection bottle. Record all observation. 4. Once the
reaction is complete, no more gas give off, allow the test tube to cool. While
the test tube is cooling test the gas in the collection bottle with glowing
splint. Caution: Do not leave the rubber tubing down in the water trough during
cooling or you will experience back-up. 5. After the test tube has
cooled .....
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History Of Cell Membrane
Words: 414 - Pages: 2.... experiments which proposed that cell membranes were composed of lipids (1). By measuring the permeability of various compounds across the membrane of a frog muscle, Overton found some interesting results. He observed that lipophilic molecules (molecules attracted to fat solvents) could easily cross this cell membrane, however larger lipid insoluble molecules could not. He also observed that small polar molecules could slowly cross the membrane. Other experiments with the likes of hen eggs suggested the presence of a lipid layer in the membrane. These results became known to biologists across the world and it was generally accepted tha .....
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Words: 1633 - Pages: 6.... by gain or loss of electrons, the atoms
will become electrically charged and are called ions. Electrons occupy energy
states. Each level requires a certain amount of energy. For an electron to move
to a higher level, it will require the right amount of energy. Electrons can
move between different levels and between different materials but to do that,
they require the right amount of energy and an "empty" slot in the band they
enter. The metallic conductors have a lot of these slots and this is where the
free electrons will head when voltage (energy) is applied. A simpler way to look
at this is to think of atoms aligned in a straight l .....
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Did Duhem Show That Scientific Theories Can Be Neither True
Words: 1840 - Pages: 7.... Duhem means by scientific theory. He introduces two possibilities as to the nature of a physical (which we can equate to 'scientific') theory. The first being that it is an explanation of the reality lying behind a group of experimental laws (those that are empirically determined). The second is that a physical theory is simply an abstract system to classify and summarize a group of laws.
Taking the first possibility (a belief still held by many today): this seeks to look beneath the sensible appearances and find the reality beneath, which is causing the sensations we experience. However, this presents us with a problem. We only have acc .....
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Acting To Save Mother Earth
Words: 500 - Pages: 2.... less energy than making paper from trees. Finally, this process also reduces the air pollution of paper-making by 95 percent.
Another earth saving habit is "precycling" waste. This means buying food and other products packaged only in materials that will decay naturally or that can be recycled. The idea is to prevent unrecyclable materials from even entering the home. For instance, 60 of the 190 pounds of plastic-especially styrofoam-each American uses a year are thrown out as soon as packages are opened. Be kind to your planet by buying eggs, fast food, and other products in cardboard instead of styrofoam cartons. Buy beverages in g .....
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