Papers on English
The Functions Of The Chorus In
Words: 836 - Pages: 4.... important role in the play. The playwrights used the Chorus to establish facts in the play, to clarify certain events, to reflect the society's outlook, to give insight into a character's emotions, and to point out important events as they occur (Wat).
This is especially evident in Oedipus the King. On page nine, the Chorus has its first speaking part in the play (which is known as the parados), and it is invoking the Gods and asking them for help. A plague befell the city of Thebes in which their crops and people were dying. The Oracle of Delphi said that the plague would only end when the killer of Laius (the former king of Thebes) wa .....
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Words: 1610 - Pages: 6.... after herself, insofar as she, Sethe, was whom the preacher was addressing as "dearly ." In this way she brands her detached conscience with guilt.
I call it her "detached conscience" because in order to go on with life Sethe needed to remove herself from her guilt. She removes herself so completely that her neighbors, already upset at her crime, isolated her because she seemed to feel no remorse for the awful deed. Sethe's stoic resolve continues until Denver loses her hearing, which was caused by Denver not being able to deal with hearing what her mother had done. Only when her mother's conscience manifests itself as the ghos .....
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Analysis Of The Machine That W
Words: 461 - Pages: 2.... data might have been unreliable.
This conflict, as you will note later, helped win the war.
The great computer was capable of creating a direct battle plan which
Earth forces could use to attack their enemies. However, with Henderson
inputting faulty data, this caused some of the battle plans to be unreliable. His
internal conflict between himself losing his job and wanting to keep it made
him jingle with the programming until it seemed right.
This foreshadowing helps the reader to see that someone is going to
have to act upon Henderson’s faults if the war is to be won. Swift, the
military commander, received these battle pl .....
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A Rose For Emily By William Faulkner
Words: 778 - Pages: 3.... and she began not having a social life. After her father's death she met a man named Homer Barron and began to go out a little. The town people were happy for her because they now seen her a little more and it was better than to be in a old house all the time. Emily began to think that some day she and Homer would marry, and when things went wrong she poisoned him. As time passed people began to wonder, and a smell began developing. Although the smell was hitting everyone in the town, no one said anything, instead they sprinkled lime all over her house. Emily died a time later. After the town people heard the new they went to see he .....
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Common Themes In Short Stories
Words: 969 - Pages: 4.... I identified can be interpreted many different ways from the context that it was written, but these two short stories were appropriate for this theme.
Frustration another prevailing theme in some of Joyce’s work has also been outlined in Araby. Everyday the boy would suffer with an infatuation with a girl he could never have. He even had to deal with his frustration of his self-serving uncle, which he and his aunt were afraid of. The absolute epitome of frustration comes from his uncle when he arrived late at home delaying the one chance of going to Araby. When the boy arrives at Araby to find out that all of the shops are closed hi .....
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Capitalism In Mass Media
Words: 1448 - Pages: 6.... values into the character's lifestyle. The use of the Internet and competing businesses combine to create the story between the main characters. They have two relationships: their anonymous romantic Internet relationship and as rival business owners. As the outcome is reached, we understand that competition and technology are not important to the relationship, when the two meet. It is the emotions (such as love) that overcome any capitalist values that may have affected what was in each characters best interest. In this case, the attention is drawn away from the business aspect of the relationship as if it were the focus; capitalism would b .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bird ----
Words: 805 - Pages: 3.... Atticus and Calpurnia. An example of Jem caring about Scout is when Bob Ewell attacks them. Jem gets hurt but he still tries to help Scout escape from Bob Ewell. Scout cares about Jem because she worries if Jem is going to die when his arm is injured from Bob Ewell's attack. On the other hand, Atticus and Calpurnia care about Jem and Scout just as much. Atticus and Calpurnia may yell or lecture the children sometimes but they don't just yell and lecture Jem and Scout for no reason. Atticus and Calpurnia yell and lecture the children because they care and want the best for Jem and Scout. An example of Calpurnia and Atticus caring abou .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Words: 319 - Pages: 2.... the impression that the soldiers are enduring the same feeling over and over again‚ as if they were inhuman. In this classic war story Remarque also describes the soldiers as inhuman wild beast in addition to the nonliving objects. Paul states that when soldiers reach the zone where the front begins they are transformed into "instant inhuman animals"(56). Remarque is saying that the zone is like a magical line; once they cross it there not the same person as they were on the other side of the line. He says‚ "We have become wild beasts. We do not fight‚ we defend ourselves against annihilation"(103). Here Remarque states that the G .....
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The Runaway Jury
Words: 2509 - Pages: 10.... dollar legal battle to receive a very large cash payment. The defense was Pynex, a tobacco company, and they had very deep pockets and were willing to pay for the correct verdict. A verdict for not guilty.
The story starts with the very laborious job of jury selection. The tobacco industry has on their payroll a man by the name of Rankin Fitch. Fitch foresees the selection of the lawyers and consultants. Fitch and the consultants foresee the selection of the jurors. Each perspective juror is investigated and watched. The defense as well as the plaintiffs want to secure a verdict so they only want jurors sympathetic to th .....
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Words: 626 - Pages: 3.... is the fact that he still enjoys the outside comforts of small things such as a radio and diary. The fact that still wants these things shows his imprisonment does not defeat him. In one of his last diary entries, says , “shef guiry ax me what I want for my super an I tol him I want nanan to cook me som okra an rice an som pok chop an a conbred an som claba” (232). still enjoys his aunt’s cooking, an outside pleasure from prison.
The fact that he can still take pleasure from these small outside things clearly demonstrates that enjoys a small victory over the world that has locked him away.
The second characteristic that sho .....
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