Papers on Science and Environment
Intro To Computer Virus
Words: 1553 - Pages: 6.... the amount of macro viruses had risen by over 300%.
At this stage it is estimated that 90% of all companies have at least one macro virus resident somewhere in their computer systems.
Types of Viruses
Under the main heading of viruses are three types of harmful computer programs, not all of which hide and replicate.
The first of these is the Trojan Horse programs, the name of which comes from the Greek legend that told how Greek soldiers gained entry to the city of Troy in a giant, hollow wooden horse and thus captured the city, ending the Trojan War. Though not technically a virus it is still dangerous and could cause perman .....
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Words: 1665 - Pages: 7.... trace of genius." (Rachels,7). This didn't stop Darwin, though. He never lost this curiosity throughout the years. At the age of 18, he made a very important discovery about flustra, which is "1. That the ova of the Flustra possess organs of motion and 2. That the small black globular body hithero mistaken for the young Fucus lorious is in reality the ovum of the Pontobdella Muricata." (Rachels,7).
In the early 1800's, a group of naturalists led by Captain FitzRoy, were planning an overseas trip, which they called the Voyage of the Beagle. They invited Darwin along, not as a naturalist, but as a helper. Through this trip, Darwin met man .....
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The Space Shuttle
Words: 613 - Pages: 3.... payload in the orbiter's cargo bay. The fifth space shuttle
flight was the first operational mission; the astronauts in the Columbia
deployed two commercial communications satellites from November 11 to 16, 1982.
Later memorable flights included the seventh, whose crew included the first U.S.
woman astronaut, Sally K. Ride; the ninth mission, November 28-December 8, 1983,
which carried the first of the European Space Agency's Spacelabs; the 11th
mission, April 7-13, 1984, during which a satellite was retrieved, repaired, and
redeployed; and the 14th mission, November 8-14, 1984, when two expensive
malfunctioning satellites were retriev .....
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Electronic Commerce
Words: 691 - Pages: 3.... in several major changes in the way business is conducted in the future.
offers many advantages to both consumers and firms. It is very convenient for consumers as there are no shop hours and orders can be placed any time of the day. also allows companies to have much larger markets, once you are on the Internet you are everywhere. A customer in Japan can buy exactly what a customer in the UK buys from the same electronic store. The capability to purchase products at ease from all over the world would eventually result in the weakening of international boundaries and increased trade between countries. For example when the machinery for o .....
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A Balloon And Science
Words: 422 - Pages: 2.... line. Sir Isaac Newton made up the three laws of motion. He lived 500 years ago. The first law of motion is: An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless a force makes the object change its state of rest or motion. This means the rocket balloon won't start until you let go of the closing (hole). It wont stop until it runs out of air or something is in the way of its' path. The second law of motion is: The acceleration of an object increases as the amount of force causing the acceleration increases. This means the more air in the balloon the farther and faster it goes. The third law of motion .....
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Fern Life Cycle
Words: 780 - Pages: 3.... Next, we removed
a few of the germinating spores from the petri dish and put them under a
compound microscope scope. We found the spore wall and observed how the
developing gametophyte had broken through the wall, as instructed by our lab
manuals. One could also identify the chloroplasts with in the cell. We then put
up our dishes for another week.
The third week of our fern lab we identified the difference between male
and female gametophytes. We did this by taking a culture from our petri dish and
placing it under a dissecting microscope. Due to the male and female being both
located on the same prothallus it was necessary to obtain .....
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Ebola 2
Words: 987 - Pages: 4.... Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization, and from other health organizations in Belgium, France, and South Africa. Since July 1, 1995, 233 deaths have been reported among the 293 cases, in Africa (Garrett 195).
Since 1976, researchers have searched for an origin and cure of the virus. Scientist have carried out numerous studies and investigations. Therefore, we now know what the virus is capable of doing, how those infected with the disease can be properly treated , and the need to perform prompt action to isolate the virus before it disperses (Garrett 192).
The Ebola virus is a member of a family of RNA viruses known as filovirus .....
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Lasers 3
Words: 809 - Pages: 3.... the process that Albert Einstein described. Townes was successful in 1954 when he constructed what he called the maser (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). The maser amplifies the number of photons that cause microwaves.
After the invention of the maser many scientists became interested in the idea of building an optical maser, which soon received the name laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). Townes paired with Arthur Schawlow, two Soviets, Nikolai Basov and Aleksander Prokhorov, as well as Gordon Gould were all interested in developing a light-amplifying device. All of them knew that t .....
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Words: 533 - Pages: 2.... in a half awake state. (During this stage, nothing seems to bother the person.
Heroin is the most addictive narcotic. Of all narcotic addicts, 90-95% use heroin. In the United Stated alone, there are between 500,000- 750,000 heroin addicts. Heroin is often mixed
with cheaper substances, so that the dealer can make a larger profit. Since addicts don't know about the purity of a substance, many die because of overdoses. In an overdose of heroin, the lungs stop functioning, and the person dies from lack of air.
There can be other effects of heroin addiction, one is that people who have illnesses may have them go untreated because the hero .....
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Endangered Species 2
Words: 3779 - Pages: 14.... Research efforts have, however, paid off. Since 1991 natural mating has resulted in eight births at the Wolong centre.
In addition to experience gained over the years at Wolong, the recent success of births can be attributed to improved cooperation between China's Ministry of Forestry and the country's zoos involved in panda breeding, as well as to an exchange of information and technology between Chinese and western scientists.
Some problems are, however, still experienced with animal husbandry, particularly the care and welfare of infants. Disease and rejection by the mother have been the main cause of death among cubs. Investigation .....
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