Papers on Science and Environment
Solar Cells
Words: 1104 - Pages: 5.... as there are protons, so, on the
whole, it is electrically neutral. The electrons have discrete kinetic energy
levels, which increase with the orbital radius. When atoms bond together to form
a solid, the electron energy levels merge into bands. In electrical conductors,
these bands are continuous but in insulators and semiconductors there is an
"energy gap", in which no electron orbits can exist, between the inner valence
band and outer conduction band [Book 1]. Valence electrons help to bind together
the atoms in a solid by orbiting 2 adjacent nucleii, while conduction electrons,
being less closely bound to the nucleii, are free t .....
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Words: 416 - Pages: 2.... usually called the urn referring to Aquarius.
Skat or Scheat: It comes from the Arabic word for shin and it dates
back to the translation of Ptolemy's Almagest.
Albali: The name comes from the Arabic, which means "swallower"; no one
really knows why the star got this name
Situla: This name comes from Latin and means "well bucket". Situla was
the original Arabic name for the entire constellation Aquarius.
There are three star clusters contained in Aquarius. M2, which was
discovered in 1764, is one that can be seen with a small telescope. A larger
telescope is needed to make out the individual stars. M72 is another cluster
that is .....
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The Big Bang
Words: 1283 - Pages: 5.... and the galaxies have continued moving away from each other
ever since. Today the universe is still expanding, as astronomers have observed.
The Steady State model says that the universe does not evolve or change in
time. There was no beginning in the past, nor will there be change in the
future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle
says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2
It maintains the same average density of matter forever.
There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang model
is more reasonable than the Steady State model. F .....
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Lung Cancer 3
Words: 1428 - Pages: 6.... fail to stop dividing until they push everything out of place. If the tumour is benign it will enlarge only at the site where it began. However cancerous tumours can invade and destroy. One of the reasons that cancer needs to be caught early is because it will spread. Cancerous cells lack the sticky coating that causes normal healthy cells to stay together because cancerous cells lack it they can break off and implant somewhere else in the body. The cancerous cells that break off from the primary tumour are usually carried through the blood. What causes cancer cells to be abnormal? They create extra chromosomes and more DNA then normal cell .....
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Ebola 3
Words: 608 - Pages: 3.... begin four-sixteen days after infection. After about 2 days of these symptoms you start to "crash". A crash is when you vomit uncontrollably until there is nothing left to vomit (you vomit blood, bile and other liquids of the body), you suffer from diarrhea, limited kidney function, internal and external bleeding, you bleed from every opening on your body, blood fails to clot, so if you get cut in any way your body will never stop bleeding from that wound. Ebola could spread and infect everyone in the world in 48 hours.
Marburg, Germany
In this small German town people were taking tests on African monkeys. These monkeys were infected wi .....
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Words: 1562 - Pages: 6.... typically involving the production of resistant, over-wintering eggs. Such eggs are usually enclosed in a purselike ephippium that rests in the sediment at the bottom of the lake or pond until spring at which time the eggs hatch.
1. Daphnia magna. Take a small culture dish to the instructor to receive a few living D. magna. This is a very large species, as go, and one that is easily cultured in the laboratory. Return to your bench and observe the animals using the dissecting microscope. Note the characteristic jerky swimming motion. The uneven appearance of this motion is a result of there being only one pair of locomotory appendages, o .....
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Technology And Education
Words: 1308 - Pages: 5.... student involvement and enabled students to complete joint projects with students in other cities, states and even countries (Carey 26). Studies on students who have twenty four hour access to laptops have shown that students shown an increase in problem-solving and critical thing sills, enhanced learning in core academic subjects, produce higher quality work and have even provided more one-on one time between teachers and students (THE Journal 16).
Technology is an integral component of learning. Being that students learn at different rates, technology can individualize instruction. They can move at an appropriate pace providing a so .....
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Cloning 3
Words: 507 - Pages: 2.... If many people had the same DNA, how would we preserve our diversity and sense of self?
Human cloning also raises many ethical and moral issues. Different religious groups regard cloning in different ways, but most agree on one point. Cloning puts the work of God into our own hands. The creation of life then becomes a manufacturing of duplicates instead of a "creative act of God".
It is also important to consider the repercussions of cloning on the cloned individual. Numerous psychological problems may arise if a person discovers that he or she was cloned. How would a child feel if they found out that they were created to b .....
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The Luminescence Of Black Light
Words: 442 - Pages: 2.... attempts to explain this property by contending that
a certain outside excitation causes an electron to jump from one orbit to
another. It is then in an unstable environment causing it to fall back into its
original orbit. This process releases energy, and if it is in the visible part
of the spectrum, we have a transient light phenomenon. Ultra-violet light is an
exciting agent which causes luminescence to occur.
There are many materials which exhibit fluorescent characteristics.
Many of which are even organic. Teeth, eyes, some portions of the skin, and
even blood exhibit fluorescent qualities. Naturally occurring minerals such a .....
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Information Management
Words: 3135 - Pages: 12.... to look at where we've been. Second, it is very important to know that we are now live in a digital age. As the saying goes, every business now is an information business, our information technology industry is driving ahead with advances that promise to bring the new medium into the living rooms and onto the desks of millions more. So, in this part, I will discuss the advantage that information technology brings to our work and analyses it in-depth. Last but not least, as technology continues to develop, I also give the opportunities and threats for our businesses in the coming Internet age and how we can achieve information advantage. Mo .....
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