Papers on English
Animal Farm By George Orwell
Words: 658 - Pages: 3.... a wonderful government where all the animals were equal and the humans, or the czars, were pushed out. Unfortunately his dream would never materialize. Then we are left with his predecessors. The first is Snowball. Snowball believed one hundred percent in Old Majors ideals. He wanted all the things Old Major wanted, such as the welfare of the animals. In the Russian Revolution his counterpart would be Trotsky. Trotsky believed and wanted the same things as Lenin, and wanted to continue what Lenin had started. Then comes Napoleon. Napoleon was selfish and greedy. He did not want to share the power or the decision making with any other indiv .....
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As The Old Saying Goes, “an Ou
Words: 562 - Pages: 3.... to see the play was “the beginning of months of real, if more or less self-inflicted, misery” for her. While baby-sitting one night, she made the fatal mistake of getting drunk. She then calls her best friend, who shows up with another girl and several boys, to help her with her situation. Before she was able to cover up the ill-fated events, the couple returned home unexpectedly. She then had to explain what happened to her mother. Her mother then buys a bottle of Scotch and goes to see the couple to discuss her daughter’s actions. She was forbidden to date again until she turned sixteen and she had to pay for the bottle out of .....
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Heart Of Darkness 13
Words: 654 - Pages: 3.... there was not an atom of foresight or of serious intention in the whole batch of them, and they did not seem aware these things are wanted for the work of the world." (50) This passage is describing the way a certain group of people lived in the jungle. They pushed aside their morals and ideals to turn over a profit in this undeveloped land where they couldn't be stopped because of the lack of laws and consequences. In Europe, where people follow rules and regulations, these men are nothing, but in the jungle they are able to shine.
This leads me to decide what I believe each of these locations represents. "We penetrated deeper and deep .....
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Cry, The Beloved Country
Words: 831 - Pages: 4.... means this shouting? I do fear the people do choose Caesar for their king?et I love him well."(act 1, scene 2, ll.85-89), as he is speaking to Cassius. Brutus loves Caesar, but would not allow him to "climber-upward?e then unto the ladder turns his back?(act 2, scene 1, ll.24,26). As the quote says, Brutus would not allow Caesar to rise to power and then turn his back onto the people of Rome. After the assassination of Julius Caesar, Brutus talks to Antony about Caesar? death. "Our hearts you see not; they are pitiful; and pity to the general wrong of Rome?(act 3, scene 1, ll.185-186). Brutus says that Antony cannot see their(members of th .....
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Battle Royal Symbolism
Words: 633 - Pages: 3.... The Narrator wants to be equal among everybody else, but the white men won't let him. The white men in the room force the boys to look at the dancer, while others threaten them when they do. It is clear that at the time that this story was written, black men could never show any kind of attraction towards white women. This was an unwritten, but inexcusable law of society with harsh consequences. How that relates to the story is that the group of black boys are not suppose to be attracted to the exotic dancer as they are not suppose to be attracted to the idea of being equal with white people. This is why some of the boys try to hide .....
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The Glass Menagerie
Words: 903 - Pages: 4.... that despite its possible falsity, Amanda has come to believe it. She refuses to acknowledge that her daughter is crippled and refers to her handicap as "a little defect-- hardly noticeable" (Williams 45). Only for brief moments does she ever admit that her daughter is "crippled" and then she resorts back to denial. She doesn't perceive anything realistically. She believes that this gentleman caller, Jim, is going to be the man to rescue Laura and she hasn't even met him yet. She tells Laura when Laura is nervous about the gentleman caller, "You couldn't be satisfied with just sitting home," when, in fact, Laura had preferred that (Will .....
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Red Badge Of Courage
Words: 1451 - Pages: 6.... to reveal a literal green world of grass. It also reveals another green world, the green world of youth. Like schoolchildren, the young soldiers circulate rumor within the regiment. This natural setting proves an ironic place for killing, just as these fresh men seem the wrong ones to be fighting in the Civil War. Crane remarks on this later in the narrative: "He was aware that these battalions with their commotions were woven red and startling into the gentle fabric of the softened greens and browns. It looked to be a wrong place for a battlefield" (69). Green is an image of the natural world and of the regiment's fresh youth, while red .....
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The Howl Of A Generation
Words: 2498 - Pages: 10.... connection to
the starry dynamo in the machinery of night…(1-3)
These lines, perhaps the most well known in 20th century poetry, serve as a thematic statement for a poem that offers a new way of thinking, a sense of hope of escape from the "Molochs" of society. The story of the poem’s history serves well as an account of the birth of the Beat Generation. Ginsberg’s life leading up to the writing of "Howl," the actual creation of the poem, its legendary first reading, and the aftermath of its public debut all figure prominently into the history of the literary movement. One can understand the impact of the poem on the Beat G .....
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Black Like Me
Words: 1895 - Pages: 7.... to act like a black man or have the mindset of a black man at that time. Griffin could get food or shelter as a white man anywhere by paying money, but as a black man he could be cold, starving in a rich area of town, and wouldn't be able to get food or shelter. Griffin also didn't know how to respond to white people of the time, so he would probably have to talk to black people to learn that. I also after his story was published there would probably be retaliation from hate groups. I also want to know why Griffin met with the Federal Bureau of Investigation men. By meeting with the Federal Bureau of Investigation the most they could .....
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Ideas And Reality (thoreau)
Words: 586 - Pages: 3.... He proclaimed “the government that governs least is the best,” (Civil Disobedience pg. 222 paragraph 1) and then says that, “We have had to agree on a certain set of rules… to make this frequent meeting tolerable…” (Solitude pg. 95 paragraph 3). His contradiction is evident, what is government but on how the people conduct their meetings, lacking the laws of the government, the society would collapse.
He also criticizes the government for not being virtuous (Ponds pg. 119 last paragraph). The American government is controlled by the people, if he wants a government that is virtuous, he should either get elected, or try to .....
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