Papers on English
Humiliation For Humbleness?
Words: 858 - Pages: 4.... put in & have his toung drawne forth out of his mouth, & peirct through with a hott iron.' … pleaded guilty to adultery … ordered 'fifteen stripes Severally to be laid upon her naked back at the Common Whipping post."
These were several examples Jacoby provided. Currently, we as a society, read about these situations and we are appalled. Even if he or she is guilty, the citizens of this country cannot stand for this kind of punishment. This type of punishment is believed to be barbaric. We are civilized and mature, we are able to correct these criminals with other non-violent processes. "We now practice a more enlightened, more hu .....
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Huckleberry Finn - A Racist No
Words: 648 - Pages: 3.... When Jim
turns to his magic hairball for answers about the future, we see that
he does believe in some foolish things. But all the same, he is
visited by both blacks and whites to use the hairball's powers. This
type of naivete was abundant at the time and found among all races-the
result of a lack of proper education. So the depiction of Jim is not
negative in the sense that Jim is stupid and inferior, and in this
aspect of the story clearly there is no racism intended.
It is next necessary to analyze the way white characters treat Jim
throughout the book. Note that what the author felt is not .....
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The Chocolate War Book Report
Words: 966 - Pages: 4.... by the assistant head master, Brother Leon. The last major detail in the rising action was when Archie informed Jerry of his assignment, Jerry’s assignment was not to sell chocolates for the first ten days of the annual chocolate sale.
The climax of the novel was on the eleventh day of the chocolate sale when Jerry was supposed to start selling the chocolates but he didn’t.
As a result of Jerry not selling any chocolates, the other students’ sales began to plummet during the falling action of the story. Brother Leon began to feel nervous and had to go to Archie and the Vigils for help. Incredibly, the Vigils turned the .....
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People Of The Mist
Words: 766 - Pages: 3.... a specific clan, the Greenstone clan and their village, Flat Pearl Village.
The Algonquins were a materlinial society with all property and children belonging to the women. Flat Pearl Village and the Greenstone clan is ruled by an old woman named Hunting Hawk, Her grand daughter, Red Knot, is murdered is murdered in the early morning of the day of her arranged marriage to Copper Thunder. He is a powerful chief of a different tribe. Red Knot loves a young warrior named High Fox, from a neighboring village, Three Myrtle. High Fox is the son of the Weroance of Three Myrtle Village, Black Spike.
Red Knot and High Fox hatch .....
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Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Words: 1078 - Pages: 4.... her away to learn how to become a stenographer. This indicates that it was not out of the question for her to work for a living, although after she fell into the hands of Gus Eisman she does nothing of the sort. After living under the care of Mr. Eisman, she easily makes the transition from being a part of the working middle class to the life of leisure of the upper class. This of course would be a tremendous event for most people, but Lorelei seems not to dwell too much on it. She chooses, rather to focus on other more important things like diamond tiaras. So, instead, I will focus on it for a moment. It seems completely out of .....
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Animal Farm - George Orwell
Words: 1685 - Pages: 7.... he had, a dream of a world in which humans do not rule over other animals. Old Major encourages the animals of the farm to revolt against Mr. Jones, the owner of the farm. Not long after, he dies, but the animals keep his ideas of Animalism (which is essentially Communism) alive and the pigs, who are the most clever animals on the farm, begin to plan a revolution. One day, the workers on the farm forget to feed the animals, and so some of the more powerful horses break down the door to the barn where the feed is stored, and the animals enjoy a feast. When Mr. Jones learns of this, however, he immediately orders all of the animals to be .....
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Albert Camus: People's Inability To Act And Schindler's List
Words: 711 - Pages: 3.... are under a vale
of impotence when it comes to the tragedies of the world, and that people can
easily overcome this inability and reverse their fate, or let the “Gorgon”
devour them. Camus's beliefs can be proved through the use of examples from the
movie Schindler's List.
Oscar Schindler, the movie's main character, is, in the beginning of the
movie, not actually aware of the full extent of the killing of Jews and the
powerful anti-Semitic outlook of his comrades. His ties relating to the affairs
of the Nazi party and his loyalty to his country shield him from this knowledge.
Thus, it can be concluded that in the beginning of the .....
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Ethics Of St. Thomas
Words: 761 - Pages: 3.... a framework within which much of his own thinking was conducted. Plato, following the early Greek philosopher Parmenides, who is known as the father of metaphysics, had sought to distinguish opinion, or belief, from knowledge and to assign distinct objects to each. Opinion, for Plato, was a form of apprehension that was shifting and unclear, similar to seeing things in a dream or only through their shadows; its objects were correspondingly unstable. Knowledge, by contrast, was wholly lucid; it carried its own guarantee against error, and the objects with which it was concerned were eternally what they were, and so were exempt from cha .....
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Fahrenheit51 4
Words: 668 - Pages: 3.... took an overdose.It seems as though Millie always ignores Montag by watching her "family" on her three wall television. These are the indicators to Montag that their marriage is falling apart. Montag doesn't know of his unhappiness until his first encounters with the mechanical hound (a robotic dog that is programmed to find books). The dog growls, which are what Montag dislikes. The growling alerts him of his unhappiness. Montag thinks that the dog knows that he had snuck some books from the home of their last burning.
Montag doesn't talk to Mildred about his unhappiness with his job. But Beatty knows of Montag's unhappiness, and makes .....
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Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
Words: 597 - Pages: 3.... for work. He infers that his job as a traveling salesman is very consequential, yet he is growing tired and frustrated, “The upset of doing business is much worse than the actual business in the home office, and, besides, I’ve got the torture of traveling, worrying about changing trains, eating miserable food at all hours, constantly seeing new faces, no relationships that last or get more intimate. To the devil with it all!” Gregor has a great amount of fury towards his job, which eventually led to his anger towards society as a whole. The fact that his office manager showed up at Gregor’s house plays an immense role in creating tr .....
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