Papers on Science and Environment
Quantum Computing
Words: 2038 - Pages: 8.... processes, it represents nothing less than a complete transformation of our world view. "Its [quantum physics] implications for the nature of reality and the relationship between observer and observed are both subtle and profound. (Barenco)"
A description of the world in which an object can apparently be in more than one place at the same time, in which a particle can penetrate a barrier without breaking it, in which something can be both a wave and a particle, and in which widely separated particles can cooperate in an almost psychic fashion, is bound to be both thrilling and bemusing. Niels Bohr, one of the founders of the theory, .....
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Genetic Engineering 4
Words: 1154 - Pages: 5.... another person (Clarke 1); this leaves too much to the imagination and leads to misunderstanding of the methods scientists use in cloning. In more clear terms, cloning is the process in which DNA of a female egg is replaced with different DNA from another cell. This process is referred to as the Nuclear Transfer or Nuclear Substitution. DNA molecules are the strings of protein that hold genetic coding. In this operation, the nucleus, which is the part of the cell that contains the DNA, are carefully removed from an unfertilized female egg then replaced with the DNA from the cell of another person (Harris 4). The egg with the DNA from a .....
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Hawaiian Goose
Words: 361 - Pages: 2.... Nene can be seen at he Honolulu Zoo.
Designated Hawaii's State Bird on May 7, 1957, the Nene has endured a
long struggle against extinction. During the 1940s this species was almost
wiped out by laws which allowed the birds to be hunted during their winter
breeding seasons when the birds were most vulnerable. By 1957, when the Nene
was named the State Bird, rescue efforts were underway. Conservationists began
breeding the birds in captivity in hopes of preserving a remnant of the
declining population and, someday, successfully re-establishing them in their
native habitat. Other programs for returning captive birds to the wild life wa .....
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Extra Terrestrial
Words: 404 - Pages: 2.... beings come from sightings by ordinary people.
World governments tried to keep the phenomenon of extraterrestrial life forms secret. Due to the fact our society is gullible believing every myth that one might tell to another. This confidentiality only lead to more curiosity among the people.
So far, in spite of a concerted effort by not only the U.S. government, but other governments worldwide to discredit the whole notion of unidentified flying objects; in spite of the ridicule heaped on anyone who even hints they may have seen something remotely resembling a UFO; in spite of official debunkings and even threats, people st .....
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Drumlin Formation By Catastrophic Flooding
Words: 3070 - Pages: 12.... of the meltwater reservoir was estimated as about 84,000 km3.
The subglacial flood hypothesis for drumlin origin has been applied to drumlins in New York, southern Ontario, the northeast shore of Georgian Bay in Ontario, and to the interpretation of hummocky terrain in southern Alberta, and other areas, by various workers. Shaw suggested as many as 10 meltwater discharges, similar to those which caused the Livingstone Lake drumlins, would be needed to account for drumlin fields in other areas [Shoemaker, 1995, p. 3].
The subglacial meltwater hypothesis of Shaw et al has several parallels to an interpretation of drumlins as streamline .....
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Thoeries Of Evolution
Words: 1798 - Pages: 7.... evoked in individual
animals direct adaptive responses that could be passed on to their offspring as
inheritable traits. This generalized hypothesis of evolution by acquired
characteristics was not tested scientifically during Lamarck's lifetime.
A successful explanation of evolutionary processes was proposed by
Charles Darwin. His most famous book, On the Origin of Species by Means of
Natural Selection (1859), is a landmark in human understanding of nature.
Pointing to variability within species, Darwin observed that while offspring
inherit a resemblance to their parents, they are not identical to them. He
further noted that s .....
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Genetic Cloning And Frankenstein
Words: 980 - Pages: 4.... the result may eventually bring our demise with the eminent threat of nuclear warfare. In literature, Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” serves as a bioethical exhortation for today’s technological advances in genetic cloning.
Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein” provides a clear distinction between the theoretical grandeur of man’s ability to scientifically author life and the stark reality, which it encompasses. Mary prophetically illustrates some of the potential hazards of breaking through the barrier that separates man from God (Bloom 611). Her insight allows the reader to trace these repercussions through Victor Frankenstein .....
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Solving The Mystery Of The Romanovs
Words: 476 - Pages: 2.... DNA. This high mutation rate
results in unique patters of single nucleotide polymorphisms, which are
inhereited through generations. Because of the location of the
polymorphisms in the cells cytoplasm, during fertilization, mitochondria
are only passed on from the egg. This means that the mitochondria DNA is
passed on from the mother. This information becomes useful when using them
for identification purposes.
In any given cell, there are thousands of copies of mitochondrial
DNA. This relative abundance of mitochondrial DNA can be used by
scientists to obtain DNA from samples where genomic DNA analysis is
difficult of impossible. Th .....
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White Tigers
Words: 1585 - Pages: 6.... since 1951. This may be caused that the Royal Bengal tiger population has dropped from 40,000 to 1, 800 in the past ten years, and as few as 1 in every 10,000 tigers is white ( are neither albinos nor a special species; they differ from the normally colored tigers by having blue eyes, a pink nose, and creamy white fur with black stripes. Tiger’s stripes are just like a human fingerprint, meaning that no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes. are not usually born from other . They get their color from double recessive allele. A Bengal tiger with two normal alleles or one normal or white allele .....
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Words: 368 - Pages: 2.... chains of an enzyme are folded in such way that they form a grove or pocket on the surface. The substrate fits in to this grove, which is the site of reactions catalyzed by the enzyme, or active site. Recent studies of enzyme structure have suggested that the active site is flexible. The binding between and substrate appears to alter the shape of the enzyme. This induces a close fit between the active site and the substrate. It is also believed that this may put some strain on the substrate molecule facilitating the reaction.
Another characteristics of are competitive inhibition and non-competitive inhibition. Competitive inhi .....
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