Papers on Computers & Technology
Words: 1120 - Pages: 5.... make available a great
variety of information sources. The same new designs also make possible ideas of
privacy and of restricted information sources, but computer crime has become a
very important risk that society must face if it would enjoy the benefits of
modern technology. Two main types of computers are in use today, analog and
digital, although the term computer is often used to mean only the digital type.
Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation the ability to
determine if a switch, or gate is open or closed. That is, the computer can
recognize only two states in any of its microscopic circuits on or off, h .....
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Computer Crime
Words: 465 - Pages: 2.... about phone phreaks more known
as "Phreakers." They steal long distance phone services. Phreakers commit many
other crimes against phone companies.
In the book Computer Crime it states, most people commit thesis crimes, because
they where carious and wanted to explore the system. All they want to do is
exploit systems not destroy it. It is purely intellectual. I know one reason
is that is can be very rewarding. Hackers are drawn to computers for the
aninymity they allow. They feel powerful and can do anything. Hackers can be
there own person out side the real world.
I found out Arizona was the first state to pass a law against c .....
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William Gibson And The Internet
Words: 5165 - Pages: 19.... of future worlds, cultures and the Internet.
it is William Gibson and the cyberpunks who have carried out some of the
most important mappings of our present moment and its future trends during the
past decade. The present, in these mappings, is thus viewed from the persceptive
of a future that is visible from within the experiences and trends of the
current moment, from this perpscetive, cyberpunk can be read as a sort of social
Chapter 1
Internet history
The Internet is a network of computer networks, the most important of
which was called ARPANET(Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork), a wide area
experimental net .....
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Coputers In Modern Society
Words: 983 - Pages: 4.... on the
market. In addition to internal speed and to allow faster hook- up to the
Internet, faster telephone lines, most notably the fiber optic lines, have been
added, for an extra charge, to transfer data about 4 times faster than
conventional phone lines (about 28,000 bits per second has been quadrupled to
about 128,000 bits per second. As speed enhances, memory and storage space is
needed to hold excess information. EDO RAM is a new, faster memory module that
helps transfer RAM data twice as fast as normal RAM. For long term storage of
large amounts of data, hard drives have been under a constant upgrade of
performance, and it is n .....
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How Technology Effects Modern America
Words: 1152 - Pages: 5.... is up this year by over 20%.” All engineering jobs are paying well,
proving that highly skilled labor is what employers want! “There is clear
evidence that the supply of workers in the [unskilled labor] categories already
exceeds the demand for their services,” says L. Mishel, Research Director of
Welfare Reform Network.
In view of these facts, I wonder if these trends are good or bad for society. “
The danger of the information age is that while in the short run it may be
cheaper to replace workers with technology, in the long run it is potentially
self-destructive because there will not be enough purchasing p .....
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Netscape’s Gecko: The Next-Generation Layout Engine
Words: 560 - Pages: 3.... standards, speed, size and source. It is expected to potentially be the fastest, smallest most standards compliant HTML layout engine available. Gecko features an intrinsic support for HTML 4.0, CSS1 and partially for CSS2, Resource Description framework, and even a full Document Object Model level-1 implementation. Gecko also supports both HTML and XML documents. Gecko has been developed entirely under the Open source model at Developers are free advantage of the Gecko source code. The Open Source approach is used to encourage developers and anyone else for that matter to contribute their own strategies. The Article incorpo .....
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Words: 3143 - Pages: 12.... sent with the message, and has to be kept secret at all cost. If the key is compromised, the sender and the encrypted data is no longer safe. The sender and the receiver then usually agree on a new key to prevent any further damage.
In ancient Greece, around 550 Bc, messages were sent encoded to generals and could only be decoded using special staff keys. The key actually consisted of a physical object, which was applied on the message to get the decrypted version of it. In 50 Bc., one of the most simple cryptographic algorithms ever used was the one called the Caesar cipher, that was used by Julius Caesar to send messages to his generals. .....
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Data Storage Devices
Words: 791 - Pages: 3.... tremendous amounts of data and consume
less space than a single piece of paper.
The magnetic technology used for computer data storage is the same
technology used in the various forms of magnetic tape from audiocassette to
videocassette recorders. One of the first computer storage devices was the
magnetic tape drive. Magnetic tape is a sequential data storage medium. To
read data, a tape drive must wind through the spool of tape to the exact
location of the desired information. To write, the tape drive encodes data
sequentially on the tape. Because tape drives cannot randomly access or
write data like disk drives, and are thus much slo .....
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Steam Turbines
Words: 452 - Pages: 2.... in the form of an acceleration of the particles of vapor.
The transformation that occurs, provides a large amount of available work energy.
The essential parts of all steam turbines consist of nozzles or jets
through which the steam can flow and expand. Thus, the temperature drops, and
kinetic energy is gained. In addition, there are blades, on which high pressure
steam is exerted. Stationary blades shift the steam onto rotating blades, which
provide power. Also, turbines are equipped with wheels or drums where the
blades are mounted. A shaft for these wheels or drums is also a basic component,
as well as an outer casing that confines .....
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The First Generation Of Computers
Words: 312 - Pages: 2.... the first commercially-available computer was delivered to the
Bureau of the Census by the Eckert Mauchly Computer Corporation. The UNIVAC
(Universal Automatic Computer) was the first computer which was not a one-of-a-
kind laboratory instrument. The UNIVAC became a household word in 1952 when it
was used on a televised newscast to project the winner of the Eisenhower-
Stevenson presidential race with stunning accuracy. That same year Maurice V.
Wilkes (developer of EDSAC) laid the foundation for the concepts of
microprogramming, which was to become the guide for computer design and
In 1954, the first general-purpose c .....
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