Papers on Science and Environment
Mellville And Darwin's Writings On The Galapagos Islands
Words: 977 - Pages: 4.... and comparisons to well-
known entities to better illustrate the Galapagos Islands to the common reader.
Mellville assumes that the reader is unfamiliar with the Galapagos islands, or
"Encantadas," as he chooses to refer to them as and paints a picture of the
Galapagos Islands using everyday terms. An important part of Mellville's style
is that the he never directly describes the islands. "Take five-and-twenty heaps
of cinders dumped here and there in an outside city lot" is how Mellville's
description of the Galapagos Islands begins. This reduces the Galapagos islands
from a large, nearly inconceivable place to objects of which mo .....
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Chemical Warfare
Words: 385 - Pages: 2.... in 1918. Other chemical agents do not cause death, but they could make a person unable to fight. Some of these are called blister agents, which cause big blisters on your skin. A blister agent called mustard gas caused a lot of deaths on both sides during World War I. Some other chemical agents can cause temporary blindness or mental confusion.
But people still can defend themselves against all of these chemical agents. For example, gas masks, other protective coverings for the body, and injections of antidotes are used as defenses against chemical agents.
Chemical agents also have nonmilitary uses. For example, riot control agents, includ .....
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How Science And Pseudo-science Differ
Words: 563 - Pages: 3.... has to be true. However, logically, it can never really be proven completely true, since it would take an infinite number of tests to do so.
A pseudo-science is similar, in that it has laws. However, these laws are mostly restatements of known facts. For example, in astrology, they make claims about what you are like based on what day you were born. The things they say, however, are things that are statistically common for those people. They are also very vague, making the chances of being wrong increasingly low. Also, they can be interpreted in many different ways, allowing for unbelievable flexibility in their predictions. A pseu .....
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Words: 341 - Pages: 2.... hopeless. They also have negative thoughts towards the past and future. Many people go
through guilt, crying, or having suicidal thoughts. Unlike a manic episode, the person has lack of energy, and either an appetite loss or gain.
Manic depression is a recurrent illness, so a person usually has more than one episode. These episodes can last from weeks to months. They occur whenever and have no certain pattern. Sometimes a stressful life event can trigger an episode, and sometimes they just happen. If a person has more than four episodes a year they are
known as “rapid cyclers”. This is more common in women.
There is no exact rea .....
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Ecstasy The Hug Drug
Words: 827 - Pages: 4.... Raymond Kelly, "primarily use ecstasy". The drug breaks down communication barriers and allows a great recipe for intimate contact, which a lot of young people today strive for. The positive feelings that people report are very similar to that of Prozac (anti-depressant drug) and fenfluramine.
MDMA is usually taken orally in the form of pills synthesized by independent labs. They come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. The designer drug may also be taken in the form of a powder and injected into the blood stream for a quicker " high". The actual potency of the pills is determined by the size. They range from 50mg to 300mg dep .....
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Desktop Videoconferencing
Words: 3016 - Pages: 11.... You can hold a Desktop Videoconference whenever the need arises, without the time and expense of traveling-or even leaving your desk because it's just like being there in person. in no way takes the place of face to face, but it does offer the convenience of a different means of communication.
Videoconferencing is a type of conferencing in which video cameras and microphones capture sight and sound for transmission over a communications network. Videoconferencing makes it possible to conduct meetings with participation of groups who are hundreds and thousands of miles apart (Senn, 1998).
As Joseph Jesson an information technology co .....
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Cloud Formations
Words: 510 - Pages: 2.... division we have the cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus clouds. A cirrus cloud appears in delicate, feather-like bands that are not attached to each other, and is usually white with no shading. Cirrocumulus clouds appear like very small round balls or flakes. The cirrocumulus clouds sometimes form a pattern of a buttermilk sky. The cirrostratus clouds sometimes form tangled webs or thin whitish sheets. A large ring or halo is sometimes seen around the sun or moon when the cirrostratus covers the sky.
The middle layer of clouds range in altitude from 6,500 to 23,000 feet. The altocumulus, altostratus, and nimbostratus clouds are f .....
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Words: 483 - Pages: 2.... a mirror-like polish. This steel
contains about 13 percent chromium and 0.3 percent carbon. The hardness of steel
can be increased by adding small quantities of chromium to it. Chromium steel
alloys (mixtures containing one or more metals) are used to make armor plating
for tanks and warships. They are also used for ball bearings and the hard
cutting edges of high-speed machine tools.
Nickel is highly resistant to electric current and is often added to
chromium steels to make them easier to work. For example, stainless steel
sinks can be pressed out from flat sheets of steel that can contain 18 percent
chomium and 8 percen .....
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Mononucleosis 3
Words: 1912 - Pages: 7.... are affected, but studies suggest that the disease occurs slightly more often in men than in women. Doctors estimate that each year 50 out of every 100,000 Americans have mononucleosis symptoms. Among college students, the rate is several times higher. Mononucleosis does not occur in any particular "season," although authorities in colleges and schools, where the disease has been well studied, report that they see most patients in the fall and early spring. Epidemics do not occur, but doctors have reported clustering of cases. Transmission: EBV, the virus that causes most cases of mononucleosis, infects and reproduces in the salivary glands .....
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Astronomy And Space Science: Your Bones In Space
Words: 1408 - Pages: 6.... and its resilience. It also has an inorganic
component located in the cement between the fibers consisting of calcium
phosphate [85%]; Calcium carbonate [10%] ; others [5%] which give it the
hardness and rigidity. Other than providing the rigid infrastructure, it
protects vital organs like the brain], serves as a complex lever system,
acts as a storage area for calcium which is vital for human metabolism,
houses the bone marrow within its mid cavity and to top it all it is
capable of changing its architecture and mass in response to outside and
inner stress. It is this dynamic remodeling of bone which is of primary
interest in microgravi .....
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