Papers on English
Jungle Book 2
Words: 1304 - Pages: 5.... In the story A Separate Peace the Internal Conflict is Gene vs. himself. In an external conflict, the main character struggles against an outside force. In the story A Separate Peace the External Conflict Gene vs. Finny.
6.) Suspense- In a story or movie the Suspense is the feeling of curiosity or uncertainty about the outcome of events. In the story A Separate Peace the Suspense is when Gene shakes the tree limb & Finny falls & shatters the bone in his leg.
Part 2: Elements of plot
1.) Exposition- In a story or movie the exposition is the background information, which sets the scene for the conflict. In the story A .....
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Words: 1002 - Pages: 4.... his savageness towards the Trojans, especially Hektor, after the death of Patroklos, and his sensitivity towards Priam’s plea for his son’s body. It could be considered odd that is so understanding to Priam and the burial of Priam’s son, when not that long ago was dragging the body of Hektor around the grave of Patroklos. This is the same corpse that vowed to feed to the dogs, the man who slew ’ dearest companion and led him to swallow his pride and return to the battlefield. I believe that this is not the same we saw prior to the death of his loving companion Patroklos. After Patroklos rode off into battle and was cut down by a .....
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Death And The Maiden - Film Vs
Words: 1139 - Pages: 5.... themes that the play touches on and, perhaps more importantly, the way the characters are portrayed.
While the old concept of “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is present in both the play and the film (particularly in the characterisation of Paulina), it is much more prevalent in the movie. We can see Paulina’s strength from the start. As she strides confidently around the house and violently tears off a piece of chicken, the suggestion that she is unsuited to the domestic position which she has obviously been forced into by the side effects of her traumatic experience need not be made any clearer. A .....
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Novelty Never Lasts
Words: 674 - Pages: 3.... easily remember back before my first job at the pizzeria
when I savored the opportunity to eat pizza as often as I could. Now, thanks to
the fact that I ate pizza almost every time I worked during that year, pizza
just doesn't taste that good anymore. Whenever my family orders a pizza for
dinner, I really don't look forward to it as much as I used to. Instead, I just
shrug it off, "Pizza, big deal, what else do we have to eat?" This same loss of
appreciation has happened with my second job as well. I have been working at
Sony Theater's Palace Nine for about four months now, and I can easily say that
I don't really enjoy an outing to t .....
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Never Lose Hope
Words: 1147 - Pages: 5.... life of a chimney sweeper and his life as a child. He states, “When my mother died I was very young, and my father sold me while yet my tongue”, (ln 1-2). This is saying that his mother died when he was young and his father gave him up. Blake’s unhappiness resembles being mortal in a sense that his unhappiness is like being dead. Blake has two meanings when he says, “So your chimney’s I sweep, and in soot I sleep”, (ln 4). This line denotes that he is an adult now with the responsibility of being a chimney sweeper. Blake is really saying that his childhood was terrible like the work of a chimney sweeper.
Now Blake introduces a .....
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The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz
Words: 609 - Pages: 3.... all made a bad impression on Uncle Benjy." (p. 61) Benjy supported Lennie, giving him money for his education. With the exception of Simcha, he had no other parental support which is the reason why Simcha words had such a great effect on him.
Duddy gains what he had wanted in its acquisition, respect. Everyone except Simcha, Mr. MacPherson, and Uncle Benjy thought he was going to be a nobody. He wanted so much to prove them wrong and he has. We may say he has gained self assurance, restating the fact he was a somebody important. Since his days at Fletcher's Field High School, he ran a gang based on respect, not friendship. Things do no .....
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Hunger Of Memory 2
Words: 642 - Pages: 3.... this separation of public and private society. There are separations of sound and word, female and male, and reason and affection. Richard believes it is natural to move from one separation into another. He needs to do this in order to move from the private to the public society. This movement is voluntary by Richard and forced by his parents. It is done to help Richard’s education. It will give him better opportunities in the United States. Speaking only English at home initiates the movement, instead of speaking Spanish. Ultimately, Richard can have a sense of belonging to the public world. He will become a citizen.
Sepa .....
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Can We Debate Art?
Words: 655 - Pages: 3.... other’s thinking as well.
? Although it is perhaps an unanswerable question, there are a few points I feel should be discussed. One of the issues that I thought about was a problem in the basic definition of art. What could be defined as art? Does it have to be “pleasing to the eye,” or “something that does not offend or ridicule?” One example was a piece done where a person had placed a crucifix upside-down…was this art? I decided that it was, based on my belief that anything, although it may seem offensive or even repulsive, should be considered as art as long as one person, maybe only the artist himself, was som .....
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Edmund In King Lear
Words: 1497 - Pages: 6.... Gloucester. The story begins when the 80-year-old King of Britain decides to retire and divide his land among his three daughters: Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia. Cordelia, King Lear's youngest daughter, is almost immediately dispossessed of the rights to her land, and is cast from the kingdom after she does not profess her love to her father right away. With Cordelia stripped of her heir, her share is cut amongst the remaining daughters to be ruled by them and their husbands.
The Earl of Gloucester has a similar problem to that of Lear, since his two sons were internally battling for right to control his lands at the hands of his death. .....
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Red Badge Of Courage 2
Words: 732 - Pages: 3.... in the forest works well with its explicit detail and the realization it brings to Henry about just how real the war is.
This also brings about a great feeling of loneliness, which is one of the many stages that Henry goes through during the story. Henry feels isolated by his cowardly actions. Trying to justify his act of running, he compares himself to a squirrel that ran from an acorn that he had just thrown. By saying that it was just because of the natural inclination of self-preservation, Henry makes himself feel a little better, but there is still that element of unclarity that he faces. That element however will be a Godsend .....
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