Papers on Creative Writing
Creative Writing: Who's In The Wall?
Words: 659 - Pages: 3.... waste of time and decided to go.
The next morning I called Mr. Machiano and asked him to meet me at the
palace. As I approached the area where the body was found I began to feel a
little queasy. I searched the ground around the body hoping to find some clues.
I noticed the sparkle of metal pertruding from the ground. I picked it up and
saw it was a gold and diamond ID bracelet with the name Montresor inscribed on
it. I decided to do a little more research on this man. I went to the station
and asked the secretary to show me the file on any person missing for more than
20 years. The list only had about five people on it with a brief .....
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Personal Writing: My Jungle Safari
Words: 485 - Pages: 2.... the rich black soil like your foot into the mud on a
beach. The air smells so luscious and full of moisture, it was as if I
could drink the air.
As the tangle of bushes and vines grew thicker I had to withdraw my
sword and cut my way through. The sword caught what little light that had
somehow found its way through the trees and it danced on the nearby trees.
It made a swish as it flew through the air. When it hit the brush the
sword vibrated through my hand and the brush gave way to the knife and
allowed me to pass through.
A tiny light became clearer to me and I headed toward it. The bugs
became thicker and there were mosquitoes .....
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Personal Writing: A Path Seldom Chosen - Solving Problems Without Violence
Words: 811 - Pages: 3.... enable all my major organs
to remain intact. I decided to use humor to defeat this barbaric beast. I
must have ridiculed and made fun of myself over 200 times. I told him that
even if he passed out, in a full body cast , and suffered from leprosy, he
still could wipe the floor with my feeble body. I told him if he didn't
disfigure me, that I would offer to be his own personal reusable toothpick
for as long as he wished.
Violence and nonviolence are two very effective ways to solve
problems, but for people like me whose brains are stronger than their
fists, nonviolence seems much more practical and less harmful. I'm not a
tre .....
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The Thirty-Second Legion
Words: 1553 - Pages: 6.... of hell and seal it off for ever. It all started 25 years ago in my fathers court...
“Your Majesty!, Riders from Fort Condor have arrived! Our men have been over run and castle sacked. â€, said the Kings General exasperatedly, “ Our armies were well trained there, even your elite guard was lost, These CANNOT BE MORTALS YOUR MAJESTY!â€
The King turned and took a good look at his general. Ragnoth was a tall man, and yet for his age he seemed far, far older. He bore enough scars for an army. He had the strength of 2 blacksmiths in his old age. Well he was not that old, Ragnoth was barely fifty. He carried a long thin bladed sword .....
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Creative Story: If At First You Don't Succeed
Words: 1310 - Pages: 5.... game, Sam has a visit to
the hospital where he is an infamous character, continually joked about by the
nurses and doctors who work there.)
"You may see Mr. Monty now, sir," the secretary informed Sam.
He nervously eyed the door in front of him. The big, bold lettering
Doubts about his ability to make a good impression entered his mind,
but Sam immediatly gathered himself together, glanced back at the sheep
secretary, and entered the room. THe stately pig sat behind .....
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The Monkeys
Words: 1000 - Pages: 4.... restrictions which were placed on their lives.
One day in the monkey house, however, there was a change that was not pleasing to at all. A letter was left on the door of the monkey house which read as follows: Dear Monkeys, You guys have got to start helping out a little bit, because we are tired of helping you do everything. From now on, when we feed you bananas, its your responsibility to pick up your banana peals and throw them in the garbage can. It would be a great help to us. Sincerely, Gus and Barbara.
When the two smartest monkeys, Ted and Jill, finally translated this note, they told all of the other monkeys how outrageous i .....
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Creative Writing: The Chicken
Words: 872 - Pages: 4.... was a garden on the farm that Sarah's family used for canning
their own food and Sarah's job was to pick the bugs off of the beans, tomatoes,
and cabbage. She would take the bugs and put them into an old Mason jar. When
the jar was full of bugs, she took them to Maryanne's coup and fed the bugs to
her as a special treat. She also fed Maryanne laying mash which was supposed to
help her lay eggs and keep her healthy.
One morning Sarah went to her mothers chicken coup to feed and water the
chickens and she saw some hens sitting on their nests and they wouldn't get up
to eat or drink. She went into the house and told her mother that .....
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Medievel Knights: Creative Essay
Words: 1325 - Pages: 5.... but
sorrow. He dare not leave his castle for fear that his enemies were
plotting revenge against him and his kingdom. On a certain day, Sir Rowa
approached him and asked,"Sir, what bothers you so that you seem to be
flooded with sadness?" "Ah, my brother Rowa, you have heard of Queen
Ariah's kidnapping. This is what bothers me so. Without her, I am lost."
"Sir Dolan," Rowa replied, "I am ashamed that such a strong and
distinguished warrior as yourself has given up hope of rescuing his beloved
Queen from the evil Sir Francais. I tell you, Sir, that it is not for a
man of your honor to grieve and feel pity for himself. I also tell you .....
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Personal Writing: Why I Should Receive This Scholarship
Words: 384 - Pages: 2.... longer a
shy kid who just falls in the back of everyone's mind. I had leadership
skills and would develope them to my fullest potential.
Later my freshmen year, a teacher encouraged me to participate in a
national project to make a difference in the world. This was a project
where I could help use my skills to help others. This project was not only
about helping those less fortunate than myself. This was a project that
would help build my confidence, and help realize what a joy it is to me to
help those who are in need. Because of my exposure to this and other
community service projects, I know that I want to keep assisting those who
nee .....
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Creative Writing: Terror On Halloween
Words: 839 - Pages: 4.... be. The other figure then said "whats it gunna be lady,
trick or treat?" Jess opened the door fully now and beckoned them to come
inside. "Just wait here", she said as she ran up the stairs and into the
bathroom where Sal was still combing her hair.
"Sal what should I give those two boys", asked Jess. "I dunno give
them one of those chocolate things near the fridge", Sal replied. Jess
turned and went back down the stairs into the kitchen to find the bars.
"Are you still there boys?", she yelled. But there was no reply. Jess
stopped and went back to the front door. To her surprise the boys had
vanished and there was no sign o .....
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