Papers on Science and Environment
Hemophilia Manitoba
Words: 925 - Pages: 4.... this
disease. There is a fifty percent chance that she would
pass it on to her child because she can only pass on one of
the two chromosomes. If a male has hemophilia, he will
have normal sons and all of his daughters will be carriers
of the hemophilia disorder because all he can pass on is
the defective X-chromosome.
Males mostly have hemophilia, but women can also have
hemophilia. This is extremely rare though because two
defective X-chromosomes would be needed. In fact, the
first proven case of women having hemophilia was not until
the 1950’s (Bornstein 89). Female carriers are also at
risk. These women are k .....
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Compressed Gas: Helium
Words: 918 - Pages: 4.... it is also fatel. An aspect of inhaling is a person may lose
consciousness due to asphyxia (oxygen deprivation). During the exchange of
gases in the normal breathing process, the blood stream absorbs oxygen
from air in the lungs, while carbon dioxide passes from the blood to the
air. When you hold your breath, the exchange of gases slows, as "stale"
air in the lungs is no longer replaced by "fresh" air. Oxygen is
actually removed from the blood stream during the exchange of gases.
depending on how completely oxygen is replaced by helium, you may lose
consciousness quickly and without warning - you may literally pass out
while still s .....
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Cardiovascular Disease
Words: 2198 - Pages: 8.... to improve health. In fact, high levels of exercise increase the risk of injuries (Edlin p.130 ).
If you exercise regularly, your overall risk of a heart attack is about 50 percent less than if you are inactive and out of shape. With routine exercise you can reach a level of physical fitness comparable to an active person ten to twenty years younger. Regular exercise may also lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, and reduce the risk of diabetes.
Exercise increases the size of coronary arteries and reduce clogging due to atherosclerosis. Exercise also increases the efficiency of your blood's oxygen-carrying capacity and your muscle .....
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Drug Identification With Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometr
Words: 771 - Pages: 3.... The history and theory of the gas chromatography started over forty years ago with the invention of the capillary column. The gas chromatograph offers rapid and very high-resolution separations of a very wide range of compounds, with the only restriction that the analyzed substance needs to have sufficient volatility. The theory behind the mass spectrometer is to use the difference in mass-to-charge ratio (m/e) of ionized atoms or molecules to separate them from each other. Mass spectrometry is therefore useful for quantitation of atoms or molecules and also for determining chemical and structural information about molecules. Molec .....
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Words: 439 - Pages: 2.... an eighteenth century scientist, observed that while drilling through brass with a dull bit he could produce enormous amounts of heat yet not get very deeply into the brass. This led Mr. Thompson to the conclusion that heat was the product of work, not the invisible fluid caloric.
Joseph Black, yet another scientist of the seventeen hundreds, discovered that it took different substances varying amounts of heat to raise one gram of a substance one degree Celsius. He called this specific heat. Mr. Black also noticed that when mercury at fifty degrees is mixed with equal amounts of water at zero degrees the resulting mixture would be only .....
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Cardiovascular Conditioning
Words: 1632 - Pages: 6.... stroke as a result of adequate conditioning. Conditioning has other benefits to cardiovascular fitness as well. It will increase oxygenation of the blood due to the fact that while exercising deep breathing increases the blood flow to the lungs. Under a well-planned conditioning program conditioning can help to decrease cholesterol and the incidents of deadly heart disease. Individuals who exercise regularly have a lower rate of heart attacks than individuals who do not participate in an exercise program. One of the most important aspects of conditioning for the heart is the warm-up. Warming-up before intense exercise gradually increases .....
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Epidural In Labor
Words: 566 - Pages: 3.... great compassion for women in painful labors. However, we also feel a responsibility to mothers and their babies to explore issues concerning the use of epidural anesthesia in labor issues that are seldom discussed prenatally.
Several factors make the use of epidurals potentially hazardous. The Physician’s Desk Reference cautions that local anesthetics – the type used in epidurals – rapidly cross the placenta. When used for epidural blocks, anesthesia can cause varying degrees of maternal, fetal, and neonatal toxicity which can result in the following side effects: hypotension, urinary retention, fecal and urinary incontin .....
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The Atomic Theory
Words: 423 - Pages: 2.... pattern when they are
arranged according to their atomic masses). Mendeleyev wrote a two-volume book called Principles of chemistry
(1868-1870), which later became a classic. These books included an improved version of the periodic table.
Sir Joseph Thomson, another important person in the development of the atomic theory, was born in
1906. Thomson won the Nobel Prize in physics (1906) for his work in the conduction of electricty through gases.
He discovered the electron by using cathode rays. An electron is the smallest particle of an atom, the charge on
an electron is negative.
Ernest Rutherford, who was born in 1871 identifie .....
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Forest Management
Words: 931 - Pages: 4.... a given area partly in response to natural
changes in the structure of trees and other forest vegetation(4). The same
occurs when forest stands are managed by humans.
Unless future credible research indicates otherwise, effort should be
made to manage a wide range of forest structures. Maintaining diversity would
be best served by using a broader range of management tools. Those would
include harvesting on federal land - not simply thinning - and increasing the
commitment to old-growth attributes on private forest land through
techniques such as retaining large trees and snags. As long as federal lands
are substantially comm .....
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Air Polution
Words: 1424 - Pages: 6.... coal-burning areas for
several centuries. Smog finally decreased when coal combustion was replaced by
oil and gas combustion. Air pollution is caused by a number of different types
of pollutants. The first type, particulate matter, consists of solid and liquid
aerosols suspended in the atmosphere. These arise from the burning of coal and
from industrial processes. Atmospheric particles can scatter and absorb sunlight
which reduces visibility. Particles also reduce visibility by attenuating the
light from objects and illuminating the air causing the contrast between the
objects and their backgrounds to reduce. Not only does it effect visibili .....
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